View Full Version : Is all the development for this box european based?

Midnight R
09-04-2011, 08:57 AM
It still puzzles me why this box's xcam seems to be far more stable on pan european sats compared to 28e.

I find that using xcam on NDS channels on Hotbird for example is relatively stable whilst on 28e practically unwatchable due to glitching.

So why is this, is it because the development is all focussed on the non Uk market or what? Or is it some intrinsic shortcoming of the box itself. I know it uses the same chip as the Ipbox which also struggles with 28e.

Its definately not the cline either as the same cline is rock solid with zero glitching on my Openbox S9.

Trouble is once you've had a taste of the excellent PQ of the Icecrypt its hard to let go of it.

Midnight R
09-04-2011, 07:10 PM
I don't know, this is a strange box.

I've been watching Sky News HD for the last hour without a single glitch.

Got it fixed up to a fix dish at the moment but thats the only difference.

PQ is amazing better than anything else I have owned.