View Full Version : Is SCT Hotbird working?

18-04-2011, 10:09 PM
I noticed it was working yesterday but today (This afternoon) it was scrambled on my receiver.

I rebooted and turned service plus off (then exited) then back on again all to no avail still no SCT is this a problem my end or is it down again?

18-04-2011, 10:17 PM
There is clearly work in progress at the moment,
you may find some providers that are more stable than others.

clearly Sct is still in testing.

18-04-2011, 10:46 PM
I assume that means SCT is not open at present, thanks Compass :respect-055:
At least now I know I don't need to reset my spiderbpox and reinstall everything as it isn't a problem with my receiver. :hurray:

I did in fact look for any other posts that might have clarified this before posting since I am aware the guys are doing their best to return service+ but as I couldn't see any other threads regarding this I thought it was a problem with my receiver so thought it worth asking before taking drastic steps I know I would regret.:sifone:

Just like to add a personal thanks to the guys who are working so hard on our behalf, I haven't had my spiderbox long and was starting to think I had made a mistake and wondering if I would have been better off with a Protek, but with all the effort the "spider team" is putting in on our behalf my faith is restored.:number-one-043::number-one-043::number-one-043: