View Full Version : E2 and external USB Storage

20-01-2011, 03:20 PM
Just updated to RC3 and I need some help on the above issue - and before anyone tells me to search the forum for this information, I have and what i found doesn't work.

1. I have "mounted" a 320gb external HDD to /dev/sda1 /media/usb and can access it and play music files from it (not previous recordings on other firmware). I have changed the recording path to /media/usb/recordfile using the on-screen menu and through DCC. I cannot record anything or use it as a pvr. Any ideas?

2. Also where do i put the script so that it mounts automatically everytime i turn the azbox on?

Thanks for you help

20-01-2011, 03:43 PM
for auto mount ad your details to the end of


i would asume this will still work on the new rc3 and for usb mount as i use network mount on rc2

20-01-2011, 03:53 PM
If you have ELITE then do this:

In dir /etc/ you have fstab file. Edit this line:

/dev/hdb1 /media/hdd


/dev/sda1 /media/hdd

Save file. Reboot


If you have data in the hdd that you dont want to delete do this:

By FTP create dir /movie in the dir /hdd ( it will be this /media/hdd/movie )

Now you can record.

If you dont have any data on usb then goto menu settings / harddisk / initialize disk.

This will format the USB HDD, mount it on /media/hdd and also creates the movie dir.

20-01-2011, 05:12 PM
Thanks Moicas3004 did this and it recognises it as the HDD but still no recording! Setup the correct file locations by the menu so don't know what i'm doing wrong! Any ideas?

20-01-2011, 05:15 PM
Thanks Moicas3004 did this and it recognises it as the HDD but still no recording! Setup the correct file locations by the menu so don't know what i'm doing wrong! Any ideas?

If you press red buton on TV or yellow button you dont have recording?
What step did you use , the first or the second?

20-01-2011, 05:18 PM
Doh! Been pressing record button not red/yellow! Is there a guide to the new buttons you need to press!!!!!!

Thanks for all your help mate!
