View Full Version : card problem ?

01-04-2011, 11:28 AM
hi all, just wondering if anyone has or can help with a problem i have with my spider 9000 hd. i am using orange broadband with livebox to connect to spider. a small problem i have is that whenever i switch on sb my router resets and takes a few minutes to connect, this is something i can live with but my bigger issue is that when i put any official card in the slot i loose all internet connection to sb and pc, its pretty strange and haven't been able to find any cure. can anyone help ?

01-04-2011, 12:11 PM
robrob reference your Orange Live Box are you using red port to your computer and yellow port to your Spiderbox ?

01-04-2011, 12:52 PM
tried both of them m8 and still the same

01-04-2011, 09:53 PM
You mention that when you turn on your Spiderbox it takes a few moments to connect well this is normal, unless you are watching free to air which appear straight away, any scrambled channels take time to clear around about 50 sec. When i mentioned the coloured ports i was refering to that your red cable connects to your computer full time, if you go into the Orange Box menu and switch off Digital Television it will free up the yellow port for you to connect your Spiderbox thus having red to computer and yellow to Spiderbox. Look on net for Orange Live Box switching off digital tv ( FREE UP YELLOW PORT) this will explain how to do this.

01-04-2011, 10:09 PM
You should Swap for the new Livebox 2, much much better :

http://www.echosdunet.net/dossiers/dossier_suite_4316_4153_presentat ion+materiel+livebox+2.html

02-04-2011, 12:15 AM
passete m8 i think Livebox 2 is only available in France at the present, so i have just read else where certainly does look good box and alot faster.

02-04-2011, 07:53 AM
yes john i have already done all that stuff you mention, when i turn on sb all light on router go off as if it was turned off and back on again, after a couple of mins all is fine, tried both ports. when i put official card in slot (tried 3 different ones) the @ light flashes constantly very fast and i lose all internet and connection to sb.

02-04-2011, 07:35 PM
Have to admit robrob dont know what else to suggest, you say you lose connection to Spiderbox with your card in slot but is that just momentry or is completely never turn on again till card is removed ? also is card in box when you turn on ? and if it is then does the spiderbox not connect then. You might think i am asking many question but sometimes just missing one vital bit of imformation can be the difference to some body out there knowing your problem straight away.

02-04-2011, 07:42 PM
I have Orange Live Box with 200MB Homeplugs and have to say thankfully never had a problem although i have never had a card but at one time i did use my Diablo 2.3 light cam but because of the heat problem decided Spider had enough going for it not to require keeping it in.

03-04-2011, 10:21 AM
hi john, it doesn't matter which combo i use. swich on with or without card in i lose all connection. as soon as i remove card it connects again. it's totally mad i know. i am looking into using the newcamd option and would like to get to the bottom of the problem. do you know if a different router would work with orange ?

03-04-2011, 11:47 AM
take a good look on Rj45 contacts (sb), maybe a short circuit !
Try with another ethernet cable.
disable dhcp on Both sb and livebox, one ate once, test !
Connect only sb to livebox, nothing else, and test !
make a Hard Reset on livebox, if stills not working.

06-04-2011, 12:30 PM
thx pasette, tried all that and still no joy, only thing i've not tried is another cable. gonna see if i can pick a little cheep one up to try. it really has got me beat. do you know if i can use a different router with orange ?