View Full Version : Timezone

11-02-2011, 09:48 AM
How do we change the timezone to get the time from Internet instead of the transponder.
example Noroc Tv at 10:50 changes the time to 14:00.

Dig Deep
11-02-2011, 04:49 PM
Itīs done in the setup

11-02-2011, 08:16 PM
Itīs done in the setup

Can you specify where in setup you can choose this option? All I can see is a choice for what timezone you are in.

11-02-2011, 11:26 PM
You can enable/disable time setting through transponder editing enigma settings; via telnet (or ssh) do:
> init 4
> vi /etc/enigma2/settings
now edit or add this line
config.misc.useTransponderTime=fa lse
>init 3

that way you disable the time settings by transponder, but you also need a way to adjust the time correctly; you can use ntpdate <server>. Google a little to find a ntp server.
But is not all. If you restart the system you need a mechanism to start this command again.
For the moment I have configured a shell script and created a symlink for a service at runlevel 3:
inside /etc/rc3.d/
create a SXXsettime where XX is a number and the link is a symlink to the script (permission 755) that invoke the ntpdate command.
But in standby the system reports a wrong time, and the final configuration is to setup a cron job to cal your script....
If you need more help let me know, I'll try your need and I can explain how to setup.

22-02-2011, 02:05 PM
You can enable/disable time setting through transponder editing enigma settings; via telnet (or ssh) do:
> init 4
> vi /etc/enigma2/settings
now edit or add this line
config.misc.useTransponderTime=fa lse
>init 3

that way you disable the time settings by transponder, but you also need a way to adjust the time correctly; you can use ntpdate <server>. Google a little to find a ntp server.
But is not all. If you restart the system you need a mechanism to start this command again.
For the moment I have configured a shell script and created a symlink for a service at runlevel 3:
inside /etc/rc3.d/
create a SXXsettime where XX is a number and the link is a symlink to the script (permission 755) that invoke the ntpdate command.
But in standby the system reports a wrong time, and the final configuration is to setup a cron job to cal your script....
If you need more help let me know, I'll try your need and I can explain how to setup.

How did you manage to get cron running? Somehow I can't figure out for E2 on AZBox...

22-02-2011, 06:28 PM
How did you manage to get cron running? Somehow I can't figure out for E2 on AZBox...

In a "normal" E2 if you try crontab -e you'll get this error:
crontab: chdir(/crontabs): No such file or directory

ok, do these steps:
>cd /
>mkdir crontabs
>crontab -e

now it should work; I don't remeber if the cron demon is running as soon it find this folder or if I managed to start it as a service. But I think it is running itself...