View Full Version : Bootloader on ET9000

18-03-2011, 08:19 PM
Sorry if my question sounds stupid but I have just move from a DM7020 to a ET9000.
My understanding was that the bootloader was needed to have multiple images on the ET9000. Is that right ?

So far I have done the following:
1st: install bootloader
2nd: install VIX 2.1 image
3rd: install Open PLI 2.0 image

However, when the ET9000 boots, I have no choice for the image but the last one.

Can someone please give me a hint?


18-03-2011, 08:32 PM
No my friend,
The bootloader is what makes the box boot, I am not aware of any multiboot options for the CT yet and to be honest I don't think it is a good option these days.

Try and forget everything you know about your 7020 and start with a fresh mind.
Best way to run the box is with image in flash.;)

18-03-2011, 08:58 PM
Thanks a lot Sonic1, understood.