View Full Version : Where is the TM-500 Super/TM-600 Section ???

17-03-2011, 03:30 PM
There is a nice big Technomate Section, but there seems to be a distinct lack of a subsection for the TM-500 Super/TM-600 series of receivers. These receivers are starting to get more popular due to both quality and price. Also it would be nice if there was somewhere for the various images, addons, ect ect. I am sure that I am not the only member to think this way.

17-03-2011, 06:08 PM
Seems like a very good point mate, but maybe the lack of response so far to YOUR post make give you a few hints as to why?:respect-055:

17-03-2011, 07:43 PM
There is a nice big Technomate Section, but there seems to be a distinct lack of a subsection for the TM-500 Super/TM-600 series of receivers. These receivers are starting to get more popular due to both quality and price. Also it would be nice if there was somewhere for the various images, addons, ect ect. I am sure that I am not the only member to think this way.

i have tm500super and its is very good.still enigma 1 so less problems with the uses this box has.Look for ur images.

18-03-2011, 10:31 PM
Thank you all for the replies ....

@ALBERT thanks for your reply and PM, unfortunately I could not reply to your PM as I need to make 15 posts on the forum first. But the reply I tried to send said, I had already tried the UR Team image from 18/02/11 and it is still very buggy. I am currently using EDG-Nemesis-V.5.0-BETA1_for TM600, which also works on the TM-500 Super and is slightly better in my opinion.

@DARKMAN That is the kind of answer I would expect from the owner of a rival forum that does not support Technomate Linux Boxes. It might interest you to know that I bought my TM-500 Super to replace some cheap nasty Chinese rubbish called an Eagle that I bought from you, which only lasted for about 3 years. At least Technomate are a good quality English manufacturer. I would also like to point out that I have no connection to Technomate, I just prefer quality products.

@holmroad The new technomates are getting more popular all the time due to the fact the they are just as cheap as the Dreambox 500s clones, and have twice the memory and many more extras too, also as I have already pointed out to DARKMAN they are a good English quality product. ;)

18-03-2011, 11:12 PM
Thank you all for the replies ....

@ALBERT thanks for your reply and PM, unfortunately I could not reply to your PM as I need to make 15 posts on the forum first. But the reply I tried to send said, I had already tried the UR Team image from 18/02/11 and it is still very buggy. I am currently using EDG-Nemesis-V.5.0-BETA1_for TM600, which also works on the TM-500 Super and is slightly better in my opinion.

@DARKMAN That is the kind of answer I would expect from the owner of a rival forum that does not support Technomate Linux Boxes. It might interest you to know that I bought my TM-500 Super to replace some cheap nasty Chinese rubbish called an Eagle that I bought from you, which only lasted for about 3 years. At least Technomate are a good quality English manufacturer. I would also like to point out that I have no connection to Technomate, I just prefer quality products.

@holmroad The new technomates are getting more popular all the time due to the fact the they are just as cheap as the Dreambox 500s clones, and have twice the memory and many more extras too, also as I have already pointed out to DARKMAN they are a good English quality product. ;)

Hi where did you get EDG-Nemesis-V.5.0-BETA1_for TM600

19-03-2011, 12:52 AM
Hi where did you get EDG-Nemesis-V.5.0-BETA1_for TM600

Here it is.......

19-03-2011, 01:45 AM
Look to me that anyone who buys a Tm these days is branded as a TM EMPLOYEE lmao:smash:

These receivers are starting to get more popular due to both quality and price.

New Buyes !? New Members ..Know about Quality !? Know about Price ? know about Section !? Bought Two STB !? talking for two models..

Mate be seriouse please or read the thread proper...

19-03-2011, 01:48 AM
Thank you all for the replies ....

@ALBERT thanks for your reply and PM, unfortunately I could not reply to your PM as I need to make 15 posts on the forum first. But the reply I tried to send said, I had already tried the UR Team image from 18/02/11 and it is still very buggy. I am currently using EDG-Nemesis-V.5.0-BETA1_for TM600, which also works on the TM-500 Super and is slightly better in my opinion.

@DARKMAN That is the kind of answer I would expect from the owner of a rival forum that does not support Technomate Linux Boxes. It might interest you to know that I bought my TM-500 Super to replace some cheap nasty Chinese rubbish called an Eagle that I bought from you, which only lasted for about 3 years. At least Technomate are a good quality English manufacturer. I would also like to point out that I have no connection to Technomate, I just prefer quality products.

@holmroad The new technomates are getting more popular all the time due to the fact the they are just as cheap as the Dreambox 500s clones, and have twice the memory and many more extras too, also as I have already pointed out to DARKMAN they are a good English quality product. ;)

Look so suspeciouse New members with 1 post or 3 post or 5 post are so expert about Quality Prices..and know all stories about Darkman and competitors....hmmmm You think geting people for stupid here...

Thanks God TM find some think to compite DM Fakes from china...lol

19-03-2011, 02:20 AM
Thank you all for the replies ....

@ALBERT thanks for your reply and PM, unfortunately I could not reply to your PM as I need to make 15 posts on the forum first. But the reply I tried to send said, I had already tried the UR Team image from 18/02/11 and it is still very buggy. I am currently using EDG-Nemesis-V.5.0-BETA1_for TM600, which also works on the TM-500 Super and is slightly better in my opinion.

@DARKMAN That is the kind of answer I would expect from the owner of a rival forum that does not support Technomate Linux Boxes. It might interest you to know that I bought my TM-500 Super to replace some cheap nasty Chinese rubbish called an Eagle that I bought from you, which only lasted for about 3 years. At least Technomate are a good quality English manufacturer. I would also like to point out that I have no connection to Technomate, I just prefer quality products.

@holmroad The new technomates are getting more popular all the time due to the fact the they are just as cheap as the Dreambox 500s clones, and have twice the memory and many more extras too, also as I have already pointed out to DARKMAN they are a good English quality product. ;)

Just for the info for them who read here..

No think from Tm is any think English !
"TM SON"...Do not claim what Tm do not have...
Stb Tm 500-600 is Itgat KR..Ex Relok ,Tm copy that and done OEM.( not better any ways then all DM copy ) Not ENGLISH Manufacture... Please do not misled
TM logo= Techmate Logo ex Korean Manufacture called
TECHMATE Corporation Who collaps 5 years ago.. ( even the name technomate i have been ask when they have add some letters more...lol
people who do not beleve check attachment or search in google.

320-2, Sangdaewon-Dong, Jungwon-Gu, Sungnam-Si Gyeonggi-do 462120 Korea ) Mean Not English creature.Just copy logo and name from some one else..like Tm all ways has done.

Owners are British maybe, but not English lol...

I had no intention to answer you personally and offend haw you done , but you nominate many think you did not need like a members with with 5 posts...

19-03-2011, 04:43 AM
Yes those products (tm500 and tm600) are from ItGate (ex Relook personnel who splitted from the main company after many serious financial problems ).
But as far as i know ItGate products are quality products.
For sure Tm doesnt manufacture them, they are just OEM.

19-03-2011, 11:43 AM
I stand corrected, but at least Technomate are an official licensed make even if they are oem boxes. They are also very good quality which is more than you can say about most Chinese clones. As for my experience I have been a satellite tv hobbyist since D2Mac days. Also I used to own a TM-1500 CI+ Super (complete with Darkman patch). I have been a member of the A*s*t forum for many years, in fact I have 2 user accounts on the A*s*t forum as my original name was unbanned. I was actually banned for complaining about people being banned for no good reason....lol. Sorry DARKMAN I do not have anything against you personally, but you did question my experience.

19-03-2011, 02:22 PM
I'm using a TM500 as client box on my home network and it works perfectly, though i wouldn't recommend it as a server, to many glitches.
To anyone who's interested ;) i'm definately not a newbie and have nothing to do with TM sales.:D

PS a section for TM linux boxes wouldn't be out of place here, as long as people who use these boxes can get reasonable replies to questions, instead of being slated and ridiculed for owning one.
Just my opinion.

