View Full Version : Is the Enogma 2 v.27 worth a try?

05-04-2011, 11:00 AM
In practice, is there much improvement in E2's newest full usb version? Can anybody comment on this? Is the frame rate any better comparing to multimedia version 25 edition?

07-04-2011, 03:30 PM
NO replies hmmmm.... I have installed it on the second partition of my usb. I have to say-the frame rate does not seem to be dropping as with the previous version. Oscam decodes my cyfra card well. I will need to edit chanel list and will give it a good test for a few days/wks. I don't know why, but I just like the soft look and of E2, the graphic EPG and changeable skins. Very pleased so far.

07-04-2011, 03:40 PM
i was gonna reply
what do u mean by frame rate mate...

like if you have a scrolling bar along the bottom like on some news\business channels, and it judders along (not smooth)

r u saying this is better?

maybe the way forward for the icecrypt is E2

08-04-2011, 11:44 AM
Why not both like it is now?

08-04-2011, 01:33 PM
i was gonna reply
what do u mean by frame rate mate...

like if you have a scrolling bar along the bottom like on some news\business channels, and it judders along (not smooth)

r u saying this is better?

maybe the way forward for the icecrypt is E2
Yeah, this is what I meant. Laggy picture, especially on HD channels. The latest version is much better in that respect. I still get a green error screen occasionally, but less frequently. The only thing that got on my nervs yesterday was that I cannot download picons for 13.0 as I get the message that I already have picons for 28.2 grrrrrr...
STB still takes ages to boot, but once booted works faster than the E2 V1. For me anyway. I only use 2 lnbs and octacam to read seca card. Picture is stable, but sometimes it takes a while for the picture to appear. Not all of the channels though. The PQ seems to have improved as well.
This is my experience so far.