View Full Version : SB 9000 hd

21-04-2011, 08:53 PM

I would like to know what channels are open using service + on the 9000 HD on what satellite

All I can find is SuperSport channels 1, 2, 3, 4

I do have Tring on 16 east with sound but no pictures

And that is it nothing els

Their must be more than that opened ( I am hoping so )

21-04-2011, 09:01 PM
details are in the sticky threads in the gift forum


21-04-2011, 09:22 PM
an if you can get anything on 0.8w you are doing better than me matey!!!

21-04-2011, 09:46 PM

I will let you know I am just doing a channel search

I found 651 channels

of which 3 work that is Canal +

11278 v



Thats it

22-04-2011, 06:25 AM

I will let you know I am just doing a channel search

I found 651 channels

of which 3 work that is Canal +

11278 v



Thats it

Did you check the link, provided by echelon?

On 0.8W, the satellite you've mentioned, there are more than 3 channels working with Service+, then there are the channels on 16E and 13E.

Check the link and try manually scanning in the channels listed.

22-04-2011, 09:13 AM
an if you can get anything on 0.8w you are doing better than me matey!!!

There are plenty back on 0.8w but remember you must scan them in on 0.8w NOT 1.0w or you wont get them

22-04-2011, 03:26 PM
I still can't get tring working

All I get is sound and no picture

22-04-2011, 03:43 PM
I still can't get tring working

All I get is sound and no picture

I dont think tring is on m8 , so in that case you will only get sound

try supersport on 16e

check the posted list with the boxer26 updates to check what is working at the moment

22-04-2011, 05:07 PM
Many thanks echelon

22-04-2011, 06:29 PM
well I did point out earlier that the posts were in the sticky threads of that forum , and the boxer postings are the current situation with service+ , until it gets back to the original list anyway , including tring ( tring dont scramble the audio , just the picture )

the thor issue with wellwell was being dealt with in a separate thread here last week , and as pointed out those service+ channels did work for those of us that replied , although they may go down periodically as they work on service+ to restore it back to its former glory

so what I am saying is that the info is here on the forums , its up to members to find it and interpret the info being given

I have had vh1 on thor working today using service+ so it pains me when people say its down , when it clearly isnt on my spiderbox !!

my advice to you and others is read the info on the forums , digest it , and accept that if 10 people tell you its working , then its working !

22-04-2011, 08:36 PM
Just had a LOOK ON [ 1 WEST ]

Canal + Fotball [ Working ]

Discovery HD [ Working ]

BBC HD [ Working ]

Just Finnished Work ???So Some are OPEN ?? FOOK ME ??Some have more time to LOOK ?? GETTING REALLY ****ED OFF WITH ALL THE SATSCENE, TIME TO GIVE IT A MISS:respect-054: