View Full Version : E2 cannot start timer/record

18-02-2011, 10:33 AM
I have set a few timers and my atevio displayed a message: 'recording cannot start, full disc?' The same happens when I try to record manually. When I check the hdd in .83 firmware there is still 138GB of free space on the hard disk. Any ideas why this is happening, please?

18-02-2011, 11:34 AM
If this is the first time you have used E2 image you need to initialise the drive (format!!!) it will then be accessible by both images. Obviously you will wipe the disk clean when you do this so back-up all your recordings.

[edit] Aha - i see you got a better answer on AAF. Let us know if that works.

18-02-2011, 11:49 AM
If this is the first time you have used E2 image you need to initialise the drive (format!!!) it will then be accessible by both images. Obviously you will wipe the disk clean when you do this so back-up all your recordings.

[edit] Aha - i see you got a better answer on AAF. Let us know if that works.

I just asked them how to label hdd RECORD I'll wait for the answer and will try it tonight.
I did get it to work, but it does not want to now... Have a look here. (http://www.aaf-digital.info/forum/showthread.php?60637-Initiating-hdd-with-E2)

I prefer original firmware as the picture quality is much better, but something funny started to happen. Polish provider cyfra+ introduced a new channel TVP Seriale. When I set the timer using epg-it records from a different channel TVP Sport. Very weird! When I press the recording manually, it works. I have not tried the same with previous f/w versions. This is why I wanted to check if the same would happen on E2.