View Full Version : New image 0.9.5304

25-03-2011, 01:47 PM
updated the french translation | fixed browser and rss issues (missing files) | improved the recordings playback | improved the online system upgrade

26-03-2011, 05:39 PM
Why does You tube not work any more with 0.95304 ?

Watch out most download links for this version contain a virus...

It's working, no recording failures yet

27-03-2011, 11:56 AM
got it to work with the you tube fix only the icons are no good

Here are the simple directions to get the you-tube to work on
older firmware updates.

Open MaZ, connect to the AZ, open Telnet in the top toolbar
you will see Tools Scripts

open the drop down and tic Enable Write in MMP,

Now open FTP and send the file "youtube_player" to /MMP/usr/bin/.

Then send the file: "IVMyoutube.so" to /MMP/usr/lib/

Close Maz and reboot the Azbox.

The You-Tube feature should now work on any firmware
version on the Azbox.

27-03-2011, 01:19 PM
The you-tube feature not working is not a firmware problem.
This stopped working on all firmware updates unless you had installed the you-tube fix. So it has to be something that you-tube has changed.
I believe once it is figured out you will see a new update to correct the you tube thumbnails. However the you tube fix does not correct the thumbnails but it does allow you to connect and view the you tube files.