View Full Version : Upgraded

Dig Deep
20-03-2011, 01:30 PM
from rc5 to rc7

Well, ended up with a green screen(;)) and the word english in the Elite display.

Followed all "How toīs " and retried a few times, same problem.

OKI I said, I will return to OFW using AZup 2.2

All looked good until the last minute "Canīt write file" and back to green screen.

After a countless of tries I managed to start the E2 but never returned to OFW and there is a breat game here so I had to remove the Elit and revived my 7020. No HD but picture :respect-040:

Will try again, later on. Anyone tried this ? What firmware is the best to return to ? Tried 3 and none would work, same Canīt write file problem.

Anyway, the enigma looks cool so I will keep on testing.

20-03-2011, 01:58 PM

Please, try with jazup 2.0.


Dig Deep
21-03-2011, 06:24 AM
Of course, I will try that today ! :respect-055:

Was in a little bit of hurry yesterday:smash:

22-03-2011, 01:11 AM

To return to Official Firmware you need this file:


And JaZUp 2.0 of course. :-)


Dig Deep
22-03-2011, 06:20 AM
Yes worked fine :respect-055: