View Full Version : RTI team and AZBOX ME

the illuminati
08-05-2011, 09:25 AM
So the team is working on the new AZBOX ME before we even got
a fully working image for our old boxes so it seems the support is limited now as the new box is talking all their time

08-05-2011, 09:50 AM
Yes they got a free azbox me to work on.
Opensat does not understand that we will no longer buy
Stuff from them.
They should have let the team finish what they have started.
Opensat ****s on their customers.
And wants only to get rich by selling new boxes.

the illuminati
08-05-2011, 10:06 AM
:smash: I'll never fall in the same opensat trap again :smash:

08-05-2011, 12:30 PM
thats not nice to say about open****.:respect-040::respect-055::applause-003:

i would not buy a plug of them if it gave them profit. after the way they treat there customers on there forums and backup service, they started as pure crap and are still pure crap.

08-05-2011, 12:49 PM
the Me boxes are runing on Neutrino HD plus the Android system
I will buy one just for the Android as i love this system, but even the Neutrino HD was looking good at Agna Cable, fast and smooth i would say.

Now about the support from other teams, well it upto hem to give the support as the Opensat said they will make public all the things need it this time, and that they have full controll of the software and not someone else.

Time will tell what will happend this time.

08-05-2011, 05:47 PM
there will other of companies that will bring us Android in their recievers.
as I read in a magazine, in the future all will change to new technology.
and always there will be new in the sat world.
at the moment we are stuck with unfinished firm.
thanks to the ripper that started, but then opensat bought him, and now we are stuck again.
as the illuminati said we'll never fall again.

the illuminati
08-05-2011, 05:52 PM
the Me boxes are runing on Neutrino HD plus the Android system
I will buy one just for the Android as i love this system, but even the Neutrino HD was looking good at Agna Cable, fast and smooth i would say.

Now about the support from other teams, well it upto hem to give the support as the Opensat said they will make public all the things need it this time, and that they have full controll of the software and not someone else.

Time will tell what will happend this time.

I know my friend but at least opensat should have left the RTI team fix their reputation before pushing a new product to the market

not only i but anyone i have influence on will not buy any product from them :ack2:

08-05-2011, 07:45 PM
I believe it is a bad decision from the team, at this moment, to support the development of enigma 2 for the new azboxes that will be released june or july.

of course it is their decision and so we cannot do anything else but respect it.

i cannot develop my own firmware, i cannot use rc12 with its problems / i wish my premium had full support from rti team, i am stuck with original fw problems and limitations.

thats all

08-05-2011, 08:46 PM
i cannot develop my own firmware

Thats where you are wrong because you can, you can build your own E2 image if you want all is there.

naveh there will other of companies that will bring us Android in their recievers.

Name 1 witch already have a box on the market

And to all off you, you are free costumers nobody tells you what to do or what to buy

08-05-2011, 08:55 PM
Thats where you are wrong because you can, you can build your own E2 image if you want all is there.

I think nstergi means, they don't have the ability to do so...

08-05-2011, 09:03 PM
Is there any chance that the images for the new boxes will ever work on the old elite,premium etc

08-05-2011, 09:13 PM
Maybe I've got another connections then you have but for me the people of Opensat and co. are one of the most honest people i know. It's a young enthousiastic company with good products. The origin firmware does what it has to do. It's not 1.0, not open source, but its stable and it works. I think they make now a great choice with Android for the Me and Neutrino for the mini me ( and the old ones? ).

08-05-2011, 10:22 PM

i am not a coder/programmer.

my point of view is from the user side

"they " goes to opensat? maybe , 2 years with no improvements by them.
i cannot say the same for rti though. they produced amazing job in little time. my consideration is that they will take more time to finish a fully working fw, now that the new boxes have arrived and mess with them.
which is bad for me.

08-05-2011, 11:57 PM
For all.

The RTi is working on E2 with models HD and models Me and miniMe.

They are working with the two together.

More news coming soon.

09-05-2011, 08:17 AM

I'll never buy a other Azbox product. :9898:
Opensat isn't a serious compagny, that's enough for me...


09-05-2011, 10:16 AM
I'm afraid I have to agree with Hectore. unless some part exchange scheme is available.
I was one person who was mislead into buying thinking it was a twin and not a Combo.
I've lived with it for a few years now.
All the developments do keep me interested.
The family get upset at the restrictions of Combo, restrictions I still live in hope of being to use it as a Sat / Terestrial twin.

