View Full Version : service + seems down!!

keith mawer
11-03-2011, 05:33 PM
seems its not just me , but have read several posts,,,
under network service + says ok ,, under neath not connected!!!!

11-03-2011, 06:40 PM
Yes, but it can do much more than receive Service +. TMULL

11-03-2011, 06:44 PM
Yes, but it can do much more than receive Service +. TMULL

Too big for an ice scraper, but big enough for a door stop. :D

Hope you get your service back. :)

11-03-2011, 06:50 PM
Service+ is fine at my end

11-03-2011, 06:53 PM
All ok here try switching the spiderbox off for a few minutes

11-03-2011, 07:31 PM
service+ is fine , reboot the box and router

11-03-2011, 07:39 PM
Too big for an ice scraper, but big enough for a door stop. :D

Hope you get your service back. :)
never went off at my end :bravo-009:

11-03-2011, 07:45 PM
never went off at my end :bravo-009:

I am happy it's nothing major, and probably just another episode in Keith's life story. :)

Still thinking of getting a Spider myself, so don't want it to go off just yet. :D

keith mawer
11-03-2011, 08:51 PM
hiya m8s!!!!!!!!
well the good news is this!!!!
i enjoyed my prawn sandwich haaaaa
joking apart,, i did the lot factory resets ,, re boots,,
THEN I THOUGHT UMMMM! what about my bt hub router,,
well the ethnet lead goes from there to the home in plug!!
SO I RESET IT.. the lights then returned and then i saw the home plugs flicker..
went to the tellie downstairs and bingo!!!!!
one of the xxx channels was ok!!!!!! ( oops)...

11-03-2011, 08:55 PM
are you trying to insinuate that keith on occasions posts a negative comment:rofl::

11-03-2011, 09:03 PM
I Am Going To Say this Again [ Switch the Box off at the Back at Night ] Strange when All works when you switch it Back ON ;)

Keeping the Box on ALL THE TIME [ That is when you get Problems ]:respect-055:

keith mawer
11-03-2011, 09:16 PM
hiya rabby ,, thanks for that tip...
well no one has mentioned that ,,,
i guess its because my OTHER RECEIVER I LEAVE ON..
and sometimes signals are sent to it..
But tonight i will/

11-03-2011, 09:22 PM
well mine gets switched off every night as its useless and wasteful to have it on while you are asleep !!!

easiest way is to plug your surge protector block into a mechanical mains powered clock timer set to go off at say 0200 and to come back on at say 0700 which also ensures a clean boot daily , and saves power too. why oh why would anyone have an appliance switched on while asleep ?

11-03-2011, 10:26 PM
I Am Going To Say this Again [ Switch the Box off at the Back at Night ] Strange when All works when you switch it Back ON ;)

Keeping the Box on ALL THE TIME [ That is when you get Problems ]:respect-055:

Interesting - I never heard that before - does it have to be turned off at the back? I always leave mine on standby when it is not being watched, I thought that was being careful. I'll start doing a hard power off:sifone:

11-03-2011, 10:40 PM
Interesting - I never heard that before - does it have to be turned off at the back? I always leave mine on standby when it is not being watched, I thought that was being careful. I'll start doing a hard power off:sifone:

either at the back or on the wall socket , or better still see my previous answer before your reply with regards to using a mechanical clock timer which cost a few pounds e bay Item number: 150495809348, and while you are at it ensure you are using a surge protector on your spiderbox and appliances too

I fail to see why these items are placed on standby never mind actually powered on when not in use overnight

11-03-2011, 11:09 PM
I turn all my devices off at night with Remote Controlled sockets You can get a pack of 3 for £5 at A-S-D-A

12-03-2011, 02:14 AM
. . . . . . why oh why would anyone have an appliance switched on while asleep ?

