View Full Version : Where are we Going 4000

26-03-2011, 09:08 AM
İts been a while since we had any firmware updates and plug ins is this coming to an end or have we got to upgrade to enigma 2 it seems since the new model has been out this has gone down the priorty lıst well that how it seems to me

Midnight R
26-03-2011, 03:10 PM
Yes, I've been thinking the same thing recently!

26-03-2011, 06:39 PM
Yes - it would be nice to know if the s4000 has come to the end of itīs development.

Unfortunately the machine has little spare memory to run plugins such as the web
browser for the s6000.

Hopefully the next f/w will address the remaining glitzes and freezing problems.

28-03-2011, 08:51 AM
It would be nice to get the series link option in the openTV EPG