View Full Version : octaCAM__MCAS_EMU_MCLIENT__150420 11

24-04-2011, 08:10 PM
octaCAM__MCAS_EMU_MCLIENT__150420 11 - SF1008, SF1008SE, SF1008SE+, SF1018, SF1028P

- update : Mcas, Mclient und Coconut
--> Mcas & Mclient problem fix.
--> NDS + Nagravision problem fix.
--> ECM problem fix.
--> OSD Menu problem fix.
--> Speicher problem fix.
--> Key Verifizierung für coconut eingebaut
--> Homeshare Protokoll für Mclient verbessert
--> Plugin API V1.07 (V10894) !

- update : Mcas, Mclient and Coconut
--> Mcas & Mclient bug fix.
--> NDS + Nagravision bug fix.
--> ECM bug fix.
--> OSD Menu ug fix.
--> Memory leak bug fix.
--> Add verify routine after key set (coconut)
--> Homeshare protocol with Mclient improved
--> Plugin API V1.07 (V10894) !

- update : Mcas, Mclient ve Coconut
--> Mcas & Mclient problemi giderildi
--> NDS + Nagravision problemi giderildi
--> ECM problemi giderildi
--> OSD Menu problemi giderildi
--> Speicher problemi giderildi
--> Coconut icin key kontrol özelligi eklendi
--> Homeshare Protokolu iyilestirildi (Mclient)
--> Plugin API V1.07 (V10894) !


Plugin Menu :
--> Start(en) : Grüne Taste , Green Button, Yesil Tus
--> Auto Start(en) : Rote Taste, Red Button, Kirmizi Tus

Plugin Menu :
--> OK Button : für/for Mcas, Mclient, Coconut
--> Für mehr infos, configs etc. / For more information and configuration`s

--> OK Tusu : Mcas, Mclient ve Coconut icin gecerlidir
--> Daha cok bilgi ve ayarlar icin


Mcas Hilfe - FAQ: Smartcard, EMU, Homeshare Server (Master)

EMM Loading :
SamrtCard AU update Funktion , Karti güncellemi özelligi

Emulate on/off :
EMU ein/aus Funktion

SmartCard Message :
Popup OSD Einblendung ein/ausschaltbar,popup message on/off, popup bilgiyi acip kapama özelligi

Card Slot 1+2 :
Cardslot kann separat ein und ausgeschaltet werden, Cardslot1+2 on/off, Kart slotu acip kapama özelligi

Betacrypt use :
auswahl CAS für irdeto / Nagravision, bsp bei Kabelkarten D0x usw...
using irdeto or nagravision for decrypt. (example by Cable Cards d0xx..)

Keditor Hilfe - FAQ : Key support
keyfile : keydata.tmp

Coconut.dat Hilfe - FAQ :
BISS & DCW key support

Coconut Hilfe - FAQ: (BISS & DCW key support)

Plugin Menu : coconut mit grüne Taste Starten und mit roter Taste auf Auto setzen
Live Tv Mode : 2 x Info Taste und Rote Taste drücken
--> SID TSID ONID werden Automatisch eingefügt.

Plugin Menu : Start coconut with green Button and set Auto with RED Button
Live Tv Mode : 2 x Info Button and press RED Button
--> SID TSID ONID will add. Automatically

Plugin Menu : coconut yesil tus ile Start edin ve kirmizi tus ile oto konumuna getirin
Live Tv Mode : 2 x Info Tusuna ve Kirmizi Tusa basin
--> SID TSID ONID bilgileri otomatik olarak eklenecektir


Mclient Hilfe - FAQ :
Homeshare Client (Slave)

--> Anleitung - FAQ Manual- Resimli Aciklamalar:
--> http://www.octagon-f...f-10x8-hd-linux

Keydata.tmp & coconut.dat (key file support)
--> keydata.tmp : plugin/keydata.tmp = root/var/keydata.tmp
--> coconut.dat : plugin/etc/coconut.dat = root/var/coconut.dat

--> keyfiles können auch mit Autoupdate Plugin Online updated werden
--> for online keyfile update can use Autoupdate Plugin