09-05-2011, 10:44 AM
I read that QBOX and another company are developing Android receivers, but they don't want to publish until they will see that it is working properly.
we dont need Android receivers, we just want a receiver that we can watch TV, record and play multimedia.

09-05-2011, 02:24 PM
I read that QBOX and another company are developing Android receivers, but they don't want to publish until they will see that it is working properly.
we dont need Android receivers, we just want a receiver that we can watch TV, record and play multimedia.
OpenSat doesn't give a crap if you can watch TV or not, their main concern is to make as much money as possible.

09-05-2011, 04:06 PM
hahaha i just laught on some coments, i was one of the very first guys to go and be robed from Opensat, but for me the Neutrino HD and Android alone is good inaf reason to buy one new Azbox.

Now we know that Opensat did not had the code the the boxes before.
On Anga they prommised they have the code and they will release the toolchain for making images, i do not know how true that is but i will like to give this copmany a small second chance.

How many companies are out there that have had the same problems as they do. I know for sure that what i see in Anga in stage and behind prommisess much, but if Opensat will keep their prommises that is another thing.

I for one have now order my box as pre-order and will be wating to test it when it is out, will make photos for you all if it happends im the first guy with it.

09-05-2011, 04:39 PM
i will like to give this copmany a small second chance.

why give a chance before they let they let ripper finish the job he started?
opensat bought the ripper! the ripper got an Azbox Me for free, and also $$$ !
we can give opensat a chance after we see the the HD models are working good.
as I have already said, they prefer to put in the market a new reciever and get thier funds.
we could not blame the ripper, if it was not for the ripper opensat would not have develop the azbox me.
the forums of azbox are empty because most have already bought other recievers.
I bought Dreambox 8000 last month from berlin, that works great.
my azbox has moved to my bedroom, as I see less TV there.
I know at least 6 of my friends also moved to other like VU+ and so on... and are also happy at last.

again opensat made a big mistake.
and about the azbox me, in azbox HD they promised a web browser, that worked like a turtle, so I dont know how and what the android will be or do.

so for all that are writing that they want to move to azbox me, makes me laugh.

09-05-2011, 06:06 PM
for me the Neutrino HD and Android alone is good inaf reason to buy one new AzboxWhats so special about android that others os's can't achieve? Do you really think the problem is the operating system?

10-05-2011, 07:00 AM
Whats so special about android that others os's can't achieve? Do you really think the problem is the operating system?

answer is here:
(Clone Wars)

10-05-2011, 07:57 AM
answer is here:
(Clone Wars)
The question was rhetorical. The real answer is that Android is just another operating system which is using a linux kernel. Nothing special. Moreover Android could be successful in mobile devices but this doesn't mean it will also be successful for other devices, like your pc for example or your stb. And finally you need good hardware before considering using good software, not the other way around. You need a porsche engine with a decent chassis to make your car go fast, not a porsche chassis with a Yugo engine.

10-05-2011, 09:20 AM

.....Nothing special.
I understand that you have already tested a STB with Android, also...AZbox Me.
Thanks for the info, you convinced me.

10-05-2011, 10:00 AM
I have tested Android on mobile devices, and it is offering what all open source projects are offering. The thing is that we already have open source projects running on our pcs and stbs, (open source is new for mobile devices thats why android is getting all the attention).

So again, i haven't tested Android on something else apart from mobile devices, and i am still not convinced that Android, which is just another open source project, can offer something that is not already out there. It has a catchy name though.

After all we are talking about a members desire to buy something which is running android, no-one said that Axbox ME will actually run it.

10-05-2011, 12:15 PM
I guess there will be no card reader support in 2011 for Az Premium E2 :iamwithstupid:

10-05-2011, 01:55 PM
I guess there will be no card reader support in 2011 for Az Premium E2 :iamwithstupid:

I didn't worked on card reader driver for 6 months, frist attempt was from some other programmer , then I switched to work on that , but because of new models of Azbox I didnt have a chance to work on it to long, but now I am back on it.
I see on many topics you are attacking us, because ? I work to slow ? Other few RTI members work slow ? You want full source Sigma code that is under NDA and we dont want legal problems ? You want me to fight with Sigma company and tell them not to anymore licence their kernel so everyone can flash their compiled kernel as BCM,ST and other chips support that way ? You want me ..... ?
Friend how can I help you ?

Default Sigma card reader source code is public , it's in linux source (we publish it and it's in GIT too) in "linux_source/driver/char/sc.c" , everyone can take a look and try to code new driver that is compatible with DMM card reader driver.[/QUOTE]

Well that should be clear enough

10-05-2011, 03:02 PM
Well that should be clear enough
What or who prohibited RTI to continue their work on the older models?

Why is he talking about closed drivers? **** Condessa of OpenSat clearly stated that the of philosophy of open source will be transfered to the old models as well. http://satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=797527&postcount=1

Sorry, but there are too many dubious answers and statements here and I don't know who to beleive.

10-05-2011, 03:32 PM
Why is he talking about closed drivers?

Because for obvious reasons all companies (including celrun sigma,dream,marusys,******) can have open source software , but they keeps their drivers closed

10-05-2011, 03:39 PM
Too few people [some of whom are not exactly competent or talented, unlike The_Ripper, who is knowledgeable and gifted!] working on too many models.

It's a nightmare for The_Ripper! Where to turn first?

Well, he who pays calls the shots.

Not to excuse anyone but...

And therefore...

No more Open****e/AZ****e in my house! Not serious!!! Amen!

10-05-2011, 03:48 PM
Because for obvious reasons all companies (including celrun sigma,dream,marusys,******) can have open source software , but they keeps their drivers closed
What does H. Condessa mean by his statement then? The Ripper is afraid of being sued for copyright infringement, Condessa talks about a new philosophy with total transparency.

10-05-2011, 03:56 PM
Boy, are you gonna be disappointed, if you take his words literally...

10-05-2011, 04:10 PM
Boy, are you gonna be disappointed, if you take his words literally...
I don't, I will never buy a product from that company again.

10-05-2011, 04:29 PM
Sigma MRUA is under NDA and my main DVB driver and other kernel modules is based partially on that code and I really dont want to publish their source code as GPL because their code is Proprietary and I dont want legal problems.
I think nakata said well, that Mr. **** Condessa was thinking that NeutrinoHD as open source software philosophy will be continued in new Azbox receivers as official FW , where in old Azbox receivers FW was closed source because it's Celrun proprietary.

10-05-2011, 05:02 PM
Sigma MRUA is under NDA and my main DVB driver and other kernel modules is based partially on that code and I really dont want to publish their source code as GPL because their code is Proprietary and I dont want legal problems.
I think nakata said well, that Mr. **** Condessa was thinking that NeutrinoHD as open source software philosophy will be continued in new Azbox receivers as official FW , where in old Azbox receivers FW was closed source because it's Celrun proprietary.

so what does this mean for us, the users of the azBox HD?
will there be a continue to the development of azBox HD?

10-05-2011, 05:28 PM
Yes we will continue and we are working on it,dont know where rumor started that no more support for Azbox receivers.

10-05-2011, 05:56 PM
I think nstergi means, they don't have the ability to do so...

Well as long as anybody can find a forum like this, they could learn it'' s all there on the world wide web.


No rumours, RTI team clearly stated that support for ALL Azbox models will continue ( even before ANGA 2011), just some kids ( wich have badly reading skills) are trying to bring the whole thing down.

For me, original firmware does what I want, E2 is a very nice suprise, Neutrino as second gift.

This one for RTI team:respect-040::respect-055:

10-05-2011, 05:57 PM
Sigma MRUA is under NDA and my main DVB driver and other kernel modules is based partially on that code and I really dont want to publish their source code as GPL because their code is Proprietary and I dont want legal problems.
I think nakata said well, that Mr. **** Condessa was thinking that NeutrinoHD as open source software philosophy will be continued in new Azbox receivers as official FW , where in old Azbox receivers FW was closed source because it's Celrun proprietary.
Thank's for answering, I don't want to see you in any legal problems either.

H. Condessa wrote the following on Facebook: Furthermore, we will transfer this philosophy to our actual line models (AZBox Premium HD+, AZBox Elite HD, AZBox Ultra HD) and start from the beginning with those policies with AZBox Me and AZBox miniMe..

This is a very strange statement if nothing is about to be changed with the old boxes. There's simply no philosophy to be transfered if NeutrinoHD or Enigma2 is the only thing he's talking about, you were developing both of them long before AzBox Me or MiniMe were known.

