View Full Version : oozoon trying to record onto external hdd

25-03-2011, 03:16 AM
i can get oozoon to record on to an external hdd formated in fat 32 but is it true that any file over 4 gig recording will stop after it has reach that limit

oozoon will let me play films from an ext hdd formatted in ntfs so why carnt i record on to a hdd formated into ntfs on oozoon

has anyone manage this as it would be nice to use my external 2 tb hdd for recording on oozoon as i want to use it for watching my m2ts files on it as well as recording and tranfering films from dm

25-03-2011, 09:10 AM
Cant say Ive heard that. Could it be that sustained recording of that intensity just overheats the box and it switches off/crashes? I have recorded about five continuous hours in HD with internal hdd on other images and not shut off but dont know how many G that is. However,I dont think that would be the problem with an external one. Could be the oozoon utilities/drivers? It does seem that newer images are coming down with a great choice of packages but with many not now added - even 'customise' seems to have changed making multiple bouquets for example something you have to switch on. Nemesis needs DVD drivers to be downloaded - another change and I am still searching for the correct usb driver. Hope you solve it. Brain

25-03-2011, 06:49 PM
well i have tryed in the past to record straight onto external usb hard drives formatted in fat 32 it has alwat cut of after so long with a message say not enough memory space.
i know i can never transfer file bigger than 4 gig on to fat 32 .
in the past i have been able to record onto a usb hdd formatted in ntfs i carnt remember which image it was .

25-03-2011, 07:04 PM
Hi there
Did you format the usb hdd on a computer then? I have only ever formatted them on the machine - my old 7000 would occasionally take a stick formatted in Fat 32 but even those started to need to be formatted on the DB.On my 8000 it was just installed and formatted on the DB's programme. Has the HDD been used elsewhere? The reason I ask is that it might have been partitioned and on reformatting only a part of the disk was reformatted? My disk in installed internally but my TM6900 has an external one and that was done in the same way.Ntsf quality would be far less demanding of space of course. I cant think of anything else. Perhaps someone else will have a bright idea. Good Luck - Brain

25-03-2011, 07:33 PM
hi yes tryed to format over at least 10 different external hd hard drives from the dm8000 i alway get the message can not inisalise hdd and some of the hds i have tryed have never been used befor ive tryed every single tuturial there is dont know weather its me doing something wrong.
even try to inisailise from dm on hdd in both fat and ntfs. ive tryed to add comand lines into the fstab file on dm tryed to enter a command with telnet to mount the drive .
still the same i can not get dm to mount the external drive. the dm will inizialise it and formats it but doesnt mount it.
ive used telnet to unmount main hdd and enter a comand line in fstab file so the dm sees the external hdd as main drive it a linux trick to trick the dm or so ive been told lol but still no joy im sure if its just a glitch that could b e soughted with a bit of help from some one

25-03-2011, 08:07 PM
FAT32 file size limit is 4 GB minus 1 byte (2^32 - 1 bytes)
my 500GB drive is formatted in Linux ext2 - after all, it is a Linux OS!
look at 'linux fdisk' in your search engine.

25-03-2011, 08:30 PM
hi there ive been looking at that opion for a while carnt find linux fdisk to do the job im running on windows 7 will have another look

25-03-2011, 09:16 PM
telnet into your box... fdisk --h
nowt to do with winblows
u will also need mke2fs

25-03-2011, 09:18 PM
Can I just ask why you are using an external hdd? I have a 1.5T HDD mounted in the 8000. Fitting it is simplicity itself and then you just go to setup/initialise/harddisk set up and life could be a lot easier. Mine has just run seamlessly since I did it and was about 50 quid. DVD went in the same and has given no problems until images stopped adding drivers but found then in packet management. It doesnt help with the external one so I hope you find the Linux version that oldfart mentioned to solve that problem. Good Luck - Brain

25-03-2011, 09:22 PM
my hp 2 tb drive is silent main reason and dm doesnt semm to get as hot recording onto external hd

25-03-2011, 09:34 PM
Dont understand silent - mine works silently, but do you mean it has no sound? Yes - the DM does get warm but it doesnt seem so far to be a problem - I have had mine for 9 months and never a crash when recording or playing. Just make sure the box is well ventilated - often the cabinets we put them into are not very sympathetic. One thing could be, like the usb stick, that a particular driver needs installing from packet management for the hdd? Brain

25-03-2011, 09:39 PM
glad you have an internal that run silently unfornyunate i dont my internal hd on dm8000 isnt however my my hp drive is silent carnt hear a thing

25-03-2011, 10:02 PM
Are you running an internal hdd as well as external? There are a lot of threads on other sites with conflict problems between internal and external.
Suggest you pursue this with oldfart since he usually is light years ahead of where I am with this box. Sorry I cant help any more. God Luck - Brain

25-03-2011, 10:50 PM
Are you running an internal hdd as well as external? There are a lot of threads on other sites with conflict problems between internal and external.
Suggest you pursue this with oldfart since he usually is light years ahead of where I am with this box. Sorry I cant help any more. God Luck - Brain

i would just like to know how old old fart is lol:o16:

26-03-2011, 12:04 AM
@ heathercar, in my experience all new drives have to be formatted before
use. You can put a new drive into a PC & install an OS but not format as OS
doesn't recognise the drive though the bios does, silly situation.

