View Full Version : Tm 5402hd

19-01-2011, 07:52 PM
Was thinking buying this box in replacement of my current box...
Is that an "OK" choice? Any feed backs welcome on this box please.IN PARTICULAR, the tuner sensibility, as I just managed to get a weak signal for certain transponder(could not find phantompatch for this...!?, if there is, is it stable...(FU**cked a 6800 in the past with an update/softcam)

Been "playing" with cams/patched receivers for years but I am not really bother of what spider or linux boxes can do...yeah I know bit weird, quite happy with what I get on my 6800(non super)(dont have terrestrial at home) and diablo2(although could be better!!).
Need a box compatible with DD+, viaccess4 and HD of course.
Because I never had a deeper look at this what is cccam (which 5402 can apparently do)??? Ethernet , sorry guys dont laugh, for what?
Many Thanks.

20-01-2011, 01:41 AM
Was thinking buying this box in replacement of my current box...
Is that an "OK" choice? Any feed backs welcome on this box please.IN PARTICULAR, the tuner sensibility, as I just managed to get a weak signal for certain transponder(could not find phantompatch for this...!?, if there is, is it stable...(FU**cked a 6800 in the past with an update/softcam)

Been "playing" with cams/patched receivers for years but I am not really bother of what spider or linux boxes can do...yeah I know bit weird, quite happy with what I get on my 6800(non super)(dont have terrestrial at home) and diablo2(although could be better!!).
Need a box compatible with DD+, viaccess4 and HD of course.
Because I never had a deeper look at this what is cccam (which 5402 can apparently do)??? Ethernet , sorry guys dont laugh, for what?
Many Thanks.

if you are not Bother what Linux or SpiderBox do is better you keep to your real Post...What TM 5402 can do or can not do !?

TM 5402 Can not do what those boxes you are not bother do...fist you can not share your own card ..

If you are happy with Tm 6800....Fix tha better then spending new recycling of TM 6800 more cheap calling TM 5402....when has no think more special them Tm 6800 old one.

if you are after really to buy new STB i suggets Ask the Sponsor he will suggest you the best box i am sure about it...

20-01-2011, 02:28 PM
Hi, Darkman I know what you are saying and must be thinking: Why this guys wants a box which will not give him more?

Well, I ve got to be honest I really would like to get "more", in particular, as frenchspeaker C+fr would be great, but I am sure you know better than me that they are "working on it" and might not last for ever (NOTHING does in this hobby)

1-As bis*v subscriber(less than 5 quid a month) I want a box with which it will give me trouble FREE viewing (mpeg4, v4.0 and DD+ now required for this package)
2-Simply cannot afford a box more than £150, NOT a penny more; cannot afford a box every 12 months...cannot afford a box in which my genuine viewing card will not work. Love watching programs (fr) knowing it is there, and not MAYBE, a card can garantee that, NOT a pacth.
3-Linux? no thanks, not for me, ONLY "plug and play" will do.
4-Been doing this "hobby" since late 90's and the first matrix cam, If I had bought all the gears you and our sponsor claimed to be the best at the time I would have under my TV, a pile of cards and cams, TM1500 which you greatly supported, many thanks, dreambox, azbox, vu+, THE spiderbox today...and many others I cant recall right now...

I am really open to all your suggestions, constructive ones, we all know how good you are and what you have done with the spiderbox to take it where it is today; I just hope I am not going to be banned from this forum because I dared saying that I wasnt considering buying a spiderbox !!!

20-01-2011, 06:56 PM
Hi, Darkman I know what you are saying and must be thinking: Why this guys wants a box which will not give him more?

Well, I ve got to be honest I really would like to get "more", in particular, as frenchspeaker C+fr would be great, but I am sure you know better than me that they are "working on it" and might not last for ever (NOTHING does in this hobby)

1-As bis*v subscriber(less than 5 quid a month) I want a box with which it will give me trouble FREE viewing (mpeg4, v4.0 and DD+ now required for this package)
2-Simply cannot afford a box more than £150, NOT a penny more; cannot afford a box every 12 months...cannot afford a box in which my genuine viewing card will not work. Love watching programs (fr) knowing it is there, and not MAYBE, a card can garantee that, NOT a pacth.
3-Linux? no thanks, not for me, ONLY "plug and play" will do.
4-Been doing this "hobby" since late 90's and the first matrix cam, If I had bought all the gears you and our sponsor claimed to be the best at the time I would have under my TV, a pile of cards and cams, TM1500 which you greatly supported, many thanks, dreambox, azbox, vu+, THE spiderbox today...and many others I cant recall right now...

I am really open to all your suggestions, constructive ones, we all know how good you are and what you have done with the spiderbox to take it where it is today; I just hope I am not going to be banned from this forum because I dared saying that I wasnt considering buying a spiderbox !!!

M8 constructive post is welcome ....and no one will ban you if you do not buy spiderbox ..Thats wrong thinking about this forum...

Camon mate you can buy what you like...i hope you buy the right box...even you answer was so much confused....:

You says you are FR spoking and you buy card..and box cost not more then 150 pound !

I do not like to insist , is wrong you sysing do not get your bugget with Spiderbox ! Bad impresion...When we all know Spiderbox 7000 is more hceap them Tm 5402HD

Becouse are you thinking wrong or you try to send discussion in wrong way i can not staying without gaving you the facts...

Bugget: Spiderbox 7000 -TM 5402 both are HD... both they have Lan conectcion and viacces 3-4...

if you buy orginal Card That will work in Spiderbox and Technomate too...

if you do not buy Card You get Biss TNT and canal+ in Spidebox extra whats wrong with that..! but Tm 5402 you can not.
Cccam newcamd have spiderbox befere the Tm 5402 do...

If you like share your card Spiderbox can do ,Tm 5402 not work

if you like to share from PC to Tv Spiderbox can do TM 5402 not work !.

Now i do not know where is wrong to buy one...
I had not in mind to interfer....if you din not nominate that name in this section.....

Saying i do not need spiderbox becouse TM do CCcam Via 4 Cccam ,,,,looks you or do not know really what spiderbox do or you had differnt intentions!..

Haw i says we are in TM section...but you nominate and i gave you more lights to your Eye and other members what one box or other can do...without any misleed.

Now have a nice day and buy the BEST Box For you.. do not mater haw it is called.