View Full Version : dish or dreambox

30-01-2011, 12:43 AM
db500hd with ver 4 on it but went to go to 13e dish will not move i can move it when im on the the ladder i can by pressing button ive re flashed but still the same any help please soory not booting starting stuck on that this as only happened since i put vhannibal settings on iv got sky working but cannot move dish all settings are right in antena comfig dont use usals no save pos 7 ive moved dish by hand on motor when i try and put say casteyes settings blue button just says na ive put cajton on now gren light on motor bot still will not move
ive turned the tuner on 1w=1 4.8e =2 7e =3 search for sat find store postion ie 1w=1 go from says 28.2e to 1w the dish does not move so i have to send it to search find it store it and watch it all the tuner is est up all limits set just dont seem to store each sat
Dreambox response: Login successful.
** Getting directory list /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/* **
Starting FTP transfer
Transfer complete
** Sending file "/var/tuxbox/config/enigma/lamedb" **
Starting FTP transfer
Transfer aborted
Error sending file "lamedb" to the Dreambox.
thats what i get when trying to put channel listgot new list in now but dish will only move if i search store will not move when i want to go to diffrent sat

30-01-2011, 10:58 AM
i cant speak for your motor problems,but i would be very interested to know the outcome as a friend of mine started to have the exact same problems yesterday.

with regards to the lamedb file,you have to delete the old one first,then send over the new one and chmod it.Ian.

30-01-2011, 01:29 PM
i cant speak for your motor problems,but i would be very interested to know the outcome as a friend of mine started to have the exact same problems yesterday.

with regards to the lamedb file,you have to delete the old one first,then send over the new one and chmod it.Ian.

ive sorted out the lamedb im just thinking is the position in the db got a memory for storeing as i said i can go from 1w to 28e but i have to go into menu saerch store 28e at 7 thats how ive put it but try and go back to 1w dish just sit at 28e tryed longlatued and seting no usasls thanks ian does your m8 have db500hd

31-01-2011, 07:43 PM
ive sorted out the lamedb im just thinking is the position in the db got a memory for storeing as i said i can go from 1w to 28e but i have to go into menu saerch store 28e at 7 thats how ive put it but try and go back to 1w dish just sit at 28e tryed longlatued and seting no usasls thanks ian does your m8 have db500hd

been back to shop with db he set it up as simple put long and lat and it went to every sat is this a dbtopic or can some1 answear ere thanks

02-02-2011, 06:51 PM
does any1 know where the reset button is ive tryed all 4 holes as you can see in picture thanks

forgot to mention put my dads humax hd200 and tryed with that settings 1.2 and usals still will not move with that but i can drive it with remote east and west manually

02-02-2011, 07:01 PM
If you can not see it, take off small rubbercap over LED. It is there.

simon 2003
02-02-2011, 07:44 PM
its in a hole mate like the ones you find on routers and stuff like that you will need a long thin screwdriver

02-02-2011, 10:12 PM
its in a hole mate like the ones you find on routers and stuff like that you will need a long thin screwdriver

tryed useing cocktail stick but i can only see 4 holes but thay dont seem to have a button im not to sure about takig rubber out led light or move left/right button thanks

simon 2003
02-02-2011, 10:33 PM
is it the same as this mate,most are it might be under the rubber

02-02-2011, 11:48 PM
is it the same as this mate,most are it might be under the rubber

yes it looks like that ive put a photo of the motor afew post back i will try in the mornlng thanks

03-02-2011, 10:41 PM
thanks to every1 got it going with reset button but im not sure if i had it on 0 it was geting dark when i came home in usals i go from 1w to 28e but it just goes buy it then stops i can tune it manually but not save it could the motor be not on south but useing dics 1.2 i can tune sat from 42e to 3ow store them and dish goes to them thanks

11-02-2011, 12:20 AM
thanks to every1 got it going with reset button but im not sure if i had it on 0 it was geting dark when i came home in usals i go from 1w to 28e but it just goes buy it then stops i can tune it manually but not save it could the motor be not on south but useing dics 1.2 i can tune sat from 42e to 3ow store them and dish goes to them thanks

any help with this now the wind as gone