A couple of my Pcs have removable drives so usually stick a new drive in or
use external USB & do an FDISK from old 98 floppy. After that am able to
format Fat 32 or NTSF.

Used FDISK to make a new drive useable for my 8000, then formatted in DB.
I've used a 500gb 7200 rpm 2.5" Seagate Laptop drive which is very quiet,
rubber mounted.

Regards catoro.

26-03-2011, 12:05 AM
telnet into your box... fdisk --h
nowt to do with winblows
u will also need mke2fs

im trying to get my head round vyour instructions
could you be more specific pls

26-03-2011, 12:15 AM
@ heathercar, in my experience all new drives have to be formatted before
use. You can put a new drive into a PC & install an OS but not format as OS
doesn't recognise the drive though the bios does, silly situation.

A couple of my Pcs have removable drives so usually stick a new drive in or
use external USB & do an FDISK from old 98 floppy. After that am able to
format Fat 32 or NTSF.

Used FDISK to make a new drive useable for my 8000, then formatted in DB.
I've used a 500gb 7200 rpm 2.5" Seagate Laptop drive which is very quiet,
rubber mounted.

Regards catoro.

hi thanks i have same hd as yours on internal ruber mounted mine is noisy as anything
anyway would like to get my head around how to use fdisk
need clear instruction from start to finish if poss
at the moment im formatting my usb hdd with partition manager to ext 2 to see if that works
sorry didnt see the part about laptop mine isnt same as yours

26-03-2011, 01:25 PM
Hi Heathercar
I have done some research. 1. Why is ntsf no good? That does not have the limitation and quality should not suffer. 2. Fat 32 will always have the 4G limitation since it is a bit like windows 'cant find' - ie macds is shut on the left side of the road but windows cant look right and see big mac is still open!! lol. 3. use the fdisk system by all means since that will solve the requirement for separate 'pages' for completing the file or find 'extended Fat' - that also exists so I am assured. Good Luck - Brain

26-03-2011, 01:39 PM
dont know exactly what fdisk is im peruming its a comand line used with telnet .
dont know what to do from start to finishish instruction on the net are very confusing.
spent the last 24 hourtryingto find the exact command line to put in with telnet.
not sure at all what mke2fs

26-03-2011, 01:47 PM

26-03-2011, 03:23 PM
Hi there
As I understand it fdisk partitions the hdd into chapters which can then be sequential. My point in the earlier note was if ntfs works then stay with it unless picture quality is affected. I am assured that there is an extended fat system but havent searched for it. You could try another Hdd from Mpalnis - [rework the letters] - mine was 1.5T at £50 and is silent and works without any probs.Also DVD from same place - £30 or so and also silent. I have suggested there is a place for a list of hardware that work with the 8000 - most of it seems cheap compared to the box! lol - Cheers - Brain

26-03-2011, 06:14 PM
carnt remember what I did - doesn't 'initialise disk' from the menu just do it?

26-03-2011, 07:16 PM
I'm loosing the will to live with this thread, never read so much ****!

27-03-2011, 05:28 AM
Hi there
As I understand it fdisk partitions the hdd into chapters which can then be sequential. My point in the earlier note was if ntfs works then stay with it unless picture quality is affected. I am assured that there is an extended fat system but havent searched for it. You could try another Hdd from Mpalnis - [rework the letters] - mine was 1.5T at £50 and is silent and works without any probs.Also DVD from same place - £30 or so and also silent. I have suggested there is a place for a list of hardware that work with the 8000 - most of it seems cheap compared to the box! lol - Cheers - Brain

thanks brain think you could be right there it looks like when you try to inisilise a usb hd formated in ntfs it doesnt partition the whole of the usb hd as thats why you get the the message unabel to mount. i have a trick up my sleeve just waiting for partitiom manager to finish of formatting.
im pretty shaw when ive finished and entered a certain command line into the fstab file when i press the pvr button on dm remote it should take me straight to the usb hdd and have no probs recording onto usb hd with oozoon . need to run some more test lol.

ps i could murder a big mac

@ old fart while you talk that this thread is a load of **** many people have same problem as me and this thread is mainly about saftey a few member in the know have fitted laptop hard drives to the internal ? why ? because there not to heavy on the power supply. number no 2 they dont cause the box to get too hot. no 3 there silent.

many people spend loads of time switching to different images trying to get the best image suited for there needs that take up time and messing about if you have a greivence then speak your mind or forever bite your tongue.

