View Full Version : Nemesis 2.2 800se

12-03-2011, 10:58 PM
===== Date: 12-03-2011, SVN 075 =====

Attention: It seems there is some problem with this upgrade, some machine need reflashing.

It's more important follow the following step:
- Backup your conf.
- Says NO at question: Do you want reboot dreambox Now?, after upgrade.
- Put in Deep Standy dreambox via remote control.(Menu->Standby / Restart->Deep Standby
- Switch Off (Unplug Power Cable for 800) your dreambox.
- Switch ON

Dowload (http://www.file-upload.net/download-3279108/Nemesis2.2-dm800se-e2-OE-1.6-_11-03-2011-17-16.zip.html)

18-03-2011, 06:18 PM
SVN 076 Online Now

===== Date: 18-03-2011, SVN 076 =====

Attention if your version is < 072 please refer SVN 072 section for upgrading info
Attention if your version is 072, 073 or 074 please refer SVN 075 section for upgrading info

•Update dvb-modules to 20110315 for dm8000
•Split all enigma2 languages on separate packages (enigma2-locale-xx), you can install it via Packet Manager
•Remove all language from images except en_EN (Mandatory), it_IT and de_DE
•Remove plugin pictureplayer from image
•Add task-opendreambox-wlan on images (you can remove it via Tasks Uninstaller) for all machine
•Update Enigma2
•Update Enigma2-Plugins

19-03-2011, 05:40 PM
SVN 77 Online 19.03.11

20-03-2011, 01:19 PM
===== Date: 19-03-2011, SVN 077 =====

Attention if your version is < 072 please refer SVN 072 section for upgrading info
Attention if your version is 072, 073 or 074 please refer SVN 075 section for upgrading info

•Fix crash on Timer List edit (Bug on DMM Enigma2 experimental git repo)

23-03-2011, 01:45 PM
===== Date: 22-03-2011, SVN 078 =====

Attention dm8000 users cannot perform update, need reflashing with 078
Attention if your version is < 072 please refer SVN 072 section for upgrading info
Attention if your version is 072, 073 or 074 please refer SVN 075 section for upgrading info

•Change flash mapping to use 256MB for dm8000 and dm7020hd
•Update dvb-modules to 20110321 for dm7020hd
•Update dreambox-secondstage #83 for dm8000 and dm7020hd
•Update Kernel to 2.6.18-7.4 r11 to all machine
•Update Lithuanian Language (thank's to Adga for translation)
•Rewrite nemesisd socket daemon to prevent Z o m bi e Process
•Update netbase
•Update dbus
•Update avahi
•Update Enigma2
•Update Enigma2-Plugins

21-04-2011, 05:52 PM
===== Date: 14-04-2011, SVN 079 =====

Attention dm8000 users can perform update only if you have 078, if your version <078 need reflashing with 078
Attention if your version is < 072 please refer SVN 072 section for upgrading info
Attention if your version is 072, 073 or 074 please refer SVN 075 section for upgrading info

Attention remove LCN Scanner plugin before perform upgrade!!
•Fix Lithuanian Language
•Patch enigma2 to support new LCN Scanner Plugin (Thank's to skaman)
•Add Support for rt3070 WLAN Adapter
•Add Last LCN Scanner plugin on Image
•Update libdvbsi++ (Needed for new LCN Scanner Plugin)
•Update Kernel to 2.6.18-7.4 r12 for all machine
•Update Gst-Plugins
•Update pcsc and ccid driver
•Update Enigma2
•Update Enigma2-Plugins

File only available from software update

03-05-2011, 11:11 AM
SVN 081 Online

Drivers Fix

04-05-2011, 06:22 PM
===== Date: 04-05-2011, SVN 082 =====

Attention dm8000 users can perform update only if you have 078, if your version <078 need reflashing with 081
Attention if your version is < 072 please refer SVN 072 section for upgrading info
Attention if your version is 072, 073 or 074 please refer SVN 075 section for upgrading info

Update dvb-modules to 20110504 (bcm4506: reintroduce minimum tune timeout of 1,5sek to fix tune failed problems caused by slow SEC switches)
Update Enigma2-Plugins (webif)

SVN081 (http://www.genesi-project.it/NemesisImage/index.php?dir=&file=Nemesis2.2-dm800se-e2-OE%281.6%29-SVN%28081%29.zip)

06-05-2011, 07:05 PM
with all these updates im suprised the oled hasnt been fixed..! :respect-050:

06-05-2011, 10:10 PM
with all these updates im suprised the oled hasnt been fixed..! :respect-050:

yes i noticed that too, a reboot cures it though.

09-05-2011, 05:03 PM
===== Date: 09-05-2011, SVN 083 =====

Attention dm8000 users can perform update only if you have 078, if your version <078 need reflashing with 081
Attention if your version is < 072 please refer SVN 072 section for upgrading info
Attention if your version is 072, 073 or 074 please refer SVN 075 section for upgrading info

Update dvb-modules to 20110506 (bcm4506/bcm4501 fixed broken toneburst handling (broken since 20110501 drivers)

15-06-2011, 09:57 PM
Here's the file.

11-07-2011, 02:13 PM
Attached Files Nemesis2.2-dm800se-e2-OE(1.6)-SVN(085).zip (45.31 MB, 17 views)
and a backup to the original clones or 800se