View Full Version : EPG timer recording fails

29-03-2011, 12:07 AM
Since 9.5304 or maybe a release earlier timed recordings with EPG are simply skipped when the program starts.

I believe this failure started when I wanted to delete a few timer recordings
the deletion of it failed forcing me a reboot.

I have reinstalled reformatted application area, but same result

Anyone an idea I have a Azbox premium HD + configured as twin

I never had this issue before it started I belief 1 or 2 weeks ago

The latest firmware 9.5305 did not fix it :o11:

29-03-2011, 12:11 AM
It also does not stop recording once started thru EPG i think it started with 9.5303

29-03-2011, 08:05 AM
I'm using azbox hd premium since 2 year, the box never worked correctly when it comes to record directly or via epg timer, but to say something even if you reach to rec, I am very sure video will not be played,I say this from my personal experience with this box. I gave up for for record via this box, If i was like you will buy a DVD Recorder because they are correct for this work [.REC] and Sony is the master in this field not like this box which his life goes in beta forever and no official support and care. Look what they update FIXED youtube. :|

This box is bull$$it, however, can not say the same thing for HDTV picture which is very nice, but the rest is sorry to waste the time.

P'S', the stop also never worked correctly, remember used to post here the same thing as you almost a year before, i read people since cant remember when with "problem cannot stop rec" etc... but the problem never been solved and i'm pretty sure with official firmware will never be fixed because no one care to waste with it.

30-03-2011, 01:13 PM
record will work via timer ( epg ) or directly by rec button if timeshift is disabled .
playback is ok .

31-03-2011, 10:48 PM
record will work via timer ( epg ) or directly by rec button if timeshift is disabled .
playback is ok .

Ok I did n't know this how did you find out ?

I would like to try, I have to say that the meditel version that i use successfully has by default the time shift setting disabled by default..

Are the defaults set to HDD in later versions from openSat like e.g 9.5305 ?