View Full Version : Lost my Service+, any ideas?

18-03-2011, 04:58 PM
Last night I switched on my spiderbox last night (Cheers to all that have helped me with the set-up etc by the way!) & noticed that the JSC channels were not clearing (Dont no if its just me but I noticed these clear quicker than say Nova) so I jumped into network & had a look in the Service+ sub menu, To my surprise & horror (If I'm being honest!!) it said I wasn't connected & appeared like I had never registered i.e. the reg number that was sitting there before was gone & the register option was back down at the bottom, I tried toggling it off & back on, Rebooting the box, switching the box off at the back & waiting for the power to drain before switching back on , and a factory reset. I also reset router, but that was just through blind panic, any ideas/help would be great. Im not having much luck here now am I!

keith mawer
18-03-2011, 05:26 PM
have to admit everything is ok.. just watched cheltenham gold cup!!
hope u get this sorted out.. i had some problems ,, but it was MY making ie...
i didnt wait long enough for things to click in,,

18-03-2011, 05:37 PM
Hi Keith came on forum this morning saw the thread Service + down thought to myself i bet that is Keith and hey presto you didnt let me down. You are doing what alot of us were doing when we first got our Spiderbox ' not giving it time to connect ' then go off fiddling with setting's. I agree with echelon i switch my box off at the back every night it then gets a clean boot when switched on and yes it shows f100 for 3 seconds. Best thing to do m8 is to switch on and go and make yourself a cup of tea should be all up and running by the time you get back, sitting there waiting for it to connect ( around 50 sec. ) does seem endless. Another tip before you switch off at night is to leave it on a channel you know that does not go down very often, so easy to go fiddling only to find the channel you left it on is down and you have fiddled unnecceary. Also puzzled how your new box has nuevoxstream i bought mine last July and lost nuevoxstream in September the same as many others although not having nuevoxstream is no problem as nearly all channels now on Service + Gift anyhow. Keith remember your Spider box is not a performance car you do not need to perform a tune every day to get peak performance best to get it running add the patches and softcam when asked, run an accasional scan and leave setting alone. When i first got my box i use to hate new patches thought i would have problems and lose channels but i have to say i now load them with confidence, have to thank DM and the support team for giving me the confidence to know they will work okay so long as i follow their instructions. Well Keith m8 do hope you get sorted soon and gain the Spider Confidence.

Ghostleader might pay to read my post to Keith only last weekend as he had same problem as you seem to have m8 patients is the best cure, give you box time to function.

18-03-2011, 05:38 PM
have to admit everything is ok.. just watched cheltenham gold cup!!
hope u get this sorted out.. i had some problems ,, but it was MY making ie...
i didnt wait long enough for things to click in,,

Cheer's buddy, to be honest everything was running to easy for my liking I was waiting for the f*ck up, nowt to do with the Spiderbox's rep or anything like that, just because I never have much luck with setting up new tech stuff. I like yourself came from the Technomate 6800HD, but the thing just feels so dated because of the GUI, if Technomate done a twin tuner receiver with a NEW GUI, card seeding aswell as card sharing features I would buy it, but I just cant get my head round their bloody stuck in the past GUI, I had a Technomate TM1000 back in the day & it had the same GUI as the 6800 I have now & this was about 10 years ago now!!

18-03-2011, 05:46 PM
Hi Keith came on forum this morning saw the thread Service + down thought to myself i bet that is Keith and hey presto you didnt let me down. You are doing what alot of us were doing when we first got our Spiderbox ' not giving it time to connect ' then go off fiddling with setting's. I agree with echelon i switch my box off at the back every night it then gets a clean boot when switched on and yes it shows f100 for 3 seconds. Best thing to do m8 is to switch on and go and make yourself a cup of tea should be all up and running by the time you get back, sitting there waiting for it to connect ( around 50 sec. ) does seem endless. Another tip before you switch off at night is to leave it on a channel you know that does not go down very often, so easy to go fiddling only to find the channel you left it on is down and you have fiddled unnecceary. Also puzzled how your new box has nuevoxstream i bought mine last July and lost nuevoxstream in September the same as many others although not having nuevoxstream is no problem as nearly all channels now on Service + Gift anyhow. Keith remember your Spider box is not a performance car you do not need to perform a tune every day to get peak performance best to get it running add the patches and softcam when asked, run an accasional scan and leave setting alone. When i first got my box i use to hate new patches thought i would have problems and lose channels but i have to say i now load them with confidence, have to thank DM and the support team for giving me the confidence to know they will work okay so long as i follow their instructions. Well Keith m8 do hope you get sorted soon and gain the Spider Confidence.

