View Full Version : TM5402 freezes

31-03-2011, 06:50 PM
Iam testing 1 of these atm and picture quality not as good as the tm800 hd but good,problem with hd channels freezing but no issues at all with the standard def channels.also freezes on the tm800 aswel.

31-03-2011, 06:55 PM
What patch you using ?
What HD channels ?
I have one and no problems with freezing

31-03-2011, 07:02 PM
Hi mate,software ver 1.08p,any hd channel on astra 1 and astra well basicaly any satellite,sports movies nat geo you name it,help :(
perhaps i should go back to an older software.

31-03-2011, 07:36 PM
can't check at this min,but sly uk card work fine with HD
are you using cs ?
if so give me a list of channels to check whats freezing,
could be your cs peer.

31-03-2011, 07:49 PM
no freezes what so ever on standard def channels,yes cs private.
basicaly any hd channels will freeze after 10-15 mins on any satellite,flick off flick all good for another 10-15 mins.

01-04-2011, 10:16 AM
I get glitches on Spanish HD on astra1,but sky Germany HD is fine.
Are you on msn ? If so pm me you addy