View Full Version : signal Strength?

03-03-2011, 08:24 PM
Hi all.ok here it is.Ive posted here because i have a spiderbox,not saying its that.Ok i have mainly 95% signal quality and 85% strength on all my sats.i have 95cm dish on tm2600 motor with smart titatinum 0.1 lnb.What the prob is,i could have 95% quality then all of a sudden it completely drops out and may come back or stay like that for a while.If i reboot it can come back to 95% quality again.Now it not the alignment cos thats perfect,trust me and i had tried 3 different lnbs.This mainly happens on 13 & 16 E.Sometimes it may not do it at all.but it bloody anoying as u can imagine.also while ive got ya attention.does anyone get frequent box lockup when turning on c****s and service+,then trying to exit menu and the box just freezes,most of the time.Also is there a limit on transponders the box can take? as when i want to add new one the box just reboots itself unless i delete redundant tps.sorry to waffle on but wanted to see if anyone has come across these problems.Thankyou very much.