19-03-2011, 02:38 PM
It seems as soon as technomate products are mentioned people get attacked.Whats going on here.And i dont think amounts of post have anything to do with a members experiance.
I have been in the sat world since 1982.And had most boxes humax . nokie9600.manahatans.dreambox 7200.and the whole range of technomate.still have 1000d. 1500 super.
As things have moved on yes some support has dried up for these tms. once people have made £££ out of them.
But as i posted above .With the switch over to enigma 2.This has caused many problems with linux boxes.yes we know all images are beta.But this has caused many problems for the hobbyist.
Dead boxs dead power supples corrupted boot loaders.
azbox eagle boxes all sold with gifts to entice people to buy.But with out gift not much use.just cheap stbs plastic buttons cheap componants.
Tms are for sure better made no matter who made them.
I bought my tm 500super for £75 and very easey to load images and very little problems.
So why is it a crime to discsuss that fact.
Even now boxes like vu out £300 plus to do what?.anything more than use it for for c/s because there is not much more than that road to get anything these days.
So plain and simple and the right price long live technomate i say.

19-03-2011, 02:47 PM
Thank you sleepy for the vote of confidence. I use my TM-500 Super as both client and server. I have not had any complaints from my peers so far, so I guess my box is working as it should. The only complaint I have about the TM-500 Super/TM-600 series is the lack of a really good image. As I mentioned earlier I prefer the EDG-Nemesis image to the UR Team image as it works that bit better. Both images are very stable, my box hasn't crashed at all. I think that the problems with the UR Team image are partly due to all the gimmicks that the UR Team has added, maybe the guy had an iPhone for Christmas and tried to emulate it on the UR Team images.

19-03-2011, 02:57 PM
Well said ALBERT, I couldn't agree more, I think for the money you can't buy a better Linux Receiver. Instead of criticizing other peoples choice of receiver forum members should be helping each other.

19-03-2011, 02:59 PM
I tried edg but still found latest ur 18 2 2011.Works best for me.As you know firmware can be downloaded direct from server so always the lastest firmware to try.or revert back .

19-03-2011, 05:26 PM
There is a nice big Technomate Section, but there seems to be a distinct lack of a subsection for the TM-500 Super/TM-600 series of receivers. These receivers are starting to get more popular due to both quality and price. Also it would be nice if there was somewhere for the various images, addons, ect ect. I am sure that I am not the only member to think this way.

now i gave some tips for you .only a moth ago...
This is your Post done in different please


TM-500 Super Buggy Images
I am currently using the latest UR Team Image dated 18/2/11 and although the UR Team have fixed lots of problems, it is still very buggy.

1 - The scart connectors are not configured properly.

2 - Automatic aspect ratio switching does not work (probably due to "1").

3 - The now & next EPG only works intermittently.

4 - Audio & video out of sync on some channels.

5 - Plus possibly others that I have not noticed.

Does anyone know of a good image that works properly and is stable? Because the UR Team Images are not fit for purpose, and ruin what could be a really nice Linux Receiver.

in another please still YOU..

Does anyone know if there is an alternative image for the TM-500 Super? as the UR Team images are very buggy. I have tried the Gemini 4.7 image but it does not recognise the remote or the buttons on the front of the receiver. I have also tried the DS Team v4.0 rev 4, but once again the remote does not work, but on this image the buttons on the front of the receiver do work. For some reason there seems to be a lack of working alternatives for the TM-500 Super. It would be really nice if we had a few good stable alternatives

another please still you

I have just found out that the remote control setup, in expert setup, in the EDG-Nemesis image does not seem to work, but fortunately the remote itself does work with this image. What this means is that you can not change the repeat rate ect of your remote control, which is a bit of a pain but not the end of the world

exellent company and stb after 4 years still can not fixing what copy are doing..lol is this the reiciver you was talking the best stb and best price !? What actually i hate is not TM...stb ..but people with double faces double users names and double games...

bye bye for now.

19-03-2011, 09:01 PM
It seems as soon as technomate products are mentioned people get attacked.Whats going on here.

And yet another discussion to prove this right, look like a sin to have a tm, when few years ago THE same member claimed it was the best on market. Nobody can deny what THE other box is capable of. As it is now clearly impossible to ask a tm related question, the best is to close the TM section!

