View Full Version : JaZUp 2.1 by Hectore and Pr2

19-04-2011, 08:27 AM

We are pleased to release JaZUp 2.1

change log:
- Allows users having used FW4USB to return to official firmware in DOM without bricking their Azbox (error: connect as...).
- More languages added: Catalan, Polish, Greek and Chinese - now support 11 languages.

- Support for the new patch.e2 file format
- Multilingual user interface and messages
- patch.e2 files are now loaded from your PC, no more USB needed.
So if you are familiar with JaZUp 1.x the way of working has changed, please read the attached PDF.
- when installing to USB only the target USB stick is needed
- When creating backup of official firmware data, file is now downloaded and you can set the name of your backup file
- No more support for patch.bin file format
- Disable Hardware Acceleration even in Rescue Mode
- Uninstall Priority Manager from official firmware to avoid conflict when upgrading
- fix E2 partitions problems on official DOM (256MB) if needed
- Automatic rename dummy patch.bin into _patch.bin to allow Azbox full reboot after upgrade


Hectore & Pr2

19-04-2011, 07:10 PM
This has to be the best software for moving to and from E2 to Offical Firmware.
Thanks Guy's