View Full Version : AzBox Enigma 2 Packer by telesat

24-01-2011, 10:40 PM
AzBox Enigma 2 PackerŪ by telesatŪ

This tool is maded for all teams which would like to pack their Enigma 2 for AZBox HD Receivers.

Idea is that every team can sign their image, and give essential informations like : Team name, Image version and so on.

In application You have choice to pack :

1. E2 Files + Kernel


2. E2 Files


3. Kernel

Fields in AzBox E2 Packer which You can fill :

ID Team : Name of Team

ID Enigma : Name of Enigma Image

Version: Version of Enigma 2 Image

About E2: Something About Enigma 2

Kernel Descr: Like kernel version used in E2 ver.

Result of packing will be flashable patch.bin file with Your team Enigma 2 for AzBox HD devices.

NOTE: Images packed with this Packer by telesat, would be possible to flash in AzBox HD with new ,upcoming AzUP application from telesat.