View Full Version : Hdd Problem

06-03-2011, 10:08 AM

Had problems with DM800 so took it to get fixed but they put on a new image etc. and cannot get my external HDD to play the recorded files.
The info on the box shows:- Enigma ramiMAHER v5 , Image Experimental 2011-02-19, Detected HDD: ATA (300.068GB 202547MB Free)

When I press the video button all of the recorded programs on the HDD show but at the bottom left of the screen is the coloured buttons for use with the HDD but an N/A is next to them and when I press any of the buttons I get the hand with a cross on it.
I recorded a program yesterday and it shows in the list so the HDD is recognized and records OK but I cannot get it to play any of the recorded programs. I've looked everywhere in the menu's but can't find out how to enable the HDD to play.

Any help appreciated,


06-03-2011, 10:24 AM
well I have mentioned to you in the past the problems caused by using out of date images or those that are buggy, not using mainstream images or whatever you wish to call it

look at what you have written above ^^^^

Enigma ramiMAHER v5 , Image Experimental 2011-02-19

maybe one day you will use a mainstream image like oozoon or nabilo or dreamelite or edg-nemesis or gemini or ones that are recommended to you, I even asked a question myself about what images were out now in order to update my box recently

the other problem here is you are leaving it to others to do the work and so are totally reliant on what they are doing

but as I recently downloaded about half a dozen images , none with the name you quoted , and none with the word EXPERIMENTAL in them , I think I can safely guess the reasons for your present problem. its also likely that nobody here is using said image and so nobody would know anything about it, I know I dont !

maybe oozoon or some similar up to date mainstream image will solve your problems but I dont think using beta firmware will


just looked for this image in google and a new one was released on 03 mar 2011 and one of the bug fixes was video play

Exclusive new Driver newnigma2-release-dm800-v3-1-6 #76D ramiMAHER

Was run

1- Video play

2- accept additions installed through tools via the dcc2

3- webinterface

4- Patched driver dreambox-dvb-modules_2.6.18-7.4-dm800 2011-3-2

06-03-2011, 11:54 AM
Hi Echelon,
I didn't install the image. As I said above I took the box to a chap here in Tenerife because I couldn't find mgcamd on any of the plugins unknown to me he installed the image and I wasn't pleased because I also had to install my service list etc.

I got the box back off him on Friday evening and recorded the NUFC match yesterday afternoon and last night was when I realised I had a problem, as you can imagine I was not to pleased when I realised I couldn't watch it. I rang him and told hom my feelings on the matter but obviously he can't do anything till Monday. At least you've helped me in as much as I know the image is faulty and it's nothing to do with menu's etc.



06-03-2011, 11:58 AM
Just an after thought, I guess the reason he installed that image is because his name is ********> RAMI.
I was quite happy with the Image I had so seeing your on my case so to speak what image would you recommend and I'll tell him to install that.


06-03-2011, 12:57 PM
Hi M8
I can see your problem and I also see the reason for E's reply. Anyway, as passete has said probably the best one atm is Nemesis 2.2. Download from this site and then do a web install. If you have saved all your settings then just add them.Adding tunisiasat and updater - s a t a ng e l you will have all the fun you want and should be able to find recordings unless they have benn affected by the odd image in which case you may see them in hdd but they may not play. Oozoon and Peter pan2.2 are two of my other favourites. Good Luck - Brain

06-03-2011, 02:06 PM
one point that is being missed here is that the image that has been installed on your box
is a patched image for an 800 Clone
do not try putting oozoon or 'any old image' on this box
your best bet will probably be the one mentioned by Echelon above
Exclusive new Driver newnigma2-release-dm800-v3-1-6 #76D ramiMAHER
just make sure you use a patched image that suits your box's bootloader

06-03-2011, 03:35 PM
Hi Echelon,
I didn't install the image. As I said above I took the box to a chap here in Tenerife because I couldn't find mgcamd on any of the plugins unknown to me he installed the image and I wasn't pleased because I also had to install my service list etc.

