View Full Version : AZBox Me vs miniMe

03-05-2011, 09:06 AM
Imagine the full potential of a set top box built with Android 2.2(Azbox Me) and Neutrino HD Technology, all in a DVB-API compatible device.


03-05-2011, 02:54 PM

Are there any photos or videos from Anga Cable? :sifone:


03-05-2011, 04:53 PM
well blow me if the nay sayers dont have something tou shuv in there pipes and smoke lol


03-05-2011, 05:41 PM
This little machine runs on Neutrino. On the frontside there is a connector for an external IR Eye so you can place the machine for example behind your telly.

http://www.satforum.nl/download/file.php?id=1450&sid=8a96300b2ec7746f86fff1feb6b68 d1b

http://www.satforum.nl/download/file.php?id=1449&sid=8a96300b2ec7746f86fff1feb6b68 d1b

03-05-2011, 05:52 PM
His Big brother AZbox ME runs on Neutrino or Android Froyo or Enigma. He's reall impressive!

Just for the show, the inside ( yes, no fan. I touched one who was running for hours, really cold! ..... )

http://www.satforum.nl/download/file.php?id=1451&sid=8a96300b2ec7746f86fff1feb6b68 d1b

With his clothes on :

http://www.satforum.nl/download/file.php?id=1452&sid=8a96300b2ec7746f86fff1feb6b68 d1b

Running on Neutrino ( fast as hell! )

http://www.satforum.nl/download/file.php?id=1454&sid=8a96300b2ec7746f86fff1feb6b68 d1b

Tv screen on Android. It will change a litlle ( progress bar program, indicator wich channel fav you are looking at). It shows sounds, vision (h264), text, audiolanguage, etc, etc. You can scroll through the channels likewise PIP.

http://www.satforum.nl/download/file.php?id=1455&sid=8a96300b2ec7746f86fff1feb6b68 d1b

http://www.satforum.nl/download/file.php?id=1456&sid=8a96300b2ec7746f86fff1feb6b68 d1b

This is the one I love! Likewise the Android market you'll get the AZbox Market! Everyone will be able to develope plugins and apps for the box. As enduser you will be able to install what you want. From an clock on you menu(desk) to .... The AZbox market will filter the apps what works on the box. You don't need for example an Android App for your battery ( GSM apps)

http://www.satforum.nl/download/file.php?id=1457&sid=8a96300b2ec7746f86fff1feb6b68 d1b

Sorry for my english. I'm became really enthousiastic about this box!

04-05-2011, 08:05 AM
Can you confirm that the new operating system will eventually available for current Premium + owners to put on their AZBox?
Regards filmman

04-05-2011, 09:23 AM
One can't develop Android on Premium due to hw limitation .

Cheers ,
Val .

04-05-2011, 10:34 AM
Can you confirm that the new operating system will eventually available for current Premium + owners to put on their AZBox?
Regards filmman

Android will only be developed for the Azbox ME

Azbox Ultra
Azbox Premium plus
Azbox mini ME
Azbox Premium
Azbox Elite

Will get support for Neutrino HD and Enigma2

Also for ME there will be Neutrino HD and Enigma2, on going support for premium plus means that elite-premium and ultra will be supported in the future.:respect-055:

04-05-2011, 09:28 PM
Yeeeeeeessssss.......... Well, we heard it all before... We'll do this in the forthcoming period, we'll do that... Like the last time - twin tuner is possible, Sigma say, we are working on a solution... Only to be followed by "we never said it was twin..." Riiiightt... And now it's not even "we're trying to have twin tuner capabilities" but still they're having the audacity to claim PiP? For what? Google TV over the net? My word...

Never mind! Sigma! Bleurgh!!! Drivers for Elite etc. are being developed for quite a while and still nothing to write home about. The same team? What makes us think it'll be any better if they have to spread those thin resources even thinner over a wider array of products?!?

Sounds hollow to me. More hype but nothing to really show to us...

05-05-2011, 09:17 AM
AZBox ANGA Cable 2011 Android(VIDEO)


into Menu /settings/....Wireless !

05-05-2011, 09:32 AM

On paper, AZBOX Me & miniMe are great box like Elite, Premium, Premium+ and Ultra model.
Azbox community is waiting for long time after a first stable release/Firmware for old model (more two years).
Think well before buy a new Opensat product...


05-05-2011, 10:47 AM
Official Video:

12-11-2011, 04:53 PM
still no sign of this box...jeez.

and no blind scan on launch...what a joke.

the illuminati
12-11-2011, 06:05 PM
and i think it will have a gift from opensat something like(the good for nothing) MULTICAS . to make our life easy and full of joy :-) (

22-11-2011, 07:08 PM
No - blind scan yet out of the box!
No - APSK signal decoding.
Problems getting some satellite mux's to come in on the ME.
No - North American Satellites listed in the receiver.

Is this receiver ready for Prime Time ?
No way !

I have never seen a company try to market a product that was in no way ready nor does it do all that was promised out of the box.
To say that the firmware writers need to catch up is a joke IMO and this is only going to lead to many others hating this company more then they already do.

And this is being written by an Azbox supporter! So if a supporter has nothing good to say about it what do you think this receiver is really like ?

23-11-2011, 11:18 AM
Oh, we've seen it all before... :D