View Full Version : Nielsen-Holyfield, Where???

06-05-2011, 03:30 PM
Does anyone knows which channels will show the fight between Brian Nielsen and Evander Holyfiels on saturday night. I have 5e-13e-19e-1w, so maybe I am lucky to find a channel which shows this fight, off course I mean a not pay-per-view channel.

06-05-2011, 07:42 PM
fights n denmark so probably be somewhere on 1w, but honestly not lookig forward too it, joke fight really how old are these 2

neilson - 46 holyfield - 48 are you sure those 2 can even walk to the ring unaided?

pacman - mosely now theres a fight im actually looking forward too :) this is on 1w @ sport1 + 2
