View Full Version : Am I going MAD??

09-03-2011, 02:27 PM
I cannot understand why my signal on Hotbird when doing a scan goes

from 88% signal and 98% quality to 79% signal and no quality at all....

Needless to say I am not getting all of the channels on Hotbird.. reading on

some posts here I see their are 6 novasports channels and yet I am only

getting one which does not show any footy just basketball and the like

where am I GOING WRONG??? jason32:ack2:

09-03-2011, 06:25 PM
Hello Manic01,

I have a Spiderbox 9000 HD, with 1.1 triax motorised dish and I use Discque

to move from satellite to satellite,not very successfully as I have stated...


09-03-2011, 09:25 PM

Do a Manual scan on


P.S In the Future post in the Right section;)

09-03-2011, 09:42 PM
is your dish and lnb aligned properly to the satellite ?

09-03-2011, 10:37 PM
I cannot understand why my signal on Hotbird when doing a scan goes

from 88% signal and 98% quality to 79% signal and no quality at all....

Needless to say I am not getting all of the channels on Hotbird.. reading on

some posts here I see their are 6 novasports channels and yet I am only

getting one which does not show any footy just basketball and the like

where am I GOING WRONG??? jason32:ack2:

When you do a scan, the box will go through each transponder (frequency) in it's memory; different transponders have different signal levels.
Also the polarity (vertical and horizontal) is different for different transponders, so you will get varying signal levels.
Transponders change quite often, so make sure you have the latest transponder list for your box, .... also bear in mind that a transponder that is recieveable in one country, may not be recieveable in another country. ( Dish size/ satellite footprint.

What is your location, dish size and box m8?

09-03-2011, 10:48 PM
jason32 go into the Spider section and read through old 9000 posts there is a fair amount of education to gain about spider motor set up and problems you might find the answer you are looking for there.

10-03-2011, 10:04 AM

And thanks to all who replied, did a network scan yesterday on Hotbird

963 channels,but a lot of those stated no signal,still at a loss to explain...

@ Rabby, I posted this in the dish section,where should I have posted it??

Kind regards jason32:iagree:

10-03-2011, 10:20 AM
try adding a spider channel list with usb that worked for me on hotbird when i had problems trying to find the canal spain d+ tp,s

10-03-2011, 01:41 PM
Hello William,

Have done that m8,in fact my current channel list is Ji***H*****s

I prefer his lists because its solely BRITISH, if you know what I mean


10-03-2011, 02:54 PM
My guess is that you are not on Hotbird.

Do a manual tune, as Rabby suggested, but I'd choose 11054 H 27500 5/6 as most of the channels are in the clear.

If you don't get ZDF (or RTL2 Schweiz) then you aren't aligned on Hotbird (13E). Remember that there are strong Sats at 16E, 10E and 9E which are only a gnats whisker away.

10-03-2011, 05:22 PM
Thanks Detlef for that info, spot on m8,can confirm did pick up RTL CH and

ZDF, so I am on the right sat then, which makes it more annoying

jason32 :confused:

10-03-2011, 05:25 PM
Just a point, would I be right in saying the Nova channels are in the higher

frequencies of hotbird, the reason why I say that is because my signal in

that area definetely gets much weaker for some reason or other....jason32:iagree:

10-03-2011, 07:37 PM
It could be an LNB problem. As far as the LNB is concerned the sat band has four parts:
Low Band - Horizontal
Low Band - Vertical
High Band - Horizontal
High Band - Vertical

Switching between Horizontal and Vertical is done by the receiver sending either more than 17 volts or less than 15 volts.

DiSEqC, as well as moving a dish (or operating an LNB switch) changes from Low to High band by a coded 22kHz signal - the band switch usually takes place at 11700MHz.

So you need to try a clear transponder on each of the 4 possibilities above (see your PM for a guide to transponders) to diagnose the problem.

Let us know how you get on.

11-03-2011, 09:20 AM
Hello Detlef,

And thanks for that, I have installed a brand new 0.1 twin LNB so I hope its

not that causing the problem, I will switch the inputs over on the weekend

just in that is the cause and will get back to you,thanks for your message

very helpful.....jason32:bravo-009:

13-03-2011, 04:33 PM
As promised changed over to other LNB input, no change, I am afraid to

change the elevation on dish as I am getting siignals on Astra 1/2, Thor,

Hotbird,Eut***** 16%, and also on Eurobird 9%,so you can see my worry on

messing with elevation etc, I have spent hours tweaking the dish so I do not

want to mess up what I have got, I will just have to acceppt that I cannot

get all the nova channels on Hotbird.....regards jason32:iagree:

13-03-2011, 07:26 PM
What type of dish motor have you got. Is it one where the LNB cable goes to the motor and then to the receiver ?

If so, set the dish on 13E and then connect the coax from the receiver directly to the LNB just to check that there isn't a big signal loss in the motor. Then scan again.

[I should stress that this is only for testing purposes]

13-03-2011, 09:07 PM
as most posters on here have given you good advice already,i will add my experience,had simmilar probs to yourself last year,could only get certain frequencies,changed lnb sill same problem,i had a split in the cable,took me ages to find it,but once i changed cable everything was fine,also i have uploaded my channel list in spider section and nova are working with my list
give it a go and see if it works


15-03-2011, 01:44 PM

And thanks mister t, I will check the cable as you stated, I dont really fancy

messing about with the LNB as it is new....thanks again jason32

ps will check out you channel list,:bravo-009: thanks again