View Full Version : MBC 26 E Moving?

09-03-2011, 08:27 PM
Getting some Arabic coming up at bottom of screen with..

MBC 1,2,4,Action,Max 12437 H 27.5

MBC,MBC 3 12379 V 27500

Are the buggers gonna move these lovely FTA channels...Dont you dare!! lol

09-03-2011, 08:55 PM
Probably! Surprised it took them this long!

09-03-2011, 08:59 PM
theres some good stuff on as well
the rotten bathtubs

09-03-2011, 09:00 PM
i have 12.437 v on bss beam big problems big dish

09-03-2011, 09:01 PM
They have changed transponders on 7west. from nilesat to atlantic bird 7.


09-03-2011, 09:08 PM
Hi richard can you enlighten a little please? Cheers.Tp's ect

09-03-2011, 09:10 PM
so which has the strongest signal in uk 26e bss beam or nilesat for the mbc channels used to pick up signal for mbc on nilesat 24/7 on an andrews 1.8m and that was on the fringe

09-03-2011, 09:11 PM
I get 75% Strength & 95% quality on the MBC on badr 4 with 95cm dish in kent.If these are new TP's and they are active then im not getting a signal on them..sad,very sad.These had some nice movies.

09-03-2011, 09:13 PM
Hi richard can you enlighten a little please? Cheers.Tp's ectatlantic bird 7 afaik is weaker than nilesat 0n 7w
so even bigger dishes needed in the uk

09-03-2011, 09:25 PM
kk thankyou satwyn..

09-03-2011, 09:41 PM
Hi richard can you enlighten a little please? Cheers.Tp's ect

Its the transponders as the op has said, but i get badr4 (arabsat) just fine here is castleford with a 1m dish.


09-03-2011, 09:52 PM
i can not get 26.e since i moved my dish about a month or so ago.
Gutted !!!!
some good FTA Channels there.

09-03-2011, 10:26 PM
Still working on 11919 H 27.500sr Fec 3/4
see screenshots below ..

Zero chance of picking up new freq 12739 v or 12437 H

i just tried a manual scan with my 2 meter prime focus and nothing found :confused::confused:
damn it :o11:
there goes the best FTA package on satellite tv ...:o15:

R.I.P MBC ...


09-03-2011, 10:38 PM
barney can you pick the mbc channels on 7w with the 2m dish i used to be able to view ok on an andrews 1.8m off set dish but probably things have changed and the signal could now be weaker will give it a go on a precision 1.8m p/f later this week

09-03-2011, 10:41 PM
yeah still working..It's a real shame though...

09-03-2011, 11:20 PM
barney can you pick the mbc channels on 7w with the 2m dish i used to be able to view ok on an andrews 1.8m off set dish but probably things have changed and the signal could now be weaker will give it a go on a precision 1.8m p/f later this weekNope nothing from 7 west at all ..but 8 west i can get very good Below is screenshot of 8 west in perfect signal levels 95% & 99%
but not a chance with 7 west at all :confused:

10-03-2011, 09:20 AM
8w is easily viewable on a 60cm dish but i wonder what happened to 7w no signal at all on a 2m dish i used to view some v transponders on a 1m dish but only at certain times of the day and i'm based in n wales where the signal is even more problematic just tried 11.747 v on my andrews 1.2m and i it's just under threshold probably with a tweak i could resolve a picture

10-03-2011, 09:23 AM
8w is easily viewable on a 60cm dish but i wonder what happened to 7w no signal at all on a 2m dish i used to view some v transponders on a 1m dish but only at certain times of the day and i'm based in n wales where the signal is even more problematic just tried 11.747 v on my andrews 1.2m and i it's just under threshold probably with a tweak i could resolve a picture

MBCs move to Atlantic Bird 4A, which works as a 7.2 ° W.
MBC Channels leave the satellite Nilesat 102
Published: 09.03.2011, 17:19

Arab media company MBC Group, the family ceased distribution channel for the MBC satellite Nilesat 102 at the orbital position of 7 ° W. From Tuesday, March 8, 2011 programs are available only on satellite Atlantic Bird 4A, which works as a 7.2 ° W.