Ghostleader might pay to read my post to Keith only last weekend as he had same problem as you seem to have m8 patients is the best cure, give you box time to function.

I did buddy, but my problem is different in that my "Login ID" has disappered!! (I had the common sense to write it down, but I dont know if its going to be of use to me in this situation) I was going to click the "Register" option but didnt because I thought this might make matters worse so didnt! Is there any way to see if I'm connected to the net Spiderbox wise while I try & find the answer to this problem, as I dont have any CCAM's or NewcamD's runing, can anybody out there give me a test line for any service on 13e,19e or 28e so I can see if that see is working o.k., cheers.

18-03-2011, 06:11 PM
If your Login ID is blank, rather than just greyed out, try turning off your receiver, using the switch at the rear of the Spiderbox, then turn it on again.
Now check your Login ID.
For more serious cases you can load the Service+ fix patch, followed by the latest patch, which should get it working.
Also check your router, and cables.
There are a few threads, on this subject, it might be worth checking how others have resolved the problem.

18-03-2011, 06:21 PM
If your Login ID is blank, rather than just greyed out, try turning off your receiver, using the switch at the rear of the Spiderbox, then turn it on again.
Now check your Login ID.
For more serious cases you can load the Service+ fix patch, followed by the latest patch, which should get it working.
Also check your router, and cables.
There are a few threads, on this subject, it might be worth checking how others have resolved the problem.

Cheers buddy, yes the Login I had is totally gone, and before anybody ask's before I had this problem I never switched off the receiver at the back, I just put into standby, so its a bit of a weird one as to how its just disappeared. I will switch it off for over five real term minutes to make sure the power is totally discharged from the internal transformer etc.

keith mawer
18-03-2011, 09:01 PM
att john , have got through loads of tea bags!!!!! ( haaaa)
but this time not through my errors !! but due to the fab receiver!

18-03-2011, 11:07 PM
Cheers buddy, yes the Login I had is totally gone, and before anybody ask's before I had this problem I never switched off the receiver at the back, I just put into standby, so its a bit of a weird one as to how its just disappeared. I will switch it off for over five real term minutes to make sure the power is totally discharged from the internal transformer etc.

Never worked, I'm stumped as to what to do next, any ideas?

19-03-2011, 12:36 AM
Did you try loading the Service+ fix patch?
Have you checked that your MAC Address is correct?
Also check that your cable is attached to the router, and spiderbox correctly.
Are you using Home Plugs?

19-03-2011, 09:23 AM
also , bear in mind that the login id is the mac address that should be in network settings and is the mac address listed on the label inside the spiderbox stuck onto the motherboard

so if you check the network settings where you add or amend the router ip address you should see the mac address of your box , and this same address is what makes up most of the login id , with 250mc as the starter , this is in ip setup

so check the mac address is correct

check the router login ip

check the router can see the spiderbox in the admin panel too

also check any network connections like ethernet cables and any homeplugs etc

19-03-2011, 10:56 AM
It sometimes takes my box a minute to connect to service +, during this time I am shown as not registered and the id number is not shown. However, this is soon sorted, just by being patient. I don't know if this will help, but just my experience.

Service + is then connected and channels clear. Other times I am connected almost immediately.



keith mawer
19-03-2011, 01:09 PM
today i switched on my spider 9000hd without the tellie on,,,
made me self a cup of tea, and when i returned to the lounge and put tellie on ,, ALL WAS OK,

19-03-2011, 07:52 PM
Problem solved, I switched the box off at the mains, unplugged it, placed it on a slab of monoblocking out the backdoor & fired a single bolt shot from a remington bolt action shotgun, as I said problem solved.;)

19-03-2011, 08:23 PM
I bet theres spiders legs everywhere now.


19-03-2011, 08:30 PM

20-03-2011, 12:05 AM
there is a company on flea-bay fix this £20
summat to do wiv faulty chips?

20-03-2011, 03:16 AM
i was watching footy Yesterday
Not conecting !!!
listning to a few people. Here (Thanks)

Not cenecting !!!

of with the back of the Receiver
Then on and of with Router

Then Back on with Reciever.