View Full Version : Azbox Premium Clone and enigma2

18-01-2011, 02:01 PM
Anyone tested clone Azbox premium?
Does it worth to buy?
Also what is the status of enigma2 on Azbox? is it usable and stable or is better to install original firmware

18-01-2011, 02:07 PM
Did someone really go to all the trouble to clone this box ? :confused:

18-01-2011, 02:17 PM
Did someone really go to all the trouble to clone this box ? :confused:

it may be worth it in the future but i cant imagin y anyone would have done this already

18-01-2011, 06:34 PM
If you specifically want a receiver which runs native E2 and runs CCcam as both server & client then you'd be better off going for either a Dreambox, Clarke tech ET9000 or Vu+

Those are the only three E2 contenders on the market in my opinion.

18-01-2011, 06:49 PM
An Azbox clone?!!! Do we have a Darwin awards contender or what?!

18-01-2011, 07:05 PM
Does it worth to buy?

Also what is the status of enigma2 on Azbox? is it usable and stable or is better to install original firmware

1) It's not worth cloning. Buy a cloned Dreambox instead.

2) I have never had a stable Azbox firmware, E2 or original, but live in hope one day. :D

18-01-2011, 07:50 PM
Not work E2 on AZBOX clone :)) bad copy security chip and not flashing E2

02-02-2011, 10:15 AM
Not work E2 on AZBOX clone :)) bad copy security chip and not flashing E2

E2 - DarkStar 3.0.3 and RTi Core 1.1.4 RC4 both firmwares works great on my AzBox HD Premium CLONE.

02-02-2011, 10:28 AM
An Azbox clone?!!! Do we have a Darwin awards contender or what?!

I can post some fotos of my box if it is unbeliveable for you

02-02-2011, 11:08 AM
I can post some fotos of my box if it is unbeliveable for you

Not necessary, I believe you. I referred to doing something really stupid that eventually kills you (www.darwinawards.com). Eg acompany stupid enough to clone a Azbox will probably kill itself quite quickly.

02-02-2011, 11:42 AM
E2 - DarkStar 3.0.3 and RTi Core 1.1.4 RC4 both firmwares works great on my AzBox HD Premium CLONE.

DarkStar 3.0.3? or DSteam (Darez&Stan)?

02-02-2011, 04:14 PM

Where did you buy the clone?

02-02-2011, 05:06 PM
hahaha i would not recomend the Original one to anyone of my mates, lett it be the clone that can be even worse then.
i do not support Clones even that i have had my share problems with Opensat but for me to buy Coles is NOT THE WAY to go forward, this box will die totaly now becouse of the Clones sells half price,

then who is going to develop some software for Original ? we the end users louse in this mess and will be left with box that has no support. I think that ADMIN here needs to STOP the CLONE support and all the mebers that post about clones shall get their arses kicked out from here.

the illuminati
02-02-2011, 05:30 PM
well who knows maybe the clone is better than the original :-)

02-02-2011, 06:31 PM
well who knows maybe the clone is better than the original :-)

And often yout get improved clones of the clones later on. :D

02-02-2011, 08:18 PM
hahaha i would not recomend the original one to anyone of my mates, lett it be the clone that can be even worse then.
I do not support clones even that i have had my share problems with opensat but for me to buy coles is not the way to go forward, this box will die totaly now becouse of the clones sells half price,

then who is going to develop some software for original ? We the end users louse in this mess and will be left with box that has no support. I think that admin here needs to stop the clone support and all the mebers that post about clones shall get their arses kicked out from here.


02-02-2011, 09:05 PM

Where did you buy the clone?
in China of course!

then who is going to develop some software for original ? We the end users louse in this mess and will be left with box that has no support. I think that admin here needs to stop the clone support and all the mebers that post about clones shall get their arses kicked out from here.

Do you really believe that cloning of this boxes (DM800, Azbox etc) chinese people made by reverse engineering or something like this? I believe that cloning of boxes is some like "shadow business" of the genuine manufacturers. Even think: you don't need to pay royalties for DTS, HDMI etc. Some enthusiastic nature people who wants to save some money (like me for example) bying this boxes. This is my opinion: Opensat have some profit of it. And when codewriters tired to write firmwares for rapidly obsolescent Sigma Designs processor or this business needs to sell out some NEWBOX, they says: "oh those clones, our team so tired to write firmwares, there too many clones of our boxes so we stop the manufacturing of it and introducing NEWSUPERMEGABOX Elite Premium HD++++ comes to replace the obsolete cloned Azbox"....

DarkStar 3.0.3? or DSteam (Darez&Stan)?

DSTeam, sorry!

I think that admin here needs to stop the clone support and all the mebers that post about clones shall get their arses kicked out from here.

Dear Friendly-Face! You have great friendly nickname. This is forum isn't it? I did not support clones. I already have it. I'm the happy owner and user of this chinese product! So if you or someone in this community have some questions about it - plase ask me.

Sorry for my english. I'm russian satellite enthusiast. :smash:

02-02-2011, 09:21 PM
Yes cashe it is funny how people think it is easy to clone a receiver...

Clones and originals are sub-brands of the same companies.

Dreambox clones are the way that Dream Multimedia found to sell theirs receivers to people that don't have or don't want to pay too much for a receiver, so they make them a little different... people who think that the DM clones are made by magic are just naive.

02-02-2011, 11:23 PM
Isn't the real question "how much did you pay, cashe?"?

If it works and you're from Russia, for much less - I see the point in that...

02-02-2011, 11:32 PM
Isn't the real question "how much did you pay, cashe?"?

If it works and you're from Russia, for much less - I see the point in that...

I have waited for this question :hurray:

280$ with delivery, customs etc.

P.S.: Yes, Russia is a very poor country, but Moscow - is one of the expensive cities in a whole world. Strange russian soul...

02-02-2011, 11:43 PM
ROFL a Azbox clone, does it even start...HAHAHhahah. Sold my Azbox and bought a ET9000 the only thing i can say, if you have a azbox sell it ASAP i think in a few months i wont be worth ****. I sold my azbox elite for 175 euro, im a very very happy man right now. And pli image is heaven like.

ET9000 10/10 (picture, sound, stable, fast response and switching dual tuner PiP etc. everything the azbox doesnt do well this box does it without a hich)
Azbox elite HD 3/10 (for effort of building something that they then called Azbox....)

03-02-2011, 12:08 AM
C-T price might go down and AZ HD price might go up, if... ;)

Cashe, I take it AZ HD is much more that $280?

03-02-2011, 09:29 AM
if you try the E2 experiment with clone, install it with jazup coz jazup syncs to the speed of hardware. Now i don't know if the copy kernel work on a clone.

03-02-2011, 01:14 PM
guys , the point i made is not if the Clones are beter or worse, the point is that if we all buy clones and not support the manifacturer / producer then there will be nothing for them to develop.

i my self hate AzBox and the Opensat, but that do not mean that i shall support the Copies if i want to buy one box. Who will then make the Software and Drivers for us, will the Chinese , they sell you the box and then say bye bye, no support nothing.

If there was no companies like Opensat, Dream-Multimedia , Vantage , etc there will be no Clones to make in first place.

Every one is in their own right to buy what ever they like and support what they like, im not here to say nothing more , but my support goes to those that make the HW and the SW.

03-02-2011, 01:19 PM
guys , the point i made is not if the Clones are beter or worse, the point is that if we all buy clones and not support the manifacturer / producer then there will be nothing for them to develop.

i my self hate AzBox and the Opensat, but that do not mean that i shall support the Copies if i want to buy one box. Who will then make the Software and Drivers for us, will the Chinese , they sell you the box and then say bye bye, no support nothing.

If there was no companies like Opensat, Dream-Multimedia , Vantage , etc there will be no Clones to make in first place.

Every one is in their own right to buy what ever they like and support what they like, im not here to say nothing more , but my support goes to those that make the HW and the SW.

if i thaught opensat provided apropriate support i may take your point but as there support is pritty mutch non existant i say clone there box lmao

03-02-2011, 03:11 PM
FF, search for the Ferrari Team forum, in league with Power Board now. ;)

24-02-2011, 11:28 PM
I have a clone Premium HD and several issues:

1) internal HDD is not working at all. Nothing works inside, have tried 6 different HDD models.

2) On Enigma 2 I cannot get tuner to work.

When using original image from opensat it works with tuner, but still no hdd internall. On USB everything ok.

Please tell me do you have same problems and how you fixed it?


24-02-2011, 11:54 PM
Buy original, or send back as a faulty box

25-02-2011, 05:32 AM
Please post some photos!

E2 - DarkStar 3.0.3 and RTi Core 1.1.4 RC4 both firmwares works great on my AzBox HD Premium CLONE.

26-02-2011, 01:43 AM
Buy original, or send back as a faulty box

I have original also.
Difference is minimal. Beside tuner no signal in E2, there isn't any other (functional difference).

For 180e I expected less, got more!

If I sort out that E2 tuner issue, I am sure that original will be on board for selling ;)

27-02-2011, 07:30 PM
I spoke to a Chinese guy doing it (clones of all sorts) but he says it's not a simple matter, to clone AZ HD P+ well.

Or DMM 8000 for that matter. One can see on Ferrari forum just how dicey it is to go for it - without a good intermediary/dealer, who can guarantee these clones are quality stuff...

And even then, there may be issues...

He still hasn't told me he has quality P+ clone, so beware...

Btw, I do not have it, obviously, so as much as I want to help - I can't do more than this, sorry, Arrow...

If E2 becomes a killer thingy (as in great!) I wouldn't mind getting a good quality clone, AZ HD P+ (or DMM 8000 HD or maybe C-T ET 9000 HD?)!

We'll see... ;)

28-02-2011, 02:43 PM
I wish that CASHE could see this and help us :(
As he told he is having E2 on clone box.

28-02-2011, 07:09 PM
Arrow, I know you're a pro but... How have you configured the tuner? Just out of curiosity - what's your setup?

28-02-2011, 07:15 PM
user created a thread asking a question hoping he would be helped and answered. 90% for the posts are flaming azbox or in this case, azbox clone ...that said...

i've been reading and some clones enigma2 works, others won't.

btw, where do u guys buy azbox clone just out of curiosity?

12-03-2011, 09:44 PM
My AZbox premium clone works perfectly with latest E2 and I cannot tell difference between it and original.(had one of then also).

29-03-2011, 10:56 PM
Just going to receive new clone in next few days... will try enigma also on that one.
Maybe it is up to series.... will see.

@keymaster, any E2 you tried had no issues with tuner (no signal) ?
Did you patched it or just installed ?

29-03-2011, 11:27 PM
No it worked fine, I dont use it though just a toy to mess around with, i put it on USB and booted from it.

12-04-2011, 07:22 PM
I confirm that newer clones work with Enigma2, at least at first look.
Tuner recognized, Astra 19,2E scanned and channels are opening.
Also SATA port (hdd drives) works good!

Tommorow more informations.

12-04-2011, 09:28 PM
just a quick question, have any of the clone owners tried them out with 4.2.2 feeds?

are the main boards identical?


13-04-2011, 08:33 AM
Yeah, pickies would be good... ;)