View Full Version : S4000HD Web Interface

16-02-2011, 03:38 PM
Hello people
After alot of looking around and searching and some help from TurboSat, I've found a web interface (its not made by me so I can not take any credit for it) for the S4000HD and it works, BUT... here is the good bit, its not English and if someone wants to translate it into English it would be very appreciated by my and I'm sure by others too ...


To install copy the files into the \root\var folder, reboot your box, and then enable the plugin ...
I installed mine via the network in 2 mins, and I think I didn't need to do the reboot ...

16-02-2011, 04:01 PM
What language is it in?

Does the s4000 have enough memory to run this without glitches or crashing?

Anyone actually tried it yet?

This looks really interesting.

16-02-2011, 04:38 PM
Yeah, been running it for about 2 days without trouble but not be able to do much with it, as I think its all in German ...

20-02-2011, 09:37 PM
Yehhh. But what about translation to English?

21-02-2011, 02:59 PM

21-02-2011, 03:36 PM

This is german version too!

21-02-2011, 04:20 PM
what do you need to translate, its just a web GUI of the system, its buggy and slow, and not worth looking at anyway.


22-02-2011, 01:03 AM
I notice this is V5 and you have posted V4 of the plug-in this could be why I've not had any trouble with it as yet, and why you state it is 'slow & buggy'

I'm working on putting it into English, but finding free time is hard at the moment.

22-02-2011, 12:44 PM
my point was more to do with the fact i'd posted the web interface back in NOVEMBER, your post made it sound like you'd found something that had been missing from here.

granted it is in the wrong section.

23-02-2011, 06:29 PM
my point was more to do with the fact i'd posted the web interface back in NOVEMBER, your post made it sound like you'd found something that had been missing from here.

granted it is in the wrong section.

It appears he's posted a later version that actually works though, apart from the language of course;) All seems cool to me.

23-02-2011, 10:36 PM
Like I said before, I'm not taking any of the credit for it.
I now see that you have posted this before and that it was in the wrong place, That would be why I missed it and I've reposted that same thing
(well kind of the same thing, just the new copy)

I've spent a few hours changing it over to English, it's not finished yet as I'm really finding it hard finding free time, but ill post what I've done as I know there is people out there that want this AND ... as it is usable now. I'll update this as I do more.

Let me know what you think ...

23-02-2011, 11:34 PM
Like I said before, I'm not taking any of the credit for it.
I now see that you have posted this before and that it was in the wrong place, That would be why I missed it and I've reposted that same thing
(well kind of the same thing, just the new copy)

I've spent a few hours changing it over to English, it's not finished yet as I'm really finding it hard finding free time, but ill post what I've done as I know there is people out there that want this AND ... as it is usable now. I'll update this as I do more.

Let me know what you think ...

what can i say. legend!!

nice one mate

24-02-2011, 07:52 AM
Like I said before, I'm not taking any of the credit for it.
I now see that you have posted this before and that it was in the wrong place, That would be why I missed it and I've reposted that same thing
(well kind of the same thing, just the new copy)

I've spent a few hours changing it over to English, it's not finished yet as I'm really finding it hard finding free time, but ill post what I've done as I know there is people out there that want this AND ... as it is usable now. I'll update this as I do more.

Let me know what you think ...



24-02-2011, 09:22 AM
Is it possible to refresh automaticaly contetnt of EPG base (stored on HDD) for example each 4 hours without running WEB connection from my PC to Ivecrypt Web server?
My idea is to have EPG over WEB just "on the click", not to wait long time after clicking on EPG option in WEN interface?
Any idea? Any link? (English language link - please!)

24-02-2011, 02:31 PM
More translation....

The problem I found is that clicking on EPG menu and than for example Network and than EPG again
(in just several seconds) couse 2 or more FortisWebIo processes running. It block Icecrypt totally until proceses finish by itself. Any idea how to solve this problem?

06-03-2011, 11:11 AM
Hi, Here is version 7 but yet again its in German ... Enjoy

Here is the readme file translated :

Web Interface for Octagon SF10x8 V7 by dancefan

This is my version of a web interface for the Octagon receiver.
The inspiration I had the web interface from the AAF Forum.
The design fits the OnSreen display of the receiver.
I have confined myself to such functionalities, while the TV operation
could interfere with the family over OSD ;-)
The interface can be easily expanded to other pages.

If the right EPGScan is also active, the Web Interface accesses the
back stored EPG data, and update it.

The web interface uses OSDCapture for displaying the menus on the
OSD page.

The plug-ins EpgScan, EpgView FortisWebIo and use a common
Configuration file:
/ Var / etc / EpgScan.cfg
A template for this file is in ZipFile. This file can be a
simple text editor to edit (Notepad). Then please "before" the installation
copy to the appropriate directory and rename accordingly.

Since there is no session management, a number of WEB sessions interfere with each other.
This may particularly affect the File Manager evil.
It could be handled wrong files :-(

So far there are:
A simple manager for the pictures / media files.
Copy, Move, Rename, Delete. Directory create / delete.

Enabling, editing of network shares. Similar to the plug-ins
the shares can be set to auto start.

Start / Stop, Auto Start Start / Stop the installed plugin's

Display of the EPG data. If the EPGScan plug-in is also installed,
will also access the stored data.
Since there is no way to read the favorite name,
I have provided a possibility to specify the name itself.
For this, the file / var / www / cgi-bin Favoriten.txt be created.
Example (Unix text format):
-1, All Programs
0, Astra 1
250, (favorite name)
251 ...

The numbers of the favorites to start from 250 Then simply count up
and enter their own names.
The satellites start at 0 (Astra 1).
When viewing a program then the timer can also be activated.

Display of active timers. It can also set a new timer entry
be. From version may V4 timer carries are processed and new
Entries without support EPG are created. When timers from the EPG list
You can switch between playback and delete recording.

A remote control the box - playing :-) (is required OsdCapture)
Remote + OSD (Note slow)

TV browser interface:
In TV-Browser a recording device with the default driver set.
url: / / ip.Box / tvbrowser.sh

Parameters for inclusion:
alarm mode = 1 & sDate = {START_DAY.} {start_month.} {start_year} & STIME = {start_hour}% 3A {start_minute} & eTime = {end_hour}% 3A {end_minute} & svselect = {channel_name_external} & alarm type = 1 & MCMD = set

Parameters for delete:
alarm mode = 0 & sDate = {START_DAY.} {start_month.} {start_year} & STIME = {start_hour}% 3A {start_minute} & eTime = {end_hour}% 3A {end_minute} & svselect = {channel_name_external} & alarm type = 1 & MCMD = delete

In PolarEdit open the channel list of the satellite, not the favorites.
In the tab "Sender" in the column "External Name" enter the channel no-one for each channel.

Now the box directly from the TV-out are progrmmiert browser.


The main menu created automatically. This requires the script to meet the sides following syntax:

xx = position in the navigation bar
Name = display name in the navigation bar

The ending [. Page] to detect the script.

Since a script is as follows:
# / Bin / bash
/ Var / www / cgi-bin / startpage.sh
# Side Navigation
echo "<li> ...</ li>
cat. / content start
echo "xx.Name.page"> / tmp / webio.page
cat. / footer

For examples, see pages included:
Home Page:

File Manager:

Plugin page:



The design of the web interface should be by adjusting the graphics in the "img"
adjust directory and the CSS file on the other clones have.
However, I do not know this. I just hope it goes ;-)

- API version 1.05 (from V10875)
- EpgScan.cfg moved to / var / etc
- Interface for tvbrowser added.

V5 01.02.2011
- Expansion of the timer display for SF1028
- Timer input alternatively with start and end times

V4 12/10/2010
- Set timer and work possible
- Log file can be / var / EpgScan.cfg on and off.
- Based on plugin API works for firmware 1.04 and V10844

V3 24/09/2010
- Extracts from the binary on / var / EpgScan.cfg localized.
- The binary now writes a log file. The path is set in the cfg file.
- Summer time CFG file (can be up to the API)
- Index for EPG data is generated automatically

dancefan (09/20/2010)

19-06-2011, 03:59 PM
Here is the Fully Translated Version of Webif from german to English :respect-048:

let me know if you found any German Word i will try to Translate it

27-06-2011, 12:30 PM
run in 6000hd???

27-06-2011, 12:34 PM
Yes you can

27-06-2011, 12:39 PM
Yes you can


thanks, but in same directory???
i have one into var named www.
put into var\plugin or in var\www directory??


27-06-2011, 12:43 PM
Delete old directory and install the new one in var/www

27-06-2011, 12:47 PM
Delete old directory and install the new one in var/www


17-04-2012, 12:44 PM
I have a problem. If I want to add program to timer and after adding I want to edit entry (for example change option from "Switch to" to "Recording" my S4000 hangs totally and drop any network connection. Is any possibility to solve that problem?

17-05-2012, 04:39 PM
Latest English version Web Interface.