Background heating :respect-023:

But seriously, you are correct. I've had my spare PC (with an EasyCAP) in the lounge most of this week to record a load of stuff from my Sky+ box overnight and it is surprising how pleasantly warm the room is in the morning.

keith mawer
12-03-2011, 03:04 AM
gosh another problem after the gremlins,,,
i have noticed when i switch on from standbye it now shows F100!!!!! first then goes to a channel ware i wait 4 mins,
any idea what f100 is??

12-03-2011, 11:02 AM
F100 is something to do with power save mode.

If you google F100 Spiderbox you will find a lot of results.

F100 is normal unless it doesn't go away, and then you may need a replacement spider.

12-03-2011, 11:05 AM
gosh another problem after the gremlins,,,
i have noticed when i switch on from standbye it now shows F100!!!!! first then goes to a channel ware i wait 4 mins,
any idea what f100 is??

you are now looking for faults that dont exist , that is the boot and its always done that , so as xanadu says its only if it stays there and doesnt clear that you have a boot problem ( in other words they all do it )

keith mawer
12-03-2011, 12:34 PM
thanks echelon yes the f100 comes on for about 3 seconds then goes,,
may be its just me ,, but last 2 days mm when i switch on , wait 3 mins ,, nothing happens,,, ie MENU-- NETWORK-- SAYS service + neurxstem not connected,,
i then have to turn ucas off and back on,,,, then it seems to work ,,
it didnt do this 3 days back ,,

12-03-2011, 12:40 PM
as its a new box only service+ should be switched on and connecting , nuevoxstream isnt enabled on new boxes and hasnt been for 6 months or so so not sure why you mentioned it ?

maybe you should check your dhcp settings or router settings ?

keith mawer
12-03-2011, 01:13 PM
had mine installed! and says under menu- network
service +
nuevoxstream expires 24.5.11
ware would i check router settings? plz

12-03-2011, 01:16 PM
had mine installed! and says under menu- network
service +
nuevoxstream expires 24.5.11

well most new boxes dont allow it , so sounds like yours is older with having a may 2011 expiry date ! which is 12 months after its registration date ( which will be 24 may 2010 )

just checked mine and the 3 seconds for the f100 is correct , but service+ connects maybe 5 to 10 seconds later , not 3 minutes , so I suggest you check the router settings as I said to you earlier in my previous reply and you have ignored ! ( which was the reason you posted in the first place , you thought the services were down )

12-03-2011, 08:43 PM
thanks echelon yes the f100 comes on for about 3 seconds then goes,,
may be its just me ,, but last 2 days mm when i switch on , wait 3 mins ,, nothing happens,,, ie MENU-- NETWORK-- SAYS service + neurxstem not connected,,
i then have to turn ucas off and back on,,,, then it seems to work ,,
it didnt do this 3 days back ,,

When you swich off the stb , do not swich on without living about stb 20 sec off and aafter turn on..

if you try swich off and on exist risk stb did not done the saving and not get the booting...

My freind live the stb never tuch live ON all time no thik will happent...do now wory..

12-03-2011, 08:58 PM
I've never turned mine off, all 3 boxes around the house stay on since I bought then, no problem or whatsoever. Just turn TVs off when going out and it has been like that with all my boxes since I came to the sat scene some 20 years back.

12-03-2011, 09:20 PM
I Always Switch mine off at the Back when not Using ?? My Latest TV [LG + My Sky Terabyte HD ] Box Switches them Selfs OFF ?? After a Few Hours Iff the Remote is not Pressed , The go into Energy Saving Mode;)

keith mawer
12-03-2011, 09:58 PM
echelon i didnt ignore your reply re the router settings,,,
my question to you,, was HOW do i check the router settings,,
i have a bt hub router, connected via 2 x home plugs..
as i mentioned until friday it was perfect,,
then saturday morning ... it said service+ and nuevoxstream not connected.....
the result at the moment is im having to turn ucas on/off each time and service+ and nuevoxstream also!!!

12-03-2011, 10:43 PM
sorry to say its not MY job to tell YOU how to setup your bt home hub with the spiderbox

suffice to say you should start doing some research and reading up on lan connections and your router and try to make sure that your lan devices are setup correctly

there are hundreds of routers out there with different admin panels , so maybe if you consulted the manual and the admin panel it may help you configure it correctly

its also YOUR JOB to make sure those homeplugs are working correctly and extending the lan correctly from the router to your spiderbox

you have a contract with BT for this homehub so if necessary YOU should be asking THEIR ADVICE in regards to your settings which is part of your contract

its also YOUR JOB to ensure that you are using the latest boxer patch AND that the box was factory reset after flashing that 12 feb 2011 boxer image

my question TO YOU is how can this be a new spiderbox if it was registered 9 months ago ?

ps:- yesterday was friday the 11th when you started this post , so thats friday morning not saturday morning

your fault now is symptomatic of the original problem you described yesterday which you incorrectly blamed on service+ being down as you had seen "others" mention it ! ( wanton hearsay )

I also cannot believe how wasteful of electricity some members are , and in this day and age of "green" and saving the pennies it doesnt make sense to me , and its also a part of the new euro directive on eco friendly products too

12-03-2011, 11:06 PM

my question TO YOU is how can this be a new spiderbox if it was registered 9 months ago ?

Was wondering about that myself m8;) Strange REALLY:D

keith mawer
13-03-2011, 02:33 AM
I had the receiver installed at my home !!!and has worked fine for 3 weeks or so,,,
however tonight i restarted the bt hub router and when i went to the spider receiver it cleared first time,,,,
ALSO.... i didnt blame the spider..... i think its a great receiver echelon!!!!!!
and others had said there receivers also said no connection,,,,
that does not mean its a bad receiver !!! may be they just had different or similar problems....
thats what forumns are about , sharing ones saterllite problems,

13-03-2011, 08:12 AM
sharing problems is one thing , but you blamed other factors and other members of forums for the system problems you suffered , whereas truth be know you didnt do enough checks on your own system that you are responsible for and you maintain, you accepted hearsay as fact !

you claim to have a new spiderbox thats a few weeks old , and yet you have failed to take any notice of the fact that its expiry date proves it was registered 9 months ago , meaning IT IS NOT NEW and that you have to prove any inherent faults exist ( after its 6 months old ) and it would appear to be 9 months old , especially when you consider that all boxes bought from sept 2010 cannot connect to service+

yes it is a great receiver , but that doesnt mean you have a great pair of homeplugs

it doesnt prove that your router is running correctly or that the equipment has been setup in the admin panel correctly

there are many external factors that can cause network problems on a spider box , or any other box for that matter , and its your job to track them down and ensure smooth operation

ford may sell you a focus , but they dont ask that you prove you are a competent driver , they dont ask which roads you travel on , they dont ask you which insurance company you are going to use , and they dont ask which petrol station you are going to fill up at either, but if you bought a new ford focus 3 weeks ago I would expect it to have less than say 500 miles on the clock , not 50k and definitely not with a 12 month road fund tax sticker due to run out in 3 months time, and dont assume all ford focus owners are having problems stalling just because yours does once in a while or every morning when you go to start it for work

like ford , we can give general advice out but its your job to dot the i`s and cross the T`s and yet you dont even grasp half of what myself and others are telling you which I find worrying when it has to be spelled out in such simple terms ( as if talking to a child )

so my advice is check everything you have been told to check , find out why you have these anomalies on what is clearly an older box and try to rectify said problems to ensure smooth running , in the meantime dont make posts assuming service+ is down just because you think you have read it on other forums as you are spreading rumours and innuendo, check your facts like I do and make sure that what you are reporting is fact , not fiction

my conclusions ? :-

service+ seems down !!

seems its not just me , but have read several posts,,,
under network service + says ok ,, under neath not connected!!!!

