View Full Version : Is my LNB knackered?

14-02-2011, 10:55 PM
Noticed over the weekend that I can't get any channels on my inverto twin lnb on the 10700-11750 band on vertical polarisation. The other 3 'bands' are fine. I also have a Sly minidish connected via a diseq switch, and all 4 'bands' work fine on that, which should rule out the reciever(DM800 clone) as the problem. I've tried both cables from the lnb direct into the DM800 with the same result, only 3 'bands' working.

Does this mean the lnb is knackered? I've had ones fail before, but never just the 1 band, tended to be problems on all bands.


15-02-2011, 12:28 PM
is a DM problem because if one box gives the signal but the other dont. Try a rescan or load a fresh channel list or new sat XML

15-02-2011, 04:24 PM
I think you misundestood me m8, up until now i'd tried 2 lnb's with just the DM.

However, i've now tried my old toppy, and get nothing with that on that band also. So after digging the toppy out, i've now got to try and find my old invacom lnb and try that....just hope it's not been thrown out :eek:

17-02-2011, 05:56 PM
Just to confirm it was knackered, nothing working when I got home from work today. Luckily the new one arrived this morning, and everything is fine again.

18-02-2011, 04:37 PM
Dave5118 out of interest M8 what Lnb have you now fitted, would be of interest to see what Lnb's members are now fitting and see if there is an improvement in performance of their old one might also be an idea to name the old Lnb as well.

18-02-2011, 05:01 PM
I was using a inverto twin 0.3, but have gone back to an Invacom single 0.3(had one previously, but went for an inverto twin as they were cheaper) as I wasn't impressed with the inverto when I got it. And my signal levels have gone up about 5% with the invacom....maybe a bit more.

They are c120's btw.

simon 2003
18-02-2011, 05:41 PM
what inverto was it mate,as i went with the inverto over the invacom?

18-02-2011, 08:11 PM
It was the white inverto twin 0.3.....don't know of any model no.http://i699.photobucket.com/albums/vv357/Dave5118/inverto.jpg

simon 2003
18-02-2011, 11:08 PM
thanks mate think they call that the white classic mines a red classic even though its black invertos naming convention is bonkers