I got the box back off him on Friday evening and recorded the NUFC match yesterday afternoon and last night was when I realised I had a problem, as you can imagine I was not to pleased when I realised I couldn't watch it. I rang him and told hom my feelings on the matter but obviously he can't do anything till Monday. At least you've helped me in as much as I know the image is faulty and it's nothing to do with menu's etc.



Just an after thought, I guess the reason he installed that image is because his name is ********> RAMI.
I was quite happy with the Image I had so seeing your on my case so to speak what image would you recommend and I'll tell him to install that.


some points to clarify here

1) I never said you did install that image , I read and fully understood your post when you said a man in the shop did it , and that was your reply to me some years ago about the old image , so why you think that I think you installed that new image is beyond me

2) my point here and in the past is that you are taking it to a shop to get the work done , and yet you post on here when it all goes wrong , the correct place to voice a complaint would be to the person who did the work

3) you should be installing the images and plugins yourself , not leaving it to shop owners to do this for you or without asking you. that way you can control what goes on the box and fix any problems

4) I googled that image file ( which you could and should have done ) and found that there were updated images by that guy , one of which is supposed to fix the problem you talked about , and that in any case its supposedly for a clone dreambox and also experimental too , which you clearly said in post1 ( so its not really for original boxes anyway )

5) its been widely reported that plugins like cams have been removed from download sites , which will be why you could not find one to install , but on the other hand several plugin addons have been posted on here to address this download problem , tunisiasat , ferrari , ppanel and maybe others too

so not reading , not keeping up to date , not using the internet to check details , and trusting a shop owner that messes with your box without permission are just some of the failings here , and if you paid him for this work it clearly wasnt up to scratch

you seriously should rethink how you deal with your original dreambox , as it seems to me not enough research has been undertaken in 4 years of ownership , not enough efort has been put in to address the issues with the image that was on it , and you definitely should not be putting right another mans wrongs , even if he was the image author

sorry , but it has to be said , and I wouldnt treat my original dreambox this way , or allow it to be treated in such a manner by others to an expensive box like ours

but I also think you may find its ok when the new image goes onto it , unless there are other "experimental" bugs in it

edg , oozoon , peterpan or one of the other images would have been a better option in my opiniuon , and why you asked me about images again I dont understand as I already mentioned them in my first reply. this does not mean I am running them or have tested them or anything , but looking on the forums and at other replies its quite clear many members use them successfully

07-03-2011, 12:03 PM
An update to my prob's with HDD etc.

I have had to leave the DM with the guy because he didn't have time to put on a new image straight away, although he did say that the Nemises 2.2 would not go onto my DM because it was too old, just to prove his point he did try while I was there and a message did say that I must upgrade the box to be able to use the image.

Before I took the box to him I checked the authenticity of the box on the Dreambox site and everything checked out OK but the box was made in July 2008. I asked if it could be upgraded with new software but he said no it needed a new card internally.

He said he would find a good image for me and to pick the box back up this evening and I'll let you know what image he has installed tomorrow.

I will now try to get a little more involved with the DM as I know I can install an image but would possibly need a little help with installing the ccam etc. It does look however that unless I upgrade the box, again difficult here in Tenerife, I'm going to be restricted on what image's etc I can install.



07-03-2011, 12:31 PM
seems to be he stuck a clone sim card in it as that may prevent you using up to date images , and it may account for the installation of the clone image too

if that box was genuine ( and you assured me that it was due to being from the forum sponsor AND you checked it years ago with the dreambox genuine checker plugin ) then I would say it should deffo allow use of any new image regardless

so the fact it doesnt allow original images sets off warning bells to me

as for installing plugin downloaders , usually you just ftp into the tmp folder and install using the manual installer in addons manager , then its just a case of installing from the plugin menu

you can be assured we will help you when you need it , but all facts need to be given and also what programs you are using , like dcc or flashfxp , dreamboxedit or dreamset , and what windows os you use too

07-03-2011, 12:31 PM
A few points to pick out.

1) If the box is an original it will take any image.

2) ramiMAHER is not a coder, he takes the work of others and bodges it to work on clones so all the decent work done by the original coders is generally messed up.

