View Full Version : RTI core RC5 Enigma2

24-02-2011, 10:17 PM
From official site:

New ver. RC5
Changes in kernel - necessarily to write kernel (check 'copy kernel' in azup),
ofcourse it is necessary only one time
What is new :
- NEW Kernel - allowed to use/install E2 on DOM and Official FW (dofferent kernel-old kernel) to USB stick
- NEW structure/file format - now E2 files/kernel use .e2 extension
NEW AZUp v.2.x.x - use only new .e2 extension
- allow to prepare and install official FW on USB stick
- allow to make Backup ch.list, settings and camd setings/scripts/cfgs from installed Enigma2 and Restore to new fresh E2 installation.
-Added additional control before install : check cpu speed and if overclocked - reset to default value
- Checking free ram (min) needed for some operation
- Checking existing/correct mount for storage device - where you want to install E2.
- Auto switch to rescue mode if AZBox is in E2 mode
- Alsoo now you can see info about loaded E2 File
pls read Readme file for more info about AZUp 2

AZUp 2
Files need for install Official FW on USB
E2 RTi Core RC5



RC5 is RC4 + new kernel which enables install Official FW on USB (with AZUp) and boot automaticly if USB stick with Official FW is in AZBox during booting.


24-02-2011, 11:54 PM
Although I like to see the progress I am a bit disappointed that DVB-C is still not implemented - I would like to start with Enigma... It's hard to see other AZBOX Users happy ;) However, thanks to the team for the progress !

24-02-2011, 11:56 PM
I really hate the idea that resque mode isn't comming up anymore when USB stick with new patch is inserted on boot

25-02-2011, 12:41 AM
really I do not understand why they released an image that really is a RC4 with new kernel and with more install options...
Was really necessary to release RC5?
Users are waiting for other tuners.. not for more install options...If we have tuners, who wants to install out of dom? Obviously this is a great work so thanks to the team..

25-02-2011, 01:28 AM
We called RC5 because of different kernel and some other things and because of less confuse for users who is using E2.

As you can see in our forum I am working on new driver that will have support for all tuners(and TWIN support), currently all users that test BETA driver as much I read the logs they reported that new driver can see and INIT okey all type of tuners in Azbox and on p+ box both of tuners. Today I put new version up with audio/video for testing and in next days we will fixing/adding new stuff on this part of the code before I go to last part of the code and thats the tuners.

As I stated on our forum to some others users better is to wait little longer and do this beta driver test good and step by step then to publish some partial working solution.

25-02-2011, 01:30 AM
Having problems trying to mount cifs shares, can anyone confirm theirs are working ok on this version? Cheers

25-02-2011, 01:35 AM
It's my fault, I didnt add new patch.e2 checking in kernel init script, working on many things and it just slid from my mind regarding new patch file structure.

I apology to everyone on this. I will fix that and upload new kernel image for flash

25-02-2011, 01:37 AM
CIFS support is added as kernel module, check if mounting CIFS is after insmod of the kernel module is done

25-02-2011, 08:10 AM
THANKS all for this ...nice job

25-02-2011, 10:58 AM
It's my fault, I didnt add new patch.e2 checking in kernel init script, working on many things and it just slid from my mind regarding new patch file structure.

I apology to everyone on this. I will fix that and upload new kernel image for flash

No problem when the feature is coming back i'am happy:respect-055:

request to RTI team;

When I install new version off E2 I always havce to do 2 extra things;

1 - Add sda1 to fstab - req; could it be added in feature releases?
2 - Change keymap.xml - req; Take a look @ what pingflood produced it's really almost perfect, would love to see that one adopted

But still great job RTI:respect-040:

25-02-2011, 11:23 AM
As I stated on our forum to some others users better is to wait little longer and do this beta driver test good and step by step then to publish some partial working solution.

I think normally everyone would agree to this, but given that the crappy original firmware is only a "partial working solution" everyone wants to change as soon as possible :)

25-02-2011, 01:15 PM
From The_Ripper, on another forum:

To explain better, New 2.6.29 kernel support better KEXEC support( loading new kernel with same or different version from kernel that is allready runing without need to reboot) then some older linux kernel versions so it gave me opportunity to load plain 2.6.15 Sigma kernel version(that original FW use) without need for licensing/encrypting and all other stupid stuff that Sigma wants so kernel can be booted from flash. And with few tweaks inside scripts from DISK1 that is used in loading process, we just switch HDAX to USBX partitions to be MMP,DISK2,Download, etc .... Thats all mistery.