service+ wasnt down like you said in your opening post ( your local lan failed )

your box is not new , which you have clearly stated that it is in various posts by you on the forums you visit

you have not checked your homeplugs are working correctly

you have not checked your bt homehub is set correctly in the admin panel

it is clear to me you have a networking problem on your local lan that is affecting performance of your new/OLD spiderbox and the person in charge of fixing that problem , IS YOU

13-03-2011, 11:49 AM
Hi Keith came on forum this morning saw the thread Service + down thought to myself i bet that is Keith and hey presto you didnt let me down. You are doing what alot of us were doing when we first got our Spiderbox ' not giving it time to connect ' then go off fiddling with setting's. I agree with echelon i switch my box off at the back every night it then gets a clean boot when switched on and yes it shows f100 for 3 seconds. Best thing to do m8 is to switch on and go and make yourself a cup of tea should be all up and running by the time you get back, sitting there waiting for it to connect ( around 50 sec. ) does seem endless. Another tip before you switch off at night is to leave it on a channel you know that does not go down very often, so easy to go fiddling only to find the channel you left it on is down and you have fiddled unnecceary. Also puzzled how your new box has nuevoxstream i bought mine last July and lost nuevoxstream in September the same as many others although not having nuevoxstream is no problem as nearly all channels now on Service + Gift anyhow. Keith remember your Spider box is not a performance car you do not need to perform a tune every day to get peak performance best to get it running add the patches and softcam when asked, run an accasional scan and leave setting alone. When i first got my box i use to hate new patches thought i would have problems and lose channels but i have to say i now load them with confidence, have to thank DM and the support team for giving me the confidence to know they will work okay so long as i follow their instructions. Well Keith m8 do hope you get sorted soon and gain the Spider Confidence. :chinese-bow-005:

keith mawer
13-03-2011, 01:35 PM
omg!!!!!! ,may be its best to say nothing ever then !
except nice comments like
everything is just fine ,, never have a problem ,,
i really thought forumns were to say ,, what problems or praises people may have,,,
seems i should never have said! ""my service + wont work!!!!!!"
as that seems to have upset echelon !!
even after spending a long time checking things first,,
when of course i love my spider receiver,,,
as for if the receiver is it new or old , i paid for it
a guy installed it,, and if it really goes wrong he will
have to have a look at it,
finally john henry what a great reply and made in a nice manner
i really appreciate your post thanks m8

13-03-2011, 01:49 PM
Hi Keith came on forum this morning saw the thread Service + down thought to myself i bet that is Keith and hey presto you didnt let me down. You are doing what alot of us were doing when we first got our Spiderbox ' not giving it time to connect ' then go off fiddling with setting's. I agree with echelon i switch my box off at the back every night it then gets a clean boot when switched on and yes it shows f100 for 3 seconds. Best thing to do m8 is to switch on and go and make yourself a cup of tea should be all up and running by the time you get back, sitting there waiting for it to connect ( around 50 sec. ) does seem endless. Another tip before you switch off at night is to leave it on a channel you know that does not go down very often, so easy to go fiddling only to find the channel you left it on is down and you have fiddled unnecceary. Also puzzled how your new box has nuevoxstream i bought mine last July and lost nuevoxstream in September the same as many others although not having nuevoxstream is no problem as nearly all channels now on Service + Gift anyhow. Keith remember your Spider box is not a performance car you do not need to perform a tune every day to get peak performance best to get it running add the patches and softcam when asked, run an accasional scan and leave setting alone. When i first got my box i use to hate new patches thought i would have problems and lose channels but i have to say i now load them with confidence, have to thank DM and the support team for giving me the confidence to know they will work okay so long as i follow their instructions. Well Keith m8 do hope you get sorted soon and gain the Spider Confidence. :chinese-bow-005:

Well said JH - basically what I've said to Keith all along - and ....when shutting down let it do it in its own time, never hurry it whilst its saving the chann' list and settings - I've never had a problem in the 7 months that I've owned a Spiderbox ;)