View Full Version : Oscam Enigma2

21-01-2011, 06:29 PM
Can anyone post a link to how I can set up Oscam on my Elite please
Is there a precompiled binary that I can use ?

Big thanks to the team, RC3 is the bees knees, Brilliant :respect-040:

21-01-2011, 07:14 PM
The same problem would like to install OSAAM a tutorial or online installation. Thank you!

21-01-2011, 08:30 PM
I think you can just put it into a folder and put config in /usr/local/etc.. I think binary is the same...

21-01-2011, 10:45 PM
You can download excutable file from official forum site, unpack it on a pc and copy (via ftP) inside /usr/bin, rename just as "oscam" change attribute to 755, copy settings files to /etc/tuxbox/config/

Now you need a mechanism to start the softcam, and I use a service script at runlevel 3, no plugin, no menu...
Copy the attahced file in /etc/init.d and give attribute 755, then in terminal give a link command

ln -s /etc/rc3.d/S90oscam /etc/init.d/oscam

now you can do a:
/etc/inigt.d/oscam start &
and you have oscam running


21-01-2011, 11:01 PM
Use New Menu plugin to control and download softcams.


22-01-2011, 04:18 PM
Hi! Can anybody tell me how generaly oscam works? I was fighting all night until 6am and I could not force it to work. Using oscam do I need CCcam too or oscam only and nothing else? I can see that oscam is connnected to remote server but tv screen is black :( I have installed CCcams versions: 2.1.2 2.1.4 2.2.1 But when I'm trying oscam no one CCcam is running. Do I have to uninstall all CCcam first before I run oscam or maybe I have still errors in config files?

thanks in advance for any sugestions.

22-01-2011, 05:02 PM
I´ve installed New Menu Plugin and and from there Oscam and Emu Manager.
I can Start and Stop Oscam from there.

BUT: Where can i find the Config Files for Oscam on my Box.:angelsad2:


22-01-2011, 05:13 PM
Yours configfiles should be in /var/tuxbox/config/

22-01-2011, 05:42 PM
Manually create the config folder.

22-01-2011, 06:47 PM

Thanks for the Help. Now i need help to config Oscam as a CCClient with a Cline.

Many Thanks

22-01-2011, 07:06 PM

Thanks for the Help. Now i need help to config Oscam as a CCClient with a Cline.

Many Thanks

In oscam.server create a reader section based on cccam protocol as you prefer base it on doc file you can find here:


a sample:
CCcam reader

label = mycccamreader
protocol = cccam
device =,3456
account = user,password
group = 5
caid = 0300,0400,0500
cccversion = 1.2.3
cccbuild = 4567

You also need to enable dvbapi in oscam.conf


22-01-2011, 09:37 PM
is it possible to make oscam read Total tv nds3 card in smargo instead of newcs and work with mbox 06 like reader?

23-01-2011, 04:04 PM
In oscam.server create a reader section based on cccam protocol as you prefer base it on doc file you can find here:


a sample:
CCcam reader

label = mycccamreader
protocol = cccam
device =,3456
account = user,password
group = 5
caid = 0300,0400,0500
cccversion = 1.2.3
cccbuild = 4567

You also need to enable dvbapi in oscam.conf


The STB is a Premium one if it matters
Well, what I have do so far is:
1. Installed New Menu plugin
2. Using New menu plugin, I have downloaded and installed Emu Manager and Oscam
3. Then I went to /etc/tuxbox/config and have modified/edited oscam.server fail like below:

label = Test1
protocol = cccam
device = my.dyndns.org,1234
account = myuser,mypassword
group = 5
caid = 0300,0400,0500
cccversion = 2.1.4
cccbuild = 4567

My changes are in Bold, e.g. what I have modified is based on my C line which is: my.dyndns.org 1234 myuser mypassword
Of course I have modified the real C line, just put it here for better clarity, e.g. what I have put under devices and account lines.
Note: I have no any knowledge in Oscam, so pls excuse me if you see I have done stupid stuff…

4. The files oscam.conf & oscam.user I have left untouched. They are looking like below:


Nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1
ClientTimeout = 30
LogFile = stdout
Level = 15
CacheDelay = 10
PreferLocalCards = 1

# logging
logfile = stdout
#pidfile = /var/run/oscam.pid
#logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
#usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
#cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw

# web interface
httpport = 8082
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httprefresh = 7
httpallowed =

# protocols
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 10000@0604:000000


user = user1
pwd = pass1
disabled = 0
expdate =
group = 1
hostname =
uniq = 0
sleep = 0
monlevel = 4
au = 1
services =
caid = 0604
betatunnel =
ident = 0604:000000
cccmaxhops = 10
keepalive = 1
numusers = 0
penalty = 0

5. Now I have stopped CCCam and started Oscam from Emu Manager menu and ofcourse got nothing :o15:
Well, that all I have done and now I am looking fort your further instructions: What I have to edit and how?
Please guide me and specify exact file and line which to be modified and exactly How/what to put. I would really appreciate detailed instructions as I don’t have any knowledge with Oscam
Re: “also need to enable dvbapi in oscam.conf” – How exactly, pls give me the section/lines I have to add
Yes, I know CCCam works OK, but reason for trying to test Oscam is because I want to check Recording function of the Box
Will use Oscan ONLY as a CCcam client and not for card reader
Thanks is advance

23-01-2011, 05:21 PM
Well, that all I have done and now I am looking fort your further instructions: What I have to edit and how?
Please guide me and specify exact file and line which to be modified and exactly How/what to put. I would really appreciate detailed instructions as I don’t have any knowledge with Oscam
Re: “also need to enable dvbapi in oscam.conf” – How exactly, pls give me the section/lines I have to add
Yes, I know CCCam works OK, but reason for trying to test Oscam is because I want to check Recording function of the Box
Will use Oscan ONLY as a CCcam client and not for card reader
Thanks is advance

First of all I think is better for you to study each wiki files from official website http://streamboard.gmc.to:8001/, and follow the forum http://oscam.ump2002.net/board/index.php where you can find all what you are asking for.
Bytheway, I don't know if via plugin manager we are sure oscam is running and how. But, this is my file (little bit clear than yours... because you can configure a lot of things but not always you need all of them; check the meaning of each one just to understand what you are doing and understand oscam mechanism).

nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1
#logfile = /dev/null
httpport = 8081
httpallowed =,
user = azbox
enabled = 1
au = 1

I don't use a connection like C line, so I really don't know the exact form of each files. Try and look to the official forum.


23-01-2011, 05:42 PM
# protocols
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 10000@0604:000000

this section has created an nline from your cline on port 10000 for irdeto cards.

you still need to connect to it using a client like mgcamd.

oscam is like a half way house for other protocols.

Any Client/Reader/Server > OSCAM < Any Client/Reader/Server

23-01-2011, 07:19 PM
Try with oscam.user like:

########## oscam.user ###########
user = dvbapi
pwd = dvbapi
group = 1
au = 1
uniq= 0
betatunnel = 1833.FFFF:1702

and with oscam.conf :

logfile = stdout
disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 7000
fallbacktimeout = 3000
clientmaxidle = 120
bindwait = 5
netprio = 0
clientdyndns = 0
resolvedelay = 15
unlockparental = 0
nice = 0
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 10
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
readerrestartseconds = 5
readerautoloadbalance = 1
readerautoloadbalance_save = 0
resolvegethostbyname = 0

enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = dvbapi
pmt_mode = 0
priority = 1830:003411,0D05:000004,0500:0408 10,0100:003311,1702,0500:030A00
ignore = 0500:042800,0100:00003D,0500:0251 00,0500:032820,0500:032830,0500:0 30B00,0919,09C4,09C7

httpport = 84
httpuser = user
httppwd = user
httprefresh = 3
httpallowed =,
httphideidleclients = 0
httpreadonly = 0

24-01-2011, 01:15 AM

I'm trying to get oscam running just reading the Azbox internal card reader.

So far I get "some" response from the card (it sees what card is in the reader) but that is about it...

any help is appreciated.

Log file shows:

**** OSCam << cardserver started at Mon Jan 24 01:06:58 2011
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s **** OSCam << cardserver started version 1.00-unstable_svn, build #4572 (mips-tuxbox-linux)
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s version=1.00-unstable_svn, build #4572, system=mips-tuxbox-linux, nice=0
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s max. logsize=10 Kb
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s client timeout=7000 ms, fallback timeout=3000 ms, cache delay=0 ms
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s auth size=4976
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s Cannot open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.services" (errno=2)
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s Cannot open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.user" (errno=2)
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.srvid" (err=2), no service-id's loaded
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.tiers" (err=2), no tier-id's loaded
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (err=2), no provids's loaded
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.ird" (errno=2) irdeto guessing not loaded
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s monitor: disabled
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s camd33: disabled
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s camd35: disabled
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s cs378x: disabled
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s newcamd: disabled
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s cccam: disabled
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s radegast: disabled
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s http disabled
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s creating thread for device /dev/sc0
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2AAC8410 s waiting for local card init
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2BCA74B0 r reader thread started (thread=2BCA74B0, label=azbox-reader, device=/dev/sc0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2BCA74B0 r azbox-reader card detected
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2BCA74B0 r ERROR in IO_Serial_Read errno=0
24/01/2011 1:06:58 2BCA74B0 r ATR: 3B F7 11 00 01 40 96 70 70 37 0E 6C B6 D6
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r ERROR in IO_Serial_Read errno=5
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 5.00 Mhz
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r type: SECA, caid: 0100, serial: 123393655, card: Canal+ NL v7.3
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r [seca-reader] provider: 1, valid: 0, name: SECA, expiry date: 1990/00/00
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r [seca-reader] provider: 2, valid: 1, name: CANALDIGITAAL, expiry date: 2011/01/31
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r [seca-reader] SA: 082229BA
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r [seca-reader] provider: 3, valid: 0, name: OPERATOR 2, expiry date: 1990/00/00
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r [seca-reader] provider: 4, valid: 0, name: OPERATOR 3, expiry date: 1990/00/00
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r [seca-reader] provider: 5, valid: 0, name: OPERATOR 4, expiry date: 1990/00/00
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r providers: 5 (0000,006A,006B,006C,006D)
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r [seca-reader] parental locked
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r [seca-reader] ready for requests
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r found cardsystem
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r ERROR in IO_Serial_Read errno=5
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2BCA74B0 r ERROR in IO_Serial_Read errno=5
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2AAC8410 s init for all local cards done
24/01/2011 1:06:59 2AAC8410 s anti cascading disabled

24-01-2011, 03:23 AM
...because you can configure a lot of things but not always you need all of them; check the meaning of each one just to understand what you are doing and understand oscam mechanism).

Easy to say this. In absolute terms, you are correct. But in practical terms I am afraid you may be misguided a little, if this cam is to "take over", as it were...

Because, that's a lot of hair gone, right there, even if one is already well prepared by previous education/experience in technical/IT sciences...

See this, as there are a huge many of settings to understand and know what they do:

http://streamboard.gmc.to/svn/oscam/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.conf.txtI mean, have a look at this:

The [anticasc] section
enabled = 0|1
1 = enabled anti-cascading, default:0

numusers = quantity
anti-cascading: user per account, 0 = anti-cascading disabled, default:0

sampletime = minutes
duration of sample, default:2

samples = quantity
quantity of samples over limit, default:10

penalty = 0|1|2
level of penalty:

0 = only logging
1 = send fake CWs
2 = disbable user temporary

default:0, penalty can be overwritten per user in oscam.user

aclogfile = filename
file for anti-cascading logging, default:none

fakedelay = milli-seconds
fake delay time, default:1000

denysamples = quantity
How many samples should be penalized?, default:8Most people do not have these skills/experience/knowledge, so we would need a better, simpler but precise enough guide, without the unnecessary jargon, I think.