Regarding dvb driver it's the old one from all RCX versions, new BETA driver isnt fully ready yet, I just finished audio/video part and upload it, and in next few days I will work with sattomy(gstreamer developer for azbox) so we can fix many things in gstreamer plugins and in driver thats not working right now.

25-02-2011, 02:09 PM
I really hate the idea that resque mode isn't comming up anymore when USB stick with new patch is inserted on boot

It's my fault, I didnt add new patch.e2 checking in kernel init script, working on many things and it just slid from my mind regarding new patch file structure.

I apology to everyone on this. I will fix that and upload new kernel image for flash

No no no , this is unnecessarily , because patch.e2 is loaded on PC , no need to put this on usb stick !!!
simply, if you have e2 on azbox , start new azup 2.x.x , write right IP adress and pass, press GO ! in 'Install E2/Kernel' block , if all is ok (AZUp check : overclock and reset this , also check free space in RAM, check storage device ... ,), AZUp will switch AZBox to rescue mode, then request from you
to load patch.e2 locally on pc, then start with procedure for update.
This is new procedure for update , simpler and safer :)


25-02-2011, 03:28 PM
No no no , this is unnecessarily , because patch.e2 is loaded on PC , no need to put this on usb stick !!!
This is new procedure for update , simpler and safer :)

I agree with you. This is simpler, safer and far better than previous method. :respect-055:

But I also agree with Carp95. I think we should have a emergency boot mode, in case if all go wrong with e2 (bad user configs, unexpected modules behaviour, defective init files, etc) that could avoid AzUp to put E2 in Rescue Mod.

If The_Ripper could add the option to stop in Rescue Mod if patch.e2 is found on USB, I think he should add this as a safety mode, even with all the proccess of loading, uploading, extracting and installing the patch.e2 be all up to AzUp.

Maybe, instead of look for patch.e2 on USB if AzBox look for a keypress (e.g., keep pressing "OK" on panel during the boot, just like OFW) could be a more elegant approach.


25-02-2011, 03:44 PM
Good I walk a little confused by it all. I have installed the firmware on my premium Gemini3, how do I install this RC5. I put the pen in my patch.e2 but not entered into rescue mode. Can you help me in this doubt?

25-02-2011, 04:27 PM
(AZUp check : overclock and reset this , also check free space in RAM, check storage device ... ,),
This is new procedure for update , simpler and safer :)


MMMmmmm... I already see that somewhere...
"Safer" i laught...

25-02-2011, 04:51 PM
the last fw I tried = that was RC4 had problems reading sly ND$ card. anything changed since that? pls confirm someone.

25-02-2011, 07:48 PM
CIFS support is added as kernel module, check if mounting CIFS is after insmod of the kernel module is done

i have the same problem in RC5, in RC4 was ο.κ.

root@AZBox:~# mount -t cifs \\\\\\movies /media/movies -o username=root,password=azbox

mount: mounting \\\movies on /media/movies failed: Not a directory

25-02-2011, 07:51 PM
i have the same problem in RC5, in RC4 was ο.κ.

root@AZBox:~# mount -t cifs \\\\\\movies /media/movies -o username=root,password=azbox

mount: mounting \\\movies on /media/movies failed: Not a directory

Exactly the same error message as I am getting. I have tried via a script and via telnet command.

25-02-2011, 10:21 PM
Hi. anyone know how I go back to original firmware AZBOX
from RTI rc5 Enigma2

25-02-2011, 10:47 PM
I agree with you. This is simpler, safer and far better than previous method. :respect-055:

But I also agree with Carp95. I think we should have a emergency boot mode, in case if all go wrong with e2 (bad user configs, unexpected modules behaviour, defective init files, etc) that could avoid AzUp to put E2 in Rescue Mod.

If The_Ripper could add the option to stop in Rescue Mod if patch.e2 is found on USB, I think he should add this as a safety mode, even with all the proccess of loading, uploading, extracting and installing the patch.e2 be all up to AzUp.

Maybe, instead of look for patch.e2 on USB if AzBox look for a keypress (e.g., keep pressing "OK" on panel during the boot, just like OFW) could be a more elegant approach.