Packet MBC worked Freq 11.938 GHz, pol V, SR 27500, FEC 3 / 4 and included station MBC 1, MBC 2, MBC 3, MBC 4, MBC Drama, MBC Action, MBC Max and channel Al Arabiya Citruss TV Hawas TV Wanasah, Abu Dhabi Drama Zee Aflam and Al Aan TV. Transponder 11.938 GHz is not currently used.

Channels MBC 1, MBC 2, MBC 4 and MBC Action MBC Max is now broadcast only on satellite Atlantic Bird 4 A (7.2 ° W) on the frequency 12.437 GHz, pol H SR 27500, FEC 3 / 4, DVB-S/QPSK. Posting is still distributed under the FTA.

Moving programs from the MBC satellite Nilesat 102 Atlantic Bird 4A revenue conditions have worsened significantly in Central Europe. The Czech Republic is required to receive the dish diameter 200 cm. Better conditions are receiving towards the southeast.

Currently, the only income the Arab satellite station MBC Badr 4 at the orbital position of 26 ° E. Package MBC channels are broadcast on the frequency 11.919 GHz, pol H SR 27500, FEC 3 / 4, DVB-S/QPSK. To receive a transponder is required from the dish diameter of 90 cm.

More News:MBC moves closer to HD bouquet Bad news for Humax users. Chicka :frown:
Pan Arab satellite broadcaster MBC has engaged Technosat to provide set-top boxes for customers of its forthcoming high definition (HD) channel bouquet, according to Broadcast Pro Middle East.
The non-exclusive satellite HD offer will be launched by MBC later this year, according to the report, once technical difficulties have been erased and platform deals have been agreed.

Although the HD service will, like MBC’s other satellite channels, be free-to-air, the broadcaster says that some Hollywood studios require their HD content to be encrypted – hence the need for set top boxes to decrypt the signal.

“The channels will be HD versions of current MBC channels that will benefit most from HD broadcast,” Mazen Hayek, MBC’s official spokesperson and group director of PR and commercial, told the magazine.

“Some of the US studios who supply our Western content insist that HD content is encrypted. Therefore, we shall be encrypting the signal and people will need to have a certain type of box or card to decrypt the signal,” Mr Hayek added. “However, once they have this box or card – a one-time purchase – our HD channels will be totally open and free.”

Source: RapidTVnews

10-03-2011, 10:33 AM
Hi richard can you enlighten a little please? Cheers.Tp's ect
Think this may clear it up.

http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=ar&u=http://www.mbc.net/portal/site/mbc/menuitem.ff2c047b71869fec9318c4cd 480210a0/%3Fvgnextoid%3Dc8f73e731779e210Vg nVCM1000008420010aRCRD%26vgnextch annel%3De5397fb9d32ee010VgnVCM100 000f1010a0aRCRD%26vgnextfmt%3Dmbc Article&ei=Dpp4Td3mMdKz8QPPiemiBA&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCEQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://www.mbc.net/portal/site/mbc/menuitem.ff2c047b71869fec9318c4cd 480210a0/%253Fvgnextoid%253Dc8f73e731779e2 10VgnVCM1000008420010aRCRD%2526vg nextchannel%253De5397fb9d32ee010V gnVCM100000f1010a0aRCRD%2526vgnex tfmt%253DmbcArticle%26hl%3Den%26r ls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-gb:IE-SearchBox%26prmd%3Divns

10-03-2011, 03:37 PM
Just to add to evertything you have heard.

Here in Spain we receive these channels as you no on a 80/100cm dish.
The following was reported yesterday

Missing MBC channels.

MBC channels
MBC1, MBC2, MBC3, MBC4, MBC Action and MBC Max
on frequency 11938 27500 3/4 are no longer operating.

It may mean that they have moved to a new frequency.
This new frequency is being reported as being
12437 H 27500 2/3 on Atlantic Bird.

I cannot confirm this as I am unable to receive this transponder in my location,

Some reports are saying that this move may be a temporary move.
According to the reports, some channels on Nilesat satellites have been subject to jamming, as a result of some of the recent issues in the Middle East and North Africa. In a statement, MBC say that their channels will be on these temporary frequencies until the interference on their original frequencies is stopped.

The good news for me is I can still view these channels on 26e at the moment.