3) It takes less than 10 minutes to flash and set up one of these box's so I would question if the man in the shop is much of an expert :D

4) There is enough information on this board alone to sink a ship when it comes to setting up one of these box's, I suggest you take an hour or two to study.

People like myself, Echelon and ian to name a few are not experts but we take the time to read and teach ourselves.

If you get your image of choice loaded and get stuck on the final hurdle then come back and I am sure you will have far more satisfaction when you can sort these things yourself.

07-03-2011, 03:28 PM
Many thanks for your replies,

As I said I've to pick up the box tonight but what really concerns me is the fact that you say any image should install on my DM. Just before I took it to him I again checked on the Dreambox.de site and put in my 12 digit code and the info returned matched the serial No and Mac address on the sticker on the base of the DM. Would the dream box still show up as genuine if he did indeed change the sim card?



07-03-2011, 03:53 PM
Hi M8
there really s no reason for the box not to take whatever is put in it. It will update as requested. There is also a genuine DB plugin most images have and that should come back with a code if the box is genuine 'Genuine dreambox' and most images come with this installed for use. Can you get on line? If so, I suspect it doesnt matter where you are[except perhaps china - lol where internet gets turned off very quickly,] - if you have internet then you can webflash it, download the standard upgrades and also find the addons.
you do yourself, and probably Echelon and others, an injustice - you seem to have the measure very well of all these boxes and are a great help. Brain

07-03-2011, 04:23 PM
Again Many thanks for your replies but if possible is there anyone on the forum that can give me an answer to the following, before I go to pick up my DB at 4.30
Before I took the box to him I verified it with Dreambox.de and entered the 12 digit code they came back with the details as printed on the sticker on the bottom of the DB. so the box is genuine but Is it possible that if he changed the sim card in the box would it not load Nemises 2.2 or any genuine DB image? The DM was manufactured in June 2008.
Last year when I took the box to him he mentioned he had to replace a "chip" I'm now wondering if he has butchered my DM to make a clone appear genuine. I just rang him and he was annoyed at my insinuation so you can understand that I must be sure of my facts before I go to confront him. He also just said that the reason it wont load nemises is something to do with the bootloader.

Please can someone clarify my concerns and give if possible reasons for the DM to reject the Nemises Image



07-03-2011, 04:45 PM
Hi mate, Can you let me know the name of the shop (via pm) as i live in tenerife and dont know of any shops here dealing with DM.

07-03-2011, 04:52 PM
Hi Quailman,

He operates from home and runs a local server. PM me and I'll give you his name.



07-03-2011, 05:35 PM
If you go to web flash it does it reject altogether or does it come up with e screen that says 'if you see this screen your box does not have etc -' I cant remember the rest. It will also say it doesnt matter you can just flash etc and this word about two thirds of the way down will also be highlighted and a way to start the flash system. It will also load the system2 needed to allow Nemesis onto the box. BA is atm then the only way you can manage the USB or HDD backup images, cos Meoboot .96 is not compatible and .99 is, as far as I know only a bout atm for the VU+. A shame really cos I, as a non techy found the Meoboot sufficient and very easy to use. Good Luck with your visit. Brain

07-03-2011, 07:24 PM
OK got my DM back and he denies that he has tampered with the DM but he took it more calmly than I would. He has put on Nabilo Black Hole and he says it's for the legit box not a clone. Unfortunately I'm out with the MinLaw tonight and have to take her to the Airport tomorrow but I will take pictures of the inside of the box and also all the data I can find and post it tomorrow.



07-03-2011, 08:53 PM
I suppose it depends which BH he has used and if its legit BH or a clone version

taking pictures may not prove anything , we know its been tampered with but have no idea what or why

had it been legit , the latest images would work , that is a fact

07-03-2011, 10:59 PM
i Just add one Thing, Why Installing such an OLD Image ?
A Bit "Wierd" ...

07-03-2011, 11:18 PM
Just got back in after good meal out. Connected the DM and at first the image appeared as it booted up but then the Full HD TV went blank and produced a message "Out of Range" cannot understand it unless he changed the settings for scart instead of HDMI. Will try the scart connection tomorrow as women are watching TV and "access is denied".



