View Full Version : Entering new C line

05-03-2011, 06:23 PM
For the first time I want to add my owqn C line (normally i get someone else to do it for me) but where do I start? Can I do it via the receiver menu? or do I have to FTP it? and if so what do I need to do? Thanks in advance

05-03-2011, 10:00 PM
Just Install Dcc On your Pc, Run Dcc enter receiver ip and tick case if you use Router (enter router ip), enter name and password, click "connect".
If all ok you should have both button icons Green (Ftp and telnet)
Go to Ftp (on lower left), double click on var, double on etc, Right click on your CCcam.cfg, choose "edit" and enter New Line.
When Fineshed, Click on "file" and choose "save and exit" (confirm by "yes").

06-03-2011, 12:38 AM