27-03-2011, 06:00 PM
ok finaly afte days and weeks of scratcing my head
it depends on which usb port you cconnect your usb hard drive up to befor formatting with telnet
for example only /dev/sdc1 /media/usb auto defaults is in the fstab file in etc .
when i conected my usb hdd to the back of the dreambox it shows as /autofs/sdf1 in the recording paths menu via dreambox menu.

so the following line should be added into the fstab file

/dev/sdf1 /media/usb auto defaults

this is important befor formating the usb hdd with telnet. you should lay the line out the same as the ones you allready have

now opent telnet on dcc and type the following command mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdf1 or whatever the last four digits that showed up in recording paths on dm menu.
depending on your size of hdd it will take some time my 2 tb usb hdd took about an hour ans half.
i found it quicker and easy to switch any channels you have running on dm ie switch any running channel of or cams of etc.

after it finishes formatting just switch dm of from back and back on

i used recording paths in dm menu to set paths to record on to usb hd and to make a movie folder etc you can use telnet to do this to. now all is ok and i can record whole lengh films onto usb hd no probs horay no comand line are need to record now on to usb hdd except i still have to use one to see the files i have recorded in dcc

at the moment i am having to use this comand in dmc to get the files up i have recorded in on usb hd in dmc ..... mount /media/usb is there not a comand line i can put in that will auto mount the usb hdd on boot .

27-03-2011, 06:28 PM
Does any of this help? Remove gaps as usual for link

http:// forums. techarena.in/ troubleshoot-98/909924. htm
I thought he had. If you still cant use fdisk then go to the above [remove spaces] and read about exfat - that may help if you cant stay with ntfs and/or replace the hdd with a cheap one from mpalisn - rearrange starting with M. If not see if what I gleaned elsewhere helps from a linux help site.Good Luck - brain

As linuxcool says, the extended partition is like a folder that holds logical partitions; it's a bookkeeping mechanism for the partition table. You only need to mount the logical partitions and primary partitions to access all your data.

Here is my /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda5 / reiserfs notail 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda7 /home reiserfs defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/7.2 ext2 defaults,noauto 1 2
/dev/hdb6 /mnt/7.2home ext2 defaults,noauto 1 2
/dev/hdb7 /mnt/7.2usr ext2 defaults,noauto 1 2
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat sync,nosuid,noauto,user,nodev,unh ide 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,io charset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/win_d vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,io charset=iso8859-1 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /usr reiserfs defaults 1 2
/dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb5 swap swap defaults 0 0

What I did, when I wanted to add entries, was to copy the form of the other entries that were already in there. See also man fstab, man mount, man * If you go to editting fstab, be careful, as doing it wrong can make it not boot. Take a look at this other thread where I went into it a little:

http:// www.linuxquestions. org/questi...&threadid= 5107
remove spaces for access as usual - Brain

27-03-2011, 06:36 PM
thank brain very intresting i noticed one of your lines in your fstab file say the word iso
are you able to play iso files that havent been extracted etc

im happy now lol what ive done on my last post is working for me at the moment if i have any probs with what ive done ill look into it further.

27-03-2011, 06:45 PM
think we better quit this thread now lol i dont want old fart to snuff it

27-03-2011, 06:46 PM
Hi there
Dont know about iso since I dont use any of this, but glad you are sorted - the links may also provide some interesting reading - if Ive been of any help I am glad - click 'thanks' link for me. Cheers - Brain

27-03-2011, 08:02 PM
i will have a look at your links soon i now have been recording onto external usb fine for last 2 hours really happy now i have dm fan speeds turned right down and higest temp reading on box is 48 im watching one hd channel and recording 2 others box is really silent now as recording onto my very very silent external usb hd cool horray thats all i have set out to achieve on oozoon as ive always prefered oozoon.
i can also read my recording from dcc and transfer files to external usb from my pc with out having to disconnect hdd from dm great finaly set up now .

my set up is i have a media centre pc and dm8000 permately hooked up to each other all inside my tv stand lol i use my latop to remote acces my media center pc and transfer files to the usb hd witch is connected to the dm with out having to get up my media centre pc has a remote control to turn it on etc. lazy i know but great.
added bonus just did a local copie of internal hd to external usb hd 500 gig move in a minute from dm haha

27-03-2011, 09:42 PM
Really glad all is going so well. Why transfer files to the hdd? Set up a mount from the DB to the pc and it will come up under media player and play it from the computer, or am I misunderstanding again? I have about 30G of ilms on the mac and they are just loaded from the computer onto the DM and tv. Having downloaded films etc onto the comp I cant be bothered to transfer - also lazy. Good luck with all your fun and the 8000 - I just get fun changing the images.systems etc just for the sake of it! lol - Brain

27-03-2011, 11:26 PM
yep m2ts doesnt play as well when streaming or the dts plugin

28-03-2011, 12:35 AM

the following line should be entererd /dev/sdf1 /media/usb auto defaults 0 0 it doesnt matter witch usb port it goes into still shows as sdf1 you should lay it out as same lines allready in the fstab file

i forgot about the 2 zeroes you should always umount the media hdd before mounting media usb . and remember to umount media usb befor using media hdd. after you have finised tranfering data.
you only need to mount media usb to transfer data from pc to usb hd connectected to dm but dont have 2 hdds mounted at the same time like brain says they do conflict i just had to reload whole image again . lol