View Full Version : EMP 8/1 DiSEqC & TM 6800 HD

13-03-2011, 07:14 PM
Ok so this has been bugging me for a while but I have not had time to play around with my set up until today to sort it out.

I currently have 6 LNB's all aligned correctly and working individually. However when I pass any of them through inputs 3,4 or 5 of my switch I all I get is a 'bouncing' signal level (not quality). It bounces from 8% - 50% straight from one number to the other with no 'gradual incline' in level percentage. I was sure this was something to do with my Switch (an to an extent I still am) however I have now put an out 4/1 switch on my system and it is doing the same thing.

AND now I have completely disconnected all the LNB's from the receiver and it is still bouncing - usually is would simply read a static 1% or 2% for both if there is nothing connected. so...

WHAT AM I DOING WRONG????:confused::bow-004: - and why the constant signal bounce??

Thanks to anyone who can help me with this headache

p.s atm the set up is diseqc 1.1