View Full Version : Blindscan under E2 with Premium+

05-02-2011, 04:39 PM
Can someone explain me,how this works under e2?
Is it possible to "import" it out from opensat-fw?

I have read this function must be integrated into the kernel
and someone have to write a plugin.
The dm-blindscan-utils-plugins can not be used for that and
they are only for their own cable or terrestrial tuners.

A sat blindscan exists under e2,but only for ipbox and sharp
tuners,because this tuner understands also hw-blindscan.
So it must be possible for the premium+ 24513ist-nim.

05-02-2011, 06:23 PM
I hope it will work blind scan from E2 in Premium+ & Ultra, would be a shame to lose such a great function.:o16::bow-004:

05-02-2011, 06:30 PM
Hardware blindscan was a signficiant factor for lot of people who purchased an AZbox Premium+ and Ultra and I hope there is a way for it to be added to E2

05-02-2011, 07:50 PM
We have the 422 feed realtime reception also under e2 and with
hw-blindscan the azboxes would mutate to real good e2 dx`er machine.
And there exists now a possibility to make a s.p.e.c.t.r.u.m
analyzer and the I2C of the useless-uhf-modulator is also interesting.
For example to control things like polarizer via special converters.

And by the way,hw-bs-solution for older azboxes is,i think, possible,but
for that, there is a need of a modified premium+ tuner card.
My question is know,what the fw does and if there is a need of
the "starci2" chip and what it is controlling ,when you make (hw)