View Full Version : Clones Premium HD - different to original

10-02-2011, 08:58 PM
Opensat reported:

Some weeks ago, we have informed about the entrance of clones in several markets. They are low quality products illegally using the brand AZBox and the same PRODUCT NAME . The product cloned is the copy of Premium HD, which actually is a discontinued product.

Opensat is already taking all legal measures to stop such type of activities. In order to appease our distributors and customers and ensure reliability and security of your purchase, we prepared a do***ent in .pdf format where you will be informed about the main differences between the original and the clone receiver.

If you find out that your receiver is a clone, please inform us immediately and provide us with the details of the seller.

In case you are interested in our products we strongly recommend that you read this do***ent (http://www.azbox-digital.com/%7Edesign/info/clone_EN_vs.pdf).

14-02-2011, 08:32 AM
I'm surprised anyone would want to clone one. They're not a bad box but they really never got their firmware sorted out.

16-07-2011, 09:45 PM
Opensat reported:

Some weeks ago, we have informed about the entrance of clones in several markets. They are low quality products illegally using the brand AZBox and the same PRODUCT NAME . The product cloned is the copy of Premium HD, which actually is a discontinued product.

Opensat is already taking all legal measures to stop such type of activities. In order to appease our distributors and customers and ensure reliability and security of your purchase, we prepared a do***ent in .pdf format where you will be informed about the main differences between the original and the clone receiver.

If you find out that your receiver is a clone, please inform us immediately and provide us with the details of the seller.

In case you are interested in our products we strongly recommend that you read this do***ent (http://www.azbox-digital.com/%7Edesign/info/clone_EN_vs.pdf).

can u plz make some proper firmware ? as current fw s u c k s

10-03-2012, 11:53 AM
The clones might actually work and the FW might be better supported. So fork OpenShyte. Coz they have had long enough to get their act together. Result. FAIL! :cheers2: