View Full Version : Play Opensat ts is possible

31-01-2011, 11:14 AM
To play .ts files recorded with Opensat-Firm you must create a .ts.m e t a File like the RC4 Firm.
Iīve taken a .ts.m e t a from a record of RC4 and renamed it to the filename of the original. Then you must edit the SID in the m e t a file.

m e t a without blank.


83 is the SID in Hex. If you donīt know it then you can use Project-X to find it out.
Project-X can be loaded from h**p://www.oozoon.de/.

Most of the .ts files from Opensat-Firm can play this way.

Maybe someone could develop a program that create the file.


01-02-2011, 07:07 AM
I copied the files .ts.m e t a and ts.ap on my PC. I renamed it to the Filename of the Opensat recorded ts. The ts.ap File is needed to use the forward and reward function on RC.
In the m e t a File i edit the first line with the Channelinfo where recorded the film (You can find this Infos in E2 Menu --> Info --> Channel).
Then i opened the ts File with Project-X (h**p://www.oozoon.de). In Project-X you can find the Video-PID and Audio-PID of the recorded File.
Just a right click on the File in the File Table --> File properties.
This Infos you must edit in m e t a File.
For Example:

1:0:1:4E25:11:85:C00000:0:0:0: //This Line are the Channelinfos
Der Sternwanderer // Name of the Movie
Familienfilm // Type of Movie
1296322080 // Starttime of record in Unix UTC second from 1.1.1970 (can convert on h**p://www.unixtime.de/)

f:0,c:000320,c:010321,c:020020,c: 0309ff // This Line are the Infos about Video PID and Audio PID

f:0 I donīt know. For me not needed
c:000320 Video PID
c:010321 Audio PID If more Audio PIDīs used. Test which one works
c:020020 I donīt know, but i think itīs Teletext
c:0309ff I think itīs the Info for Subpicture.

On this way i can play all my recorded files from Opensat. Only one of the HD-recorded Files canīt be played.
