View Full Version : Non Gift patches?

Midnight R
13-04-2011, 08:33 AM
Hi, I'll be getting one of these within the next couple of days to pay with.

I see mention to non gift patches but can't seem to find where they're located.

All I see in the file section is gift patches.

Sorry if this is a bit thick but is it a case of installing the patch +gift and not turning the gift on or are there seperate non gift patches?

Also, given that service + is down at the moment what should I do re activation of this?

Just leave it untill it is back up?

13-04-2011, 08:51 AM
Hi, I'll be getting one of these within the next couple of days to pay with.

I see mention to non gift patches but can't seem to find where they're located.

All I see in the file section is gift patches.

Sorry if this is a bit thick but is it a case of installing the patch +gift and not turning the gift on or are there seperate non gift patches?

Also, given that service + is down at the moment what should I do re activation of this?

Just leave it untill it is back up?

just use the latest patch from feb 2011 and ignore turning on the gift if that is what you wish

in other words either turn it on , or dont turn it on , the choice is yours to make

as for service+ you are incorrect , the service+ gift was restored a couple of weeks ago and is working on 16 east , and of course you can also use ucas too , with the latest softcam

you can also add your own "gift" , or card , or cam

Midnight R
13-04-2011, 08:58 AM
Ah thanks E for clearing that up.

BTW, how does the PQ of the Spiderbox comapre to the S4000.

I know you have both.

13-04-2011, 09:09 AM
PQ is excellent on the spiderbox on my 40 inch sony 100hz tv

I watched last nights match on TF1 HD as it was the best picture I could find from the available channels on the spiderbox , and was ucas not gift

ice is great when its without the HD glitching we have noticed recently

spider is a good all-round box with or without the "gift" and I have listed its features many times to dispel the myths that surround it. my samsung 9500 viaci cost the equivalent of 3 times as much with cards,cams and programmers added and was nowhere near as good as the spider is , some people just cannot see the wood for the trees when it comes to sheer value for money in this hobby
( in other words the hobby cost a great deal more cash in real terms for a great deal less in terms of results 10 years ago )

Midnight R
15-04-2011, 02:19 PM
Picked up an 7000 HD and have to say its great.

The PQ isn't quite as good as the Icecrypt but not far off and its better than an Openbox S9 that I was raving about last week LOL.

Very, very stable with my cline and seems to work very well with a USB dongle and 3g router that I have. Rock solid with Cable BB.

Very nice box, I even like the skin.

Remote is very nice too.

1 Qs, can I wait to activate the gift until more is up and running and then still get a years worth?

15-04-2011, 02:24 PM
Picked up an 7000 HD and have to say its great.

The PQ isn't quite as good as the Icecrypt but not far off and its better than an Openbox S9 that I was raving about last week LOL.

Very, very stable with my cline and seems to work very well with a USB dongle and 3g router that I have. Rock solid with Cable BB.

Very nice box, I even like the skin.

Remote is very nice too.

1 Qs, can I wait to activate the gift until more is up and running and then still get a years worth?

sounds a fair feedback to me

you would assume the answer to your q is yes