07-03-2011, 11:37 PM
Women are watching TV and took some pictures of inside DM. I particularly looked at sim card and it has like a black wax blob sealing the sim card to the chassis of the DB.

This has got me demented but if I can get it to work on TV tomorrow then hopefully I can get to the bottom of it. He constantly went on about bootloaders and how they can stop images from loading, one thing I picked up on was the fact that my DM was built June 2008 and purchased from Goldwafers in October 2008 but the bootloader is 75 and a banner from the bootup screen of the DM showed something from 2010 which is when he was supposed to have "repaired" the box.



08-03-2011, 11:53 AM

Not very good news as I still think same as majority of posters that he has done something to make my box a clone but unless he could take something from my DM to put into a clone to make that seem legit then there is no point.
The Image he has installed is Enigma 2009-12-11 Experimental, when he told me I said I didn't want an experimental but he said ALL images are experimental apart from the dreambox image which you cannot use ccam in. He went to the sat-television.com website and showed me the image he said he put on my DM. The one he showed me was in the DM800 folder not the DM800 clone folder but that doesn't prove a thing.

It took me 3 attempts with this image to FTP my channel list and the first 2 attempts I had to rebbot the box to accept the cahnges but on looking in my Favorites folder most of the servive positions had N/A next to them, third go all is now working.

Can someone look at the photographs and see if theres anything unusual.
When I confronted him about the Sim he said he definately didn't change it and also said you need a special tool to remove the soldered connections but I've looked at it and there is only a blob of black wax on the frame and sim card so all he would have to do is melt the wax and remove the circuit board from the DM then slide out the sim.

What I can't understand is why the box would pass a genuine test if the sim card was not origional, can anyone throw any light on what they think he could have done.

Unfortunately there's not much more I can do unless I can pinpoint what he has done.

I'm not that keen on the image but at least the box works. As you can guess I'm fuming and frustrated.

Therefore to conclude is there any proof or near proof as to what he has done?
What can I confront him with before I reluctantly have to call it a day?
What final questions can I ask ?
Any suggestions on what I could do next, re perhaps, how else he could have butchered my DM?



08-03-2011, 12:06 PM
Did You Tryed Install Manualy The Last Boot Loader ( i Think that is 82), Just after installing BL, Turn It off, and Install Last Nemesis 2.2.
Just to see if it Works

08-03-2011, 12:21 PM
Hi passete,

Unfortunately I'm not competant enough to carry out your instructions without more detailed instructions. I can install an image I'm sure,(although I've not even tried that yet) so I don't know how to upgrade the bootloader from 75(which it is at present) to 82



08-03-2011, 02:05 PM
Hi passete,

Unfortunately I'm not competant enough to carry out your instructions without more detailed instructions. I can install an image I'm sure,(although I've not even tried that yet) so I don't know how to upgrade the bootloader from 75(which it is at present) to 82



Run Dcc Enigma2, Go to "tools", "ipk packages", "upload package", wait a few moment's until the message "done #######" !
Turn Off, and try to install Last nemesis with Web Browser.

08-03-2011, 02:27 PM
Hi - am I not right that if he can get up webinstall the second stage will be loaded if he gets the screen I describe in an earlier message which says that -' if you get this message then something isnt installed - not to worry - you can still flash the box and all will be installed.' But it is necessary to click on 'flash' partway down in text and not the bottom firmware upgrade.
Be patient with the DCC and you must have the enigma 2 version as P says. I find it an occasionally temperamental tool but that may just be me. When you go to 'tools'/IPKG packages make sure you have the file on desktop and when it says 'upload package' go to desktop and click on and open it. - it is easier for it to be uploaded in to DCC then, but it will sit and think about it so dont panic. I am saying all this , not to alter what Passete has said but because you say you are not techy and so it can seem its not working.

08-03-2011, 03:10 PM
Many thanks for the reply.
Before I embark on this, (Probably in a day or two), are you saying that after reading my previous posts there may be a chance that my DM is in fact still operating as genuine and that in future I will be able to put on the box what I want or would what you suggest work on a clone anyway.



08-03-2011, 03:26 PM
What I think we are trying to sat is that whether it is a clone or not, from what has been said it cant be decided without being there.As has been said above what was being loaded on is very old but there is no reason to not expect the box to take whatever is given to it with the provisos above. I came across some problems when webflashing nemesis, but have on occasions got the message I have put above and it is worth trying the webflashing and not worrying if it says you havent got the correct bootloader since what I have described seems to have worked for me. Either that or what Passete has suggested - to load the loader second stage via DCC, but it must be E2 version of DCC.If all this still fails you could google meoboot .99 and you will find a site that deals with chinese clones - that may be a last resort, but try the above first. Good Luck- Brain

08-03-2011, 05:21 PM
OK I've downloaded the DCC E2 from here and the BL 82. Do I have to back up any thing before installing the BL and do I put the box in standby, or does it not matter, also after installing the new bootloader will my existing image still be running or will it all be wiped out. I know I will have to install my ccam and channel list after hopefully installing Nemisis but what is my next move if it wont install, will I still have the existing image running.
Sorry to be a pain but at my age the grey matter runs very slow.



08-03-2011, 06:00 PM
Q. What is the F** Sim Card?
A. The Dreambox DM800 is protected by a security chip similar to the sim card in your mobile phone and is designed to stop clone builders from selling receivers which can run the enigma based software which runs on these boxes. If you have a cloned box, you will know that you are limited to the images you can load on your box, by the version of the bootloader supported by the sim card in your clone. The F** Sim Card is a new sim card which is used in many of the newer clones being manufactured, and offers many benefits over the previous generations of sim cards.

Q. Why buy a F** Sim Card?
A. Unlike the older sim cards SIM1, SIM2 & SIM2.01, this new card allows you to operate your DM800 almost as if it is a genuine box, even if it was previously restricted to BL69, 70, 72 or 75. It is an upgradeable in the box solution, which does not need to be removed from the machine, and reprogrammed each time DM releases new bootloaders, like SIM2.01, and this also means you do not need to buy any special hardware to update your box.

Q. How easy is it to fit?
A. It is as easy to install as a new sim in your phone. Simply open the box cover (4 screws) and pull back the front cover, then flick open the sim carrier with a screwdriver, and replace the existing sim card. It is easier than installing an internal hard drive.

Q. How long will it work?
A. Like everything in the satellite hobby, you cannot guarantee that changes in the future will never stop this device working with updates to the security systems in the software from DM. However, the design of the sim is much more future proofed than the SIM2.01, as the bootloader itself is modified, rather than just the linux kernel. Just as the genuine boxes are upgradable, so will a F** sim card equipped DM800, unless security measures are included to defeat the card. If you have any experience of the satellite hobby, you will understand that this is a good a guarantee as you are ever likely to get

08-03-2011, 06:27 PM
Well - my old friend Oldfart has really thrown the joker into the game. His knowledge is pretty good so he may almost certainly be right. All you can do is try. Back up all data to HDD. If you then install the BL and it wont reopen, you will have to reflash. If that doesnt work - and remember what was written about the booting earlier on - then he is probably right and a new Sim card may be the only answer. Either way it has to be tried. Since the webloader panel didnt come up with my message about 'not having the right bootloader but it can still be done' I am a shade pessimistic Keeping my fingers crossed for you is a bit lame atm!! Good Luck - Brain.

08-03-2011, 06:56 PM
I wonder if the op has had his legit card swapped for AN Other??

10-03-2011, 04:07 PM
Just to give you what I hope is the final update to this saga.
Many thanks to all posters and especially to OldFart who has sorted out the problem. It appears that the box is OK and has not been tampered with.

O.F. managed, after a couple of attempts to install Oozoon Enigma 2011-03-04 c/w BL upgrade to 82 and my DM is now running like a Rolls Royce, Picture, Reception and Display are Much improved.

I will now begin a steep learning curve and start "Swotting" on DB How To's

Once Again Thanks to all contributers and of course Old Fart.



10-03-2011, 07:02 PM
glad to hear this as it now appears your box wasnt up to date and now it is

it also must be original too

so it seems alls well after the help you were given above :)