View Full Version : Time for a new image.

23-02-2011, 08:02 PM
I have had the same image on my 8000HD for about 12 months now and I am sure the images have probably improved in that time.

So which image should I change to?

I am currently using blackhole 011

Also what files should I save to continue my CS on the new image(the CS is using CCcam 2.0.11)?

23-02-2011, 08:22 PM
LOL, that is a quite Old !

Install Last Nemesis 2.2, my Favorite in This Moment !

Just Backup your CCcam.cfg, the rest you can install by Blue Panel.

23-02-2011, 08:28 PM
I have had the same image on my 8000HD for about 12 months now and I am sure the images have probably improved in that time.

So which image should I change to?

I am currently using blackhole 011

Also what files should I save to continue my CS on the new image(the CS is using CCcam 2.0.11)?

use blackhole 012

23-02-2011, 09:02 PM
PLI is by far best i've come across so far. Updateable in menu's.

23-02-2011, 09:50 PM
Its great we all like different things. My learning curve with this great box, helped by several of the great guys here, has moved me from Backup Gem ones to Peter Pan 2.2, which has some great skins and downloadable addons still all from site, and the Oozoon latest which with Tunisiasat Addon manager gives you the same lazy freedom of downloads. PP on flash/ ooz on HDD - so unlike old 7000 days. Good hunting - Brain

23-02-2011, 11:53 PM
I should of left things as they were,I tried to install Nemesis 2.2 but that wouldn't go onto my memory card.
I rebooted with the original image that I was using used DCC to connect again and loaded Oozoon all went well until I chose Barry Allen to boot with this image and now it just loads up to the point past the barry allen screen and just loops and reboots and reboots.

I removed my memory card and booted into the flash image which I probably should of updated before I updated the multiboot image but I have no way to boot into my original image.
I have tried to use dcc to connect into the oozoon image but DCC can't find an IP address for it.
So I will have to start again, so what flash image should I use or is there a way to recover my other images?

24-02-2011, 12:09 AM
you can run all you probably need on flash with addons in so long as you dont exceed memory. Use Webbrowser to reflash an image - Oozoon or Peter Pan2.2 will give you access to online downloads /addons. Have you backed up all bouquets etc via dreamedit or on the HDD? If so all can then be uploaded to save all that. PP has online downloads - oozoon works well with Tunisiasat addon manager and most is downloadable. S a t a n g e l s updater can be uploaded via usr/tmp as .ipk file and manually installed. If box is feeling tetchy always remember that a few hours unplugged tends to solve most problems but the 8000 seems to be very forgiving and flexible. I dont use BA - meoboot seems to work well and comes installed. If other images were saved to comp., stick or HDD you should be able to but stick will need remounting - dont format unless remount doesnt work, but all will then be lost. Good Luck - Brain

24-02-2011, 05:31 PM
OK I have tried a few images and they all offer something unique..I have had internet problems which has added to my problems but with each image I have tried I have managed to get my CS working which was the thing I worried most about.

I now need to set it up all again for security purposes,so a base image that has no working cams installed..then I need to use Barry Allen or whatever to install working images ie with Cccam installed and working,any suggestions for a CVS image and should I use BA or meoboot.
The images will be installed on a CF card.

25-02-2011, 11:06 AM
the latest Blackhole or Pli will do well as base for the flash. Although any will run from flash and have cams/etc installed so long, as I said before, you keep an eye on memory left, or use swap. However, the ones I mentioned before will run either way and have the advantage of using online downloads still. I have several on HDD since it is silent, doesnt seem to be temperamental like old 7000 and saves on a stick! If you reflash they are still easily accessible.
As far as i understand BA has more facilities than Meoboot, but the latter often comes installed and does the installing, rebooting etc well. CS I dont have so I dont know much about it - sorry. Good Luck - Brain

25-02-2011, 11:13 AM
OK I have tried a few images and they all offer something unique..I have had internet problems which has added to my problems but with each image I have tried I have managed to get my CS working which was the thing I worried most about.

I now need to set it up all again for security purposes,so a base image that has no working cams installed..then I need to use Barry Allen or whatever to install working images ie with Cccam installed and working,any suggestions for a CVS image and should I use BA or meoboot.
The images will be installed on a CF card.

Using here Nemesis 2.2 on Flash With Barry Allen 5.2.2 !
All 100%, CS with Oscam/CCcam, Regular Updates, Easy to Use, etc ...