We are talking television HERE; is there a fight going on? I DO NOT want to part of this battle, it is only sat viewing, friendly sat forum, helping each others, NO? we dont care about your money matters.

No, I STILL didn't buy THE OTHER BOX, might do in the future. So for now, I am still part of the villain stupid tm owners;

I AM very very glad this will change as soon as I'll buy the other box and be part of the friendly community, again!!!!

If you do not want me anymore, just BANNED me, trust me, I'LL LIVE WITH IT.


19-03-2011, 11:33 PM
Wow chill out kiddies, I was only trying to get a little more support for TM-500 Super/TM-600 owners. I was not expecting world war 3 to break out, the way I understand it the whole idea of forums is to help each other, not to fight. Yes DARKMAN I have posted on other forums as well as this one, expressing my opinions on different images ect, and trying get a little more support for TM owners. If you don't agree with what I have said that is fine by me, but you really do need to chill out. As for myself I would like to apologise to the forum, I can assure everyone that I never meant for anyone to get upset. .... Cyborg57

20-03-2011, 12:02 AM
@ALBERT sorry you didn't like EDG-Nemesis, I suppose that everyone has their preferences. The main reason that I prefer it, is that the Now & Next EPG works properly, and also the aspect ratio seems to be set up better. As I have mentioned in other posts the EDG-Nemesis image is not perfect, for instance the keystroke repeat on the remote does not work, so you can't easily scroll down your list of channels, but that is something that I can live with. Hopefully in time both the UR Team & EDG-Nemesis images will have their problems sorted out, and also hopefully other image makers will realise what great receivers the TM-500 Super/TM-600's are and add to the choice of working images.

20-03-2011, 12:49 AM
the fact is that we have a linux section already for technomate , the tm9100 section , and as for images its also true that the images were never up to scratch for that box either , including ur , edg and dsteam

frankly I cannot see them ever coming up with a decent working image for any of those boxes , especially now they develop for the HD boxes

I have deleted some of the more offensive posts in this thread , suggest you all stop the slanging matches as we had more than enough of that before xmas and we will not stand for another round , and yes we should treat a "new member" with suspicion as we have no idea what their agenda really is , usually what they say and what they actually are here for can be 2 different things or reasons , its also a fact that no introduction post was made so we have nothing to go on. either way its time some of you adults started acting like adults and any newbie who immediately starts causing trouble will be banned anyway

20-03-2011, 02:31 AM
Thanks echelon for the "nipping it in the bud" so to speak....

No Malice was intended but nice to see you guarding the perimeter for everyone here....;)

Your right to remove/edit and also I overlooked the (Non Introduction fact) Can't be too careful these days.

How ever no personell offence was directed to any newcomer here nor any other party was intended .... 'twas just a small clip around the ear....

I learned my lessons a few years back....:eek:

I agree re : images and for other Makes/Models also.. Then again when they work and are stable enough for satisfaction most would generally tend to leave them alone, but some like most want more out of less...

If it ain't broke Don't fix it.... (Wish i could say the same for my dodgy mobile net provider)..:D


20-03-2011, 12:04 PM
Why dont they just change the 9000 section to 500/600 & 9000 Linux Problem solved:respect-055:

20-03-2011, 12:41 PM
I am not sure who has not made an introduction but I certainly did, it was the first thing I did on this forum. As for my intentions I can assure everyone that they are honourable. My only intention was to try to get better support for TM-500 Super/TM-600 owners. As echelon mentioned there seems to be more support for HD box's these days even though SD box's are still being made and sold. I think that satpaul's idea of renaming the 9000 section to 500/600 & 9000 would be a very good idea, as it be a place where the few working images, addons, extras ect could be put for owners to easily find.

20-03-2011, 09:11 PM
Thank you for renaming the 9000 section to 500 600 9100.:respect-055:

21-03-2011, 12:40 PM
Yes indeed Echelon, thanks for organising the renaming of the 9100 section, at least its so nice to see that common sense really CAN prevail!
Thanks mate!:respect-055::iagree::bravo-009: