View Full Version : Motor for Channel Master 1.2

03-03-2011, 09:16 PM
Ok I currently have a triax 1.1m dish with motech 2100 diseqc motor.

I can get pretty much everything from 58w to 53e, but signal on nilesat 7w is a bit hit and miss (35% on a good day and only a few channels picked up anyway).

So I am considering going for a channel master 1.2m dish, as these are supposed to be alot better dish's, and i'm hoping it should drag in a bit more signal from nilesat and maybe a couple of other sats (4w for example) where signal is a bit hit and miss.

I'm also interested in setting it up for inclinded sat tracking to get some nice feeds :)

However my main question is, what is the best motor / actuator to use with the channel master (currently avaliable), and will I still be able to get as much of the arc as I currently do ?

03-03-2011, 09:41 PM
the c/m has a matching polar mount but no longer available a diseqc motor is a bit flimsy as the dish is heavy and yes you can cover all the arc with an 18inch actuator i used to trac from 58w to 68e with a c/m and polar mount

03-03-2011, 09:49 PM
Ok I currently have a triax 1.1m dish with motech 2100 diseqc motor.

I can get pretty much everything from 58w to 53e, but signal on nilesat 7w is a bit hit and miss (35% on a good day and only a few channels picked up anyway).

So I am considering going for a channel master 1.2m dish, as these are supposed to be alot better dish's, and i'm hoping it should drag in a bit more signal from nilesat and maybe a couple of other sats (4w for example) where signal is a bit hit and miss.

I'm also interested in setting it up for inclinded sat tracking to get some nice feeds :)

However my main question is, what is the best motor / actuator to use with the channel master (currently avaliable), and will I still be able to get as much of the arc as I currently do ?

Wheres your location m8 as that can affect reception from nilesat 7 west
Otherwise use a 18 actuator & polormount with v box positioner

it also depends on your line of site using 18 actuator u should see 58 to 60 either side especially if your high up otherwise 45 -45

for lnb on the c/m dish -try seperate feedhorn & c120 lnb or those new ultra lnbs

03-03-2011, 10:24 PM
the c/m has a matching polar mount but no longer available a diseqc motor is a bit flimsy as the dish is heavy and yes you can cover all the arc with an 18inch actuator i used to trac from 58w to 68e with a c/m and polar mount

Thanks, I know where to get a polar mount from for the cm 1.2 dish, so that isn't an issue at the moment, it was more about what size actuator i'd need to get the full arc (or atleast what I can currently get).

Also you mentioned the diseqc motor, would the darkmotor with metal gear be any good as i've noticed they mention dish's upto 1.4m can be used (altho I guess if I did go with another diseqc motor it would mean no chance of getting those inclinded sats.

Wheres your location m8 as that can affect reception from nilesat 7 west
Otherwise use a 18 actuator & polormount with v box positioner

it also depends on your line of site using 18 actuator u should see 58 to 60 either side especially if your high up otherwise 45 -45

for lnb on the c/m dish -try seperate feedhorn & c120 lnb or those new ultra lnbs

Yeh I know nilesat isn't easy to get, but as I can currently recieve 16 channels from it, I guess that I should beable to pull in a few more with a decent dish and lnb.

Also as I can currently get good signals from 58w (when there is something broadcast there) to 53e I assume that my location would be fine with the cm and 18" actuator too ?

03-03-2011, 10:44 PM
no diseqc is not an option for inclined sats but with the c/master polar mount it would be easy to fit another actuator 12inch should do and possibly a v box to power it as for 7w nilesat it's the h transponders that;s difficuld to receive in the uk 1.2m dish would help a little but don;t expect too much location is also an issue the further north the weaker the signal in say manchester probably a 2.4m would be needed for all nilesat transponders

04-03-2011, 12:53 AM
no diseqc is not an option for inclined sats but with the c/master polar mount it would be easy to fit another actuator 12inch should do and possibly a v box to power it as for 7w nilesat it's the h transponders that;s difficuld to receive in the uk 1.2m dish would help a little but don;t expect too much location is also an issue the further north the weaker the signal in say manchester probably a 2.4m would be needed for all nilesat transponders

So tbh I am probably better off sticking to my current dish and motor then ?