Indeed thats why I want it, not for normal flashing but only as resque when I f&ck-up my E2 installation and it wont boot anymore.

This way I have to guess the ipnumber of the box ( if it gets that far ( start network) when E2 is f&cked up )

So telesat we need this option

26-02-2011, 01:24 AM
hmmm , but if you put patch.bin - boot stop and go to rescue mode , what is problem, why you need also patch.e2 to cause rescue mode ???
i realy dont understand :S
also , if you make fault as your sample - wrong bootup file , start azup 2 , and if you have telnet/ftp connection , azup will switch AZBox in rescue mode , but if doesnt have telnet/ftp connection , you alway can stop boot and go to rescue if put usb with patch.bin file, why to complicate and add confusion with new patch.e2 , because patch.e2 is not meant to work with USB stick.
Maybe better idea is press and hold for example OK button on front pannel and switch on AZBox , and cause rescue mode :)


26-02-2011, 05:39 AM
Maybe better idea is press and hold for example OK button on front pannel and switch on AZBox , and cause rescue mode :)

yes, I think this would be a great idea

26-02-2011, 01:42 PM
Maybe better idea is press and hold for example OK button on front pannel and switch on AZBox , and cause rescue mode

Thats OK too, using patch.bin leaves us to upgrade to "old" kernel/images

26-02-2011, 02:15 PM
Thats OK too, using patch.bin leaves us to upgrade to "old" kernel/images

No, if patch.bin is present on USB stick attached on AZBox during Booting , AZBox go to rescue mode , without other action.
Next what you send to AZBox - is your choice, ofcourse , you can start new AZUp-2 and send patch.e2 ;)
Pls understand, new AZUp-2 in combination with patch.e2 allow updating box without using USB stick, but you want to cause rescue mode - always can put USB stick with patch.bin and stop booting and go to rescue, but patch.bin on USB in this case is irelevant for other action, ONLY for cause - go to rescue mode.
using patch.e2 , NO patch.bin !!! , with new AZUp-2 enable us to upgrade to "old" kernel , of course with right patch.e2 (i will upload 'old' kernel in patch.e2 format)
AZUp 2.x.x is for operating with E2 , without using USB stick for change E2 files and kernel , so if you using patch.e2 0 you can change 'old' kernel and after reboot get GUI from official FW and next is your choice what you want to do , for example you can put USB stick with patch.bin and upgrade official FW .
I hope , I managed to explain how all of this now working :)


26-02-2011, 05:30 PM
No, if patch.bin is present on USB stick attached on AZBox during Booting , AZBox go to rescue mode , without other action.
Next what you send to AZBox - is your choice, ofcourse , you can start new AZUp-2 and send patch.e2 ;)
Pls understand, new AZUp-2 in combination with patch.e2 allow updating box without using USB stick, but you want to cause rescue mode - always can put USB stick with patch.bin and stop booting and go to rescue, but patch.bin on USB in this case is irelevant for other action, ONLY for cause - go to rescue mode.
using patch.e2 , NO patch.bin !!! , with new AZUp-2 enable us to upgrade to "old" kernel , of course with right patch.e2 (i will upload 'old' kernel in patch.e2 format)
AZUp 2.x.x is for operating with E2 , without using USB stick for change E2 files and kernel , so if you using patch.e2 0 you can change 'old' kernel and after reboot get GUI from official FW and next is your choice what you want to do , for example you can put USB stick with patch.bin and upgrade official FW .
I hope , I managed to explain how all of this now working :)


Sry iīm new on satpimps
i have read your post

my question is wehre i can find the upload 'old' kernel in patch.e2 format

or did you havenīt upload the old kernel


26-02-2011, 06:48 PM
is there a way to change the factory firmware installed on the USB stick? For example, RC5 install files includes factory 5300 but what if one wanted to use say 5020 or 5301, is there a way to do so?

26-02-2011, 10:56 PM
i have same question :)

27-02-2011, 07:27 PM
I have problem with RC5 fw - seems CPU is losing frames so video is not smooth, hard to watch . tried on 50 and 60 hz 1080i

06-03-2011, 11:05 PM
In case anyone missed post on "How-to-Make-Official-Firmware-for-Dual-boot"


Big thanks to MickeySa