View Full Version : Tv return policy

14-02-2011, 10:37 AM
Just need a bit of advice. Bought a new hd TV, was in a bit of a rush buying it, Got it home and set it up looks good, When I looked at the instructions booklet it did not mention it was full hd, When buying it I asked the guy in the shop what spec it was because there was not that much info about it on the display. He said it was this year’s model with hd free view built into it so I assumed like a fool that it was a full hd set, Also did not mention on the box that it was only hd ready or in the shop. So is there a return policy for me take it back and get a full hd one. Sorry not to mention bought it from a good main dealer.

simon 2003
14-02-2011, 10:42 AM
ring them up speak to the manager,you should have a no quibble 7 day cooling off period,tell the manager you were not told the correct spec of the set and you want to exchange it,,by the way full HD is 1080p nothing broadcast it that format ,1080i is what you probably have to me theres no discernable difference ,

14-02-2011, 10:50 AM
Thanks what I got is a pana and the picture is fine. Was just thinking about the future if they would broadcast in 1080p

14-02-2011, 11:10 AM
This Must Be a Plasma Display, even if it's not Full HD, You get a Contrast and Brightness much Better than Lcd.

14-02-2011, 12:18 PM
Yes it is a plasma display, picture is very good, just thinking about 1080p

14-02-2011, 01:10 PM
you should have a no quibble 7 day cooling off period

Only if it was ordered online and delivered.

In this case the OP collected, so does not apply.

14-02-2011, 01:18 PM
If you have bought a Plasma Pan then the picture in HD will be fine, I have the bottom of the range X20 Pan which is a 720p and my son in law who has a 1080P Panny reckons that the 720p 's Standard def. picture is better than on his 1080p. Only some of the better Blue Ray Disks benefit from having the 1080.

14-02-2011, 01:19 PM
Only if it was ordered online and delivered.

In this case the OP collected, so does not apply.

Just thinking it looks and sounds ok so i think iwill keep it

14-02-2011, 01:22 PM
Its a tx-p42c3b

14-02-2011, 03:19 PM
HD ready looks fine for most stuff, I cant hardly spot any differance with hd tv in 720 and 1080 broadcasts, blue ray and high end video games etc might show a differance though.

15-02-2011, 02:07 AM
I would return it and say , you weren't told it not full HD and you asked for it. This comes under Sales of Goods ( Fit for Purpose)

If you intended to use BluRay, you need a FullHD and not 720P, same with consoles.

15-02-2011, 09:05 AM
If it's smaller than 42inch you are not really going to get full advantage of a 1080p movie, and even then the difference is not always obvious.

You can try and take it back, but expect to be charged a re-stocking fee so you may lose money.

15-02-2011, 09:39 AM
The TV reference the OP gives is a full HD TV (1080p) over HDMI. So I simply don't understand the reason for the post. The OP is confused.

15-02-2011, 10:28 AM

Looking at the spec on panasonic's website it appears to be FullHD when you connect through an HDMI, the likes of a Bluray player,PS3 and certain sat boxes. I suppose it all comes down to price paid and if you are happy with your purchase.

15-02-2011, 03:29 PM
The TV reference the OP gives is a full HD TV (1080p) over HDMI. So I simply don't understand the reason for the post. The OP is confused.

I'm afraid your confused his screen accepts full hd but it isn't a full hd its hd ready its not even really a 720p screen as the resolution is 1024x768 where 720p has a resolution of 1280x720 and 1080p has 1920x1080

This is quite common for 42" plasmas, 1024x768 is normally a 4.3 resolution but in plasma with this resolution the pixels are rectangular not square which makes it 16.9


At 42" I really wouldn't worry about it if your happy with the picture its still much better than SD and the upside is bad SD will look much better at that resolution my parents have a similar panny screen same resolution and HD looks great

Its only 50" and above you start to notice the difference between a 720p and 1080p screen


15-02-2011, 06:24 PM
Just to add my two penneth - I own a "HD Ready" Panny plasma - the PX80B and the image is fine. Don't worry about numbers and specs, worry about what you can see, with your own eyes. I use mine with Pioneer BluRay (outputting at 1080p), HD Spiderbox (outputting at 720p) and HTPC (running at god knows what 'cos it's a buggy heap of junk at the mo!) and don't have any image issues at all.

BluRay and Spiderbox are pin sharp - even browsing on the HTPC is okay though I must point out not pin sharp with text due to those odd sized pixels that mean you can't do 1:1 pixel mapping from the PC.

You'd have to be sitting pretty close to notice any difference between a "HD Ready" & "Full HD" on a 42" screen IMHO.

15-02-2011, 06:40 PM

That's the model my parents have you can pixel map over VGA (DSUB) I have them set up with a HTPC you just need to make sure you make the correct adjustment to the pixel aspect ratio for video to account for the 4.3 > 16.9

I pixel mapped image over VGA using native resolution is far better than not using native over HDMI that model doesn't do native resolution over HDMI only over VGA

I run XBMC on their HTPC and text is crystal clear :)