04-03-2011, 06:50 PM
Nah decided I deffo want to upgrade to the channel master dish now, even if it won't give me much more if anything more than I currently have.

However I have another question.

I remember back in the day everyone raved on about the Jaeger 1224 motor, and I was just wondering, what made these so good, compared to the polar mount and actuator setup ?

04-03-2011, 07:57 PM
Basically their heavy build and an adaptor plate for the CM 1.2 I go along with the commentys posted earlier. I have my CM 1.2 now for twenty years and living on the exposed southern Irish coast never had a dish problem. My original actuator lasted seventeen years and I am still on my second one. I would ignore the advice about the twelve inch actuator for two reasons. Their is almost no difference in price. I dont think the quality is as good as twenty years ago and believe all are made in China and just rebrandrd by the diffrent Cos. The second reason is the longer the actuator the greater the leaverage on the dish to hold it against strong winds.
During last summer I helped my next door neighbor set up his disec motor and 90mm dish but we have been back twice already to reposition it after some strong gales.As it is almost into my garden I check on it regularly especially on wind days.The dish seems to be constantly shaking so I have come to the following conclusions.The motor is top quality (you mentioned it above) . But the bracket that comes with it is made of very light sheet steel.Too light as in a fair wind this bracket is flexing. Max pole size is only two inchs whereas the CM polor mount is on a more substantiol pole of three inchs.If you have a CM polor mount you are a very lucky person as they are as scarce as hens theet. I searched the world for a replacement two years ago and failed. I made one my self by copying the original and have it ready as the salt air is playing havoc with my twenty year old one. Pay for the best and it will last years. TMULL

04-03-2011, 08:03 PM
not that rare mine is up for auction as new with dish this is my spare and i need the space

04-03-2011, 08:14 PM
not that rare mine is up for auction as new with dish this is my spare and i need the space

What is it you have up for auction ?

04-03-2011, 08:26 PM
Basically their heavy build and an adaptor plate for the CM 1.2 I go along with the commentys posted earlier. I have my CM 1.2 now for twenty years and living on the exposed southern Irish coast never had a dish problem. My original actuator lasted seventeen years and I am still on my second one. I would ignore the advice about the twelve inch actuator for two reasons. Their is almost no difference in price. I dont think the quality is as good as twenty years ago and believe all are made in China and just rebrandrd by the diffrent Cos. The second reason is the longer the actuator the greater the leaverage on the dish to hold it against strong winds.
During last summer I helped my next door neighbor set up his disec motor and 90mm dish but we have been back twice already to reposition it after some strong gales.As it is almost into my garden I check on it regularly especially on wind days.The dish seems to be constantly shaking so I have come to the following conclusions.The motor is top quality (you mentioned it above) . But the bracket that comes with it is made of very light sheet steel.Too light as in a fair wind this bracket is flexing. Max pole size is only two inchs whereas the CM polor mount is on a more substantiol pole of three inchs.If you have a CM polor mount you are a very lucky person as they are as scarce as hens theet. I searched the world for a replacement two years ago and failed. I made one my self by copying the original and have it ready as the salt air is playing havoc with my twenty year old one. Pay for the best and it will last years. TMULL

So was the 1224 motor only popular because the polar mounts were no longer avaliable or where they actually better than the polar mounts ?

04-03-2011, 09:30 PM
To my way thinking the polar mount is a simple piece of equipment that any half decent metal shop could easily knock-up and I am admazed that no one marketed it. But then again ye dont have a resseccion so no one wanted to make money. Almost nothing to go wrong with a polar mount and about 40quid for an actuator. The Jaegar motor mount may have been better but at that cost it ought to be. Simpler is often better.TMULL

04-03-2011, 11:55 PM
Ok I guess i'll stick with the polar mount then.

After looking at the 1224 it would have been the EL version I would want anyway I think.