10-05-2011, 07:34 PM
It's a matter of resources, as The_Ripper stated already...

More jobs with very few people. Looks like it's gonna slow down. Not stop completely. And already it's slow, as The_Ripper said "we haven't enough people" long time ago...

So, practically, it looks as priorities have shifted and there seem no way to cushion this shift by new developers taking over the development, at least in part(s)...

10-05-2011, 07:46 PM
i just love the fact that Neutrino HD is there and can be used, i have had Dbox2 in the past and love the Neutrino interface, and the smoth and light working. for an enthusiasat like me this mean that theer is more choises.

I still have an old Azbox Elite here that is working very well to watch TV, what else do i need from a sat receiver.

the QAndroid system is good news, as we then can move on to some other systems and not be naged on Enigma1/2 , Neutrino HD, Spark , Android are all welcome in my book just becouse they bring some thing new into the feild. the development is the weel that makes the world go round guys.

I run Android phones here, and love the system, if i can have a box that can talk to my phone ore the other way round then im pleased as some work i can do before i get home, or i can build my own little server and while im on the go i can store all things on all diveces.

Being alble to have some Toolchain to buil own programs is good thing, not that im a big programer but it opens up possibility for others that can, being able to get the uppdates with out hashle from Celeruim is nice to. Android did not work very well but Neutrino did well there :-)

I talked with allmost all the guys ther on the Stand and was convinced to buy one box just becouse of the Android not the fact they come from Opensat. and we all dont we diserve a second chance ?

anyway, i have made up my mind and will gladly pay for an Original box and support the guys that brings some new inovative thing into the marked, i was there for Apple with their Iphone, Samsun with their Android phone Galaxy, and i will give few of my hard cash to Opensat just to see if they are worth it, i remeber when every Apple fanboy was making fun of me with my first samsung, but now i laght back to them :-) maybe the same will happend with Azme

11-05-2011, 02:11 AM
Apart from the unofficial work from the Ripper and team, I've been really disappointed with my Az premium.

It never lived up to what I was told it would do when I bought it. Worse still they are bringing out new boxes when they're still on Beta software for their current boxes. Is this some sort of sick joke?

There is no way I'd fall into the same trap and waste money on a company that makes big promises but never delivers.

I bought before in good faith, I believed in Opensat and they ripped me off. I'm not going to make the same mistake again.

If they ever want me to have one of their boxes again, It'd have to be supplied with a fully working and stable firmware. Not a crap piece of software that hides behind a beta label.

11-05-2011, 08:34 AM
I totaly agree with Chrissat.

11-05-2011, 11:52 AM
i have to say that i baught a lemon in the azbox b ut at least ripper and the boysh helped me make lemonade opensat have consistantly offerd little or no support and as such i will not consider purchasing anothere product from them. i will be moving back to dream media for my next purchase proper box propper support and propper service now thats what you can ask for in a product perhaps people have been blinded by the glits and glammer put on by there sails staf at the show but lucaly there track record should speak for its self and help keep otheres from making the same mistakes as us.

the illuminati
11-05-2011, 03:03 PM
Apart from the unofficial work from the Ripper and team, I've been really disappointed with my Az premium.

It never lived up to what I was told it would do when I bought it. Worse still they are bringing out new boxes when they're still on Beta software for their current boxes. Is this some sort of sick joke?

There is no way I'd fall into the same trap and waste money on a company that makes big promises but never delivers.

I bought before in good faith, I believed in Opensat and they ripped me off. I'm not going to make the same mistake again.

If they ever want me to have one of their boxes again, It'd have to be supplied with a fully working and stable firmware. Not a crap piece of software that hides behind a beta label.

the only way that i will ever purchase an azbox me if opensat takes my premium :respect-055:

11-05-2011, 06:53 PM
I like the quirkyness of my Azbox Ultra and luv messing with Enigma 2 on it.I'll gladly buy the Azbox Me as soon as it's released.Can't wait. :)

11-05-2011, 07:11 PM
Well, there's a first for everything: "I love it when things don't work..." :D

Most of us don't... ;)

11-05-2011, 11:55 PM
Personally I will never buy another Opensat product. My Elite had the potential to be an excellent box but was let down by Opensat with lack of support. Our only hope now is in the hands of The Ripper and Co.

Better to invest in Dream clones at least the support is there

12-05-2011, 04:13 AM
I am quite happy with my old azbox (elite and premium). And do not forget that for some of us the receivers with linux operating system is a hobby so every new product in the scene is welcome , for these two reasons i had pre-ordered the new azbox me

12-05-2011, 07:48 PM
I like it to, as an hobby box, it's much cheaper to mess around with then the very much overpriced dream products.
Although everybody seems to forget that Enigma 1 on the dreambox took more then 2 years to be useful for daily watching. Yes RTi took the base of the dream platform but the drivers are all made new in a pretty short time.
Be patient it'll become better.

12-05-2011, 08:10 PM
Short it wasn't... And we have two beginnings in that time already...

Moreover, it's no longer just DMM: we have ET9000 by a Korean company and Vu+ Ultimo by Marusys, another Korean company. At least when it comes to Broadcom chips. But more with other chips, like Ali, SH4 and whatnot.

More on the way, we are told... ;)

The game's afoot! :D

15-05-2011, 09:02 AM
Like many people here ,i'm really disappointed by opensat.
Now ,i will sell my AZBOX PREMIUM and buy a Vu+ or DM800 or Clarke-Tech ET9000.
Please never talk me about Opensat

15-05-2011, 10:19 AM
:respect-050:and ι suppose that your new username will will be VU+4ever:cheers2:

15-05-2011, 10:54 AM
:respect-050:and ι suppose that your new username will will be VU+4ever:cheers2:

I think he should buy the VU+ because a nick like ClarkeTechET90004ever would be very long. :respect-062: (just kidding).
I would consider buying one of the above mentioned receivers if I was a rich hobbist but I think I'll choose a mini-me that (hopefully) will do more than them at a fraction of their cost...

15-05-2011, 11:03 AM
Can't do twin tuner thing, from the start...

So, more advanced stuff is OFF, too, like PiP from different TPs etc.

15-05-2011, 12:09 PM
For you twin tuner and PIP(!!!) is more essential.
For me the 1080p great media player, the 4:2:2 feeds at almost the 1/3 of the price of the "advanced" receivers is a knockdown...

15-05-2011, 01:45 PM
Apart from the unofficial work from the Ripper and team, I've been really disappointed with my Az premium.

It never lived up to what I was told it would do when I bought it. Worse still they are bringing out new boxes when they're still on Beta software for their current boxes. Is this some sort of sick joke?

There is no way I'd fall into the same trap and waste money on a company that makes big promises but never delivers.

I bought before in good faith, I believed in Opensat and they ripped me off. I'm not going to make the same mistake again.

If they ever want me to have one of their boxes again, It'd have to be supplied with a fully working and stable firmware. Not a crap piece of software that hides behind a beta label.


AZBOX has no respect for its customers!

15-05-2011, 04:15 PM

AZBOX has no respect for its customers!

I think at that time opensat could not do many things because of the known (now) agreement with the celrun, I also believe that H. Condessa took his << lesson **** that's why the new products of his company are coming without any involve from celrun.

15-05-2011, 06:11 PM
Great media player it ain't! Some of the cheapest little standalone media players are much better and really play all formats etc.

15-05-2011, 08:16 PM
Well, if we start to look after some missing things on all sat receivers we can find all diferent things, i for one buy the receiver to give me channels, and second to be open source so development do not stop there.

Now i am sure many here can show me back to many of my posting that i have hated Opensat for their policy in the past, but as i have said was not totaly their fold as Celerum did not allowed them to do what they liked, now that Neutrino HD and Android is in the picture i will give them a new chance and spend few hundreds of my hard earned money on them just to see how the new system works.

Lest se what they have to give us this time, and be sure if they do not keep their prommises this time, then my conversation with the guys at Anga will be made public on Youtube just to show them that they said what they said, but untill then i keep it for my self :-)

15-05-2011, 08:46 PM
Great media player it ain't! Some of the cheapest little standalone media players are much better and really play all formats etc.

C'mon mate don't try to refine the mosquito. The player is great and we all know it.
Whatever I say ain't gonna change your mind about the receiver or the company. I'm not satisfied either about their policy in general and I will not buy the mini-me until I'm certain that it does what it promises.
Maybe AZBox HD didn't deliver everything the company promised but that doesn't make it a crappy receiver. It is the only media box in my living room and it does what I want from it.
Anyway I will never give my hard earned money (as Friendly-Face sais) to the rip-off practicaly clone boxes you mention a few posts back and I hope you're joking about ali & SH4 chip receivers.

16-05-2011, 02:00 AM
Ahem... I have it in my living room and it's full of bugs - OFW or E2 and it doesn't stop with the satellite TV part - it goes on into media player part, too... From various sound formats, to various resolutions, to problems with photos, to..... You get the picture... :D 'Scuze the pun... :D

Sure, it plays some formats/containers but quite a few, that can be played with the aforementioned small, standalone media players - it can't!

Fact. Get over it. Not great! Good maybe but not great!

See, the thing is, if only somebody would write a decent, quality set of drivers + OS for it...

16-05-2011, 03:48 AM
:respect-050:and ι suppose that your new username will will be VU+4ever:cheers2:

No ,the new will be AZBOX-NEVER

16-05-2011, 09:28 AM
"-AGAIN" is missing... :D

16-05-2011, 10:46 AM
we will miss you AZBOX-NEVER.
hopefully we will all meet again at vu+ forums in the near future.
21/12/2012 is getting near than ever, and we would all like to enjoy our recievers until the end of the world comes.

16-05-2011, 01:13 PM
The question was rhetorical. The real answer is that Android is just another operating system which is using a linux kernel. Nothing special. Moreover Android could be successful in mobile devices but this doesn't mean it will also be successful for other devices, like your pc for example or your stb. And finally you need good hardware before considering using good software, not the other way around. You need a porsche engine with a decent chassis to make your car go fast, not a porsche chassis with a Yugo engine.

Hehehe, reading You is so funny.

You want to say that AzBox Me have bad HW ?!

667Mhz + 333 Mhz + 512 MB RAM is bad for You ?! Please tell me which STB currently on market have this specs ?!

Go on and read smartphone forums and there You will find a lot how powerfull and great is android ;) . Anyway OpenSat allowed on anga as seen on videos users to test the Android.

16-05-2011, 01:59 PM

Azbox are good cars, but Opensat hasn't yet found the right driver :sifone:


16-05-2011, 02:35 PM
667Mhz + 333 Mhz + 512 MB RAM
I think 667Mhz + 333 Mhz + 256 MB RAM


16-05-2011, 02:57 PM
A few have better specs but might not be this cheap.

That is not the issue, however: is this bird gonna sing like the proverbial DMM canary or not?!?

In terms of Sat TV part, too, not just multimedia, that is! And it ain't that simple, as otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Twin tuner it ain't no more! And DMM is going in that direction even with the 800SE model + new tuners...


16-05-2011, 03:20 PM
Twin tuner it ain't no more! And DMM is going in that direction even with the 800SE model + new tuners...


Well @that price you could buy 3 ME models, advantage:

you can serve 3 tv'' s

16-05-2011, 03:22 PM
A few have better specs but might not be this cheap.

That is not the issue, however: is this bird gonna sing like the proverbial DMM canary or not?!?

In terms of Sat TV part, too, not just multimedia, that is! And it ain't that simple, as otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Twin tuner it ain't no more! And DMM is going in that direction even with the 800SE model + new tuners...


The issue is that even if opensat launches a bugati veiron at the price of a seat ibiza you'll still try to find a flaw at it...

16-05-2011, 04:11 PM
A good enough incentive for them to sort it all out and make great drivers and OS?


Didn't think so... Sadly...

16-05-2011, 05:44 PM
A few have better specs but might not be this cheap.


Please name those "few" and I mean 1ghz proc and 512 ram, I would be supriced if you can name one ( Yes and I want the official datasheet, no hear says )

16-05-2011, 05:45 PM
this area is " AzBox HD E2 Newbie Questions ".
why are we talking about the "me", please open a new section for "the great me".
and leave us with our tears and dreams for the azbox e2.

the illuminati
16-05-2011, 05:51 PM
The issue is that even if opensat launches a bugati veiron at the price of a seat ibiza you'll still try to find a flaw at it...

no the problem is that opensat gave us a box with the price of 2 dm clones
(bugati)that works like a seat

16-05-2011, 05:52 PM
Hehehe, reading You is so funny.

You want to say that AzBox Me have bad HW ?!

667Mhz + 333 Mhz + 512 MