View Full Version : Astra 2A signal loss

01-04-2011, 12:40 AM

Just wondering if it's only me but all of a sudden I've almost lost the 12.246 V transponder on Astra 2A.

Mind you I live in a frindge area and I'm using a 1.80m prime focus dish which still gets me all the available transponders except this particular one.

This only happened a couple of hours ago and with no weather change.


01-04-2011, 06:53 AM
12246V is actually on 2B north . I'm getting about 60% signal here in southern Spain with a 2.4m fixed . I've compared it with 12012V also on 2B north and it's about the same . I've noticed a few changes on various transponders over the last month on 28E . Most of them were related to CH4 but this one looks more or less the same to me .


01-04-2011, 10:32 AM
Thanks for that Sammy.

I've got no issues with 12012V. Same as usual althought one of the weakest here in Lisbon hence the question regarding 12246V also on 2B North beam.

I reckon I'll have to check my fixed dish/lnb aligmment or my disecq box ...


01-04-2011, 02:23 PM
Might be a frequency related problem with your LNB . Do you have any other problems with frequencies higher than 12246 ?


02-04-2011, 02:03 PM
No, not at all. Yesterday it came back to its usual strenght but today things are a bit iffy again.

EDIT: sorted !! It was nothing but some minute cobwebs in the feedhorn plus a less than perfect lnb/cable connection.