I mean no disrespect to the developer's hard work and good will but this stuff is rather complex and needs a rather good and jargon-free explanation, with plenty of examples, if people are to use it, it seems to me...

Please, do not misunderstand me, I do wish to learn but the stuff would need to be accessible to non-technically educated people, as most users are not that well educated in those terms.

Let me give you an example:

oscam.ac(5) oscam.ac(5)

oscam.ac - anti-cascading table for OSCam

anti-cascading table

<CAID>:<provider ID>=<seconds>
define time cycles between CWs changes relating to CAID and provider ID

default time cycles between CWs changes required


list_smargo(1), oscam(1), oscam.cert(5), oscam.conf(5)....etc....as it goes on like that for a while... but when you get there it's more of the same...

Thanx to Linch, this is a good example/guide but it needs additional explanations, if we are to understand the inner workings of OScam and then apply the necessary changes, depending on our boxes, smartcards etc.:

last oscam mipsel binary works great so with internal cardreader tested on rti_e2 rc3 this is the configuration for oscam.server


enable = 1
Label = freex
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sc0
EMMCache = 1,1,2
Group = 1
CAID = 0500
ident = 0500:041700 Examples like this one are a little too sparse, I think:

http://streamboard.gmc.to/svn/oscam/trunk/Distribution/doc/example/oscam.confHowever, to make it even more difficult, there are gazzilions of tons of versions of OScam, files inside etc. etc.

On top of that, sometimes the latest version is not the right/functioning one... How to know which one is OK for you?

And so on and on and on...

I think the team making it would need to inform us better of what's what...

Pretty please! I would love to use it but... OS anything gets my goat going and in this hobby in particular!

But we need it to become more user-friendly, I think.

Thanx a bunch for your hard work, once again. Just get a "user educator" on board as well, who will be able to guide us well through the maze we are presented with - that is to say, this incredible little big gift, which most of us do not know where to begin understanding, let alone use it confidently and competently enough for our needs...

24-01-2011, 03:54 AM
please post log with ecm times.

24-01-2011, 10:02 AM
Easy to say this. In absolute terms, you are correct. But in practical terms I am afraid you may be misguided a little, if this cam is to "take over", as it were...


But we need it to become more user-friendly, I think.

Thanx a bunch for your hard work, once again. Just get a "user educator" on board as well, who will be able to guide us well through the maze we are presented with - that is to say, this incredible little big gift, which most of us do not know where to begin understanding, let alone use it confidently and competently enough for our needs...

I'm not so expert on all settings and variant of oscam parameters, but I can say to you all that make an oscam running and get it works on azbox is really simple. I don't use any kind of cam manager or plugin that help me on configure the cam, I only work in a shell. About which kind of binary to use you are right, there are a lot, and not always are good. Remember we have to use the mipsel ones. I've just tested the last one at the moment of my tests, and if it runs well for my goal I stop testing newest or older one. If I meet problems I try an older one. In the official site you can read the timeline where you find all the new implemetation and bug correction. So you can monitor if you need to update it for your specific card(s).

Now, I can give you the simplest way to run oscam in azbox (or any other kind of receiver) connecting it to c-line.
You have just to configure two files with these parameter:


nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1
#logfile = /dev/null
httpport = 8081
httpallowed =,
user = azbox
enabled = 1
au = 1


label = mycccamreader
protocol = cccam
device = <srv-ip>,<port>
account = <user>,<password>
group = 1
cccversion = 2.0.11

run oscam and all go well.

In this way you accept all caids from server, and maybe for some priority reasons some provider doesn't work. In that case you have to add more settings....

About on how to setup an oscam run as a service I posted it in my previous post.

About the use of an internal reader, I didn't tested yet.

Last words: I'm experiencing recording issue SD,HD using that kind of cam. But I'm not sure it is always the cam give me problems, also in FTA channels I've troubles. E2 is in RC and we all are making tests..... maybe new driver are more stable and reliable.


24-01-2011, 10:27 AM
Hi all,

Short question: Did anyone downloaded and installed Oscam via New Menu plugin and have it working?

24-01-2011, 11:34 AM
please post log with ecm times.

internal reader

2011/01/24 11:30:07 2D9FF4A0 c user1 (0500&041700/1273/44:68D3): found (476 ms) by freex (of 1 avail 1)
2011/01/24 11:30:20 2D9FF4A0 c user1 (0500&041700/1273/44:68DD): found (457 ms) by freex (of 1 avail 1)


2011/01/24 11:32:20 2D8674A0 c user1 (0500&041700/1273/44:6B55): found (278 ms) by freex (of 1 avail 1)
2011/01/24 11:32:35 2D8674A0 c user1 (0500&041700/1273/44:6B25): found (262 ms) by freex (of 1 avail 1)

24-01-2011, 01:06 PM
Thanx, SNL and Linch!

Linch, these second timings are OK but the first ones are not, for more demanding encryption systems like N D S, am I right?

SNL, the internal card reader/server is the biggest complication, is it not? Various cards, with various CAS IDs, knowing which IP for what [127... or...?], then many other settings, possibly - or are there just a few settings to edit to one's needs and one routinely does not mess with most of the stuff in there and it still works well?

Recently I read somewhere that a "handshake" setting can reduce the response times for a couple of CAS, for instance, that kind of thing...

I am not sure right now but it would be interesting to see if we can have a complete package in OScam, with an Emulator/keys and CS client.

Could you shed some more light on it, please?:respect-051:

24-01-2011, 03:43 PM
my nagra3 card tivus@t
internal reader = nok
omnikey = ok 120ms

24-01-2011, 04:30 PM
yeah, my card is Nagra3 too. :\

24-01-2011, 04:44 PM

I´ve downloaded and installed Oscam via New Menu Plugin and it works fine as CCCam Client with an CLine. Only with ORF (same Cline) it doesn´t work.

24-01-2011, 10:52 PM
That´s good news!
Does that work with seca card?
Yesterday I unistalled Enigma2 RC3 but, if card reader works, here I go again!:D

25-01-2011, 12:50 AM
Well, what we know right now about internal card-reader is (if there's nothing missing):

Viaccess cards - OK
Conax cards - OK
Nagra cards - NOT OK

Maybe this information could be useful of team :)

25-01-2011, 01:25 AM
I was fighting and finaly i have oscam working but can't be still well. Recording still does not work. summarizing: I have checked ccams 2.1.2 2.1.4 2.2.1 and oscam and my box is not working with all of them. oscam records but the picture stutters and the recorded file stutters too(file checked with pc ofcourse).

Am I only one who can't to record on rc3?

25-01-2011, 06:54 AM
Seca - Cyfra+ Polish - O.K

25-01-2011, 08:14 AM
I have checked ccams 2.1.2 2.1.4 2.2.1 and oscam and my box is not working with all of them. oscam records but the picture stutters and the recorded file stutters too(file checked with pc ofcourse).

Am I only one who can't to record on rc3?

Last words: I'm experiencing recording issue SD,HD using that kind of cam. But I'm not sure it is always the cam give me problems, also in FTA channels I've troubles. E2 is in RC and we all are making tests..... maybe new driver are more stable and reliable.

Me too, as soon as possible I'll test the internal reader with some cards. At the moment I haven't time...


25-01-2011, 02:19 PM

I´ve downloaded and installed Oscam via New Menu Plugin and it works fine as CCCam Client with an CLine. Only with ORF (same Cline) it doesn´t work.

Did you try changing the Oscam bin to the latest one available. After I installed through the same way as you I replaced the bin for the latest one.
Can't remember the path.

25-01-2011, 02:44 PM
Viaccess cards - OK
Conax cards - OK
Nagra cards - NOT OK

is this it?

damn no nagra3 :\ ... oscam or driver problem what do u think?

25-01-2011, 03:39 PM
Viaccess cards - OK
Conax cards - OK
Nagra cards - NOT OK

is this it?

damn no nagra3 :\ ... oscam or driver problem what do u think?

Yea... looks like. Maybe is a easy issue and probably have a easy resolution. I hope so! :)

Cmon guys, lets try many other different cards, like NDS, Cryptoworks, Irdeto, etc..

25-01-2011, 05:11 PM
;783416']Yea... looks like. Maybe is a easy issue and probably have a easy resolution. I hope so! :)

Cmon guys, lets try many other different cards, like NDS, Cryptoworks, Irdeto, etc..

Ok, I've tested some cards:

Via OK
Seca OK
NDS some errors during setup...

All these cards are expired so I hadn't test ECM time but Os.c.am can manage them. I've other to test, also with valid tiers... stay tuned....


25-01-2011, 05:18 PM
Mhh are we sure SECA works?

As per post "https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=783149&postcount=17" it did not work with Oscam v 4572

Can someone post what config to put for getting a SECA card read in the internal reader ?

25-01-2011, 05:28 PM
My valid NDS card gets Initd error. Using same settings "except card slot mapping" and version of oscam in DM500 works ok.

25-01-2011, 06:17 PM
Oscam version could help us aswell.
Are everybody using latest version?

@linch used this version:
**** OSCam << cardserver started version 1.00-unstable_svn, build #4551 (mipsel-azbox-libusb-pcsc-webif)
2011/01/24 0:47:02 2AACA5D0 s version=1.00-unstable_svn, build #4551, system=mipsel-azbox-libusb

with good results! Maybe all tests should be done over that version :)

25-01-2011, 06:59 PM

I used build #4572 which does not work.

will test with build 4551# later

25-01-2011, 07:17 PM
I used build #4595, #4596, #4597, #4598, #4560 ... also does not work.

I can not find #4551 version


25-01-2011, 07:52 PM
I too cannot find build #4551

Tested with build #4604 which also does not work

25-01-2011, 10:18 PM
I could not send a private message couse I have 9 posts only. I'm at work at the moment I'll try to help you later but I don't promise I'm able. I am a greenhorn with enigma and oscam. was googleing,reading a lot and followed informations.

I'm back.
So that what I do but I just testing oscam so I don't need oscam start script to be started.
download any file from:
unpack then FTP file:os*****vn4612-mips-tuxbox to /usr/bin #read version.txt in file you unpacked from, you need file compatybile to DM800
$ mv os*****vn4612-mips-tuxbox oscam #if you have previous version of oscam you can keep it with changed name for tests, so before this step do for example:
$ mv oscam oscam_old or better mv oscam oscam_version_number
$ chmod 755 oscam

If you have CCcam started kill it first
$ ps axu|grep CCcam # will show you exact name of CCcam ex: CCcam_2.2.1
$ killall -9 CCcam_2.2.1 # give exact name of your CCcam
$ oscam # start oscam

That my way. But I repeat, I need oscam for testing of recording. And it's not working. Do this first and if you need more help write to me.


26-01-2011, 08:49 AM
Did you try changing the Oscam bin to the latest one available. After I installed through the same way as you I replaced the bin for the latest one.
Can't remember the path.

Which Oscam bin is the right one? I downloaded the tar.gz File and there are many Files in it. Can you say me please which one is the right?

Many Thanks:bowing-036:

26-01-2011, 09:06 AM
@ satlubitel

Sorry can´t send you a PM cause i have not enough Posts.

So here my answer.

the descriptions of the configfiles are here:
The latest versions of Oscam are here:
http://www.ump2002.net/index.php?PHPSESSID=ec61b698cc099 4b645b1c8eb68795f13&direction=0&order=mod&directory=OSCam

I think you must edit your oscam.user. Also you must look that your Group is the same in all Config-Files.
Most of the configuration errors will be postet in logfile or in webif.

I´m at work now. I hope i can send you my configuration, when i´m at home.

Greetz Ravemaster

26-01-2011, 09:37 AM
I believe working versions of Oscam for Azbox are here:

26-01-2011, 12:49 PM
Viaccess cards - OK
Conax cards - OK
Nagra cards - NOT OK

is this it?

damn no nagra3 :\ ... oscam or driver problem what do u think?

for nagra3 cards the problem are on azbox internal reader driver because with the same oscam revision and an omnikey usb i not have any problem for see my card.

26-01-2011, 05:10 PM
Which Oscam bin is the right one? I downloaded the tar.gz File and there are many Files in it. Can you say me please which one is the right?

Many Thanks:bowing-036:

tuxbox-mipsel rename to oscam and overwrite the one in the bin folder ensure the file permissions are 755

26-01-2011, 05:17 PM

Many THX. I´ve installed new Version 4623 and all works fine (also ORF) with Cline as CCCam Client. :respect-064:


Here my Configs:


logfile = stdout
disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 30000
fallbacktimeout = 2500
clientmaxidle = 120
cachedelay = 10
bindwait = 120
netprio = 0
clientdyndns = 0
resolvedelay = 30
unlockparental = 0
nice = -1
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 0
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 0
readerrestartseconds = 5
readerautoloadbalance = 0
readerautoloadbalance_save = 0
resolvegethostbyname = 0

enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = meins
pmt_mode = 0

httpport = 8082
httpuser = meins
httppwd = meins
httprefresh = 3
httpallowed =,
httphideidleclients = 0
httpreadonly = 0


label = ccc
enable = 1
protocol = cccam
device = server, port
account = user, pass
services = 0d95, 1702
caid = 0d95, 1702
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
ecmcache = 1
cccversion = 2.1.1


user = meins
pwd = meins
disabled = 0
expdate =
group = 1
hostname =
uniq = 0
sleep = 0
monlevel = 4
au = 1
services =
caid =
betatunnel = 1833:1702, 0d05:0d95
ident =
cccmaxhops = 10
keepalive = 1
numusers = 0
penalty = 0

Hope this will help you.

Greetz Ravemaster

26-01-2011, 06:05 PM
thanks Ravemaster, all ok here as well...works

27-01-2011, 08:55 AM

NDZ skyITA work?


27-01-2011, 10:09 AM

The Oscam setup you successfully installed with cccam. Is it oscam "acting" as a cccam client connected to an external CS cccam server?

27-01-2011, 12:54 PM

Sorry, i don´t know. For me SkyDE works.


Yes Oscam ist working as Client connected to an external CCCam Server.


28-01-2011, 07:52 PM
Hi friends

Could anyone help me with the configuring files so oscam could read a seca card?
Thank´s in advance.

Best Regards

29-01-2011, 11:18 AM
Well, I managed to get "cardok" when using parameters for internal cardreader but no picture on my Conax card. My settings:

logfile = stdout
disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 30000
fallbacktimeout = 2500
clientmaxidle = 120
cachedelay = 10
bindwait = 120
netprio = 0
clientdyndns = 0
resolvedelay = 30
unlockparental = 0
nice = -1
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 0
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 0
readerrestartseconds = 5
readerautoloadbalance = 0
readerautoloadbalance_save = 0
resolvegethostbyname = 0

port = 10000@0604:000000
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
allowed =
keepalive = 1
mgclient = 0

enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = none
user = azbox
pmt_mode = 0

httpport = 8082
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httprefresh = 7
httpallowed =,
httphideidleclients = 0
httpreadonly = 0


label = Test1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sc0
EMMCache = 1,1,2
group = 5
caid = 0b00,090f

I also managed to connect to cline with oscam with clear picture. But how do i get clear picture on my internal card?
I´m using Oscam for dreambox 099.4 svn 2090.
Thanks in advance

I really hope that someone will help me out on this one.

29-01-2011, 12:46 PM
I've been trying to get my seca3 card Canal Digital NL to work.
but would not succeed. is there anyone who did succeeded. know how?
already committed so much.

31-01-2011, 12:07 AM
I would like to use pl2303.ko but can't find it for this kernel, could anyone compile it?

31-01-2011, 12:12 AM
I would like to use pl2303.ko but can't find it for this kernel, could anyone compile it?

what is pl2303.ko?

31-01-2011, 08:52 AM
It's a driver for a USB2Serial interface that uses the pl2303 chip.

31-01-2011, 10:30 AM
I would like to use pl2303.ko but can't find it for this kernel, could anyone compile it?

Here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=765436&postcount=2434).

31-01-2011, 05:23 PM
i m still proccs not succes cardreade interal on oscam
i dont know on wiche oscam version and orinal cong for azbox e2 anyone have working oscam interral card reade i have 5 local

sky 1702, 1722
skyuk 0963,0961
zeetv 0608

all show alway card not support!!

31-01-2011, 07:00 PM
Here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=765436&postcount=2434).

I now got it working, thx. However I cant seem to get any picture.

Anyone with a good setup files? (I get CARDOK on both internal and extrenal reader, but no picture or DCW)

Best regards!

31-01-2011, 11:32 PM
Conax card OK with internal/external card reader Oscam server -> CCcam 2.2.1 (picture OK)
NDS 0963 card KO with internal/external card reader Oscam server -> CCcam 2.2.1 (picture KO)

04-02-2011, 03:58 PM
Conax card OK with internal/external card reader Oscam server -> CCcam 2.2.1 (picture OK))
@ digihoe

My .conf

logfile = stdout
clienttimeout = 30000
cachedelay = 10
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 0
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1

port = 10000@0B00:000000
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
allowed =
keepalive = 1
mgclient = 0

enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user =
pmt_mode = 0
request_mode = 0

httpport = 8082
httprefresh = 7
httpallowed =,
httphideidleclients = 0
httpreadonly = 0
httpsavefullcfg = 0

My .server

label = canal_digital
enable = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sc0
caid = 0B00
detect = cd
mhz = 500
cardmhz = 357
group = 5
blockemm-u = 1
lb_weight = 1

my .user

user = user
pwd = pass
disabled = 0
expdate =
group = 5
hostname =
uniq = 0
sleep = 0
monlevel = 0
au = 1
services = Canal Digital
caid = 0b00
betatunnel =
ident = 0b00:000000
cccmaxhops = 10
keepalive = 1
numusers = 0
penalty = 0

And a N line in cccam. cfg

N: 10000 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Any hints are welcome to get clear picture cause I don´t :seeya:

04-02-2011, 07:55 PM
Sorry to say I was wrong about Conax OK. I was just assuming that it worked since it was a MTV card... Sorry.

I have tried newcs and cccam also and none of them worked. I find it very strange that even the external cardreader does not work.

Sorrt again.

04-02-2011, 10:47 PM
Sorry, working or not?

05-02-2011, 12:17 PM
I got external MP35 phoenix reader to work with conax card, finally! It seems to be down to the cardreader. This correctly reads the entitelments, not only ATR and serialno.


label = Conax MTV
enable = 1
protocol = mp35
device = /dev/ttyUSB1
services =
caid = 0B00
detect = ring
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 357
ident =
group = 1,2
emmcache = 1,3,2
#ecmcache = 1
lb_weight = 100


waitforcards = 1

Using oscam 4682 only no CCcam

02-05-2011, 09:20 AM
Has any one got this working with viaccess 4 I am running oscam version 4967 in oscam/omnikey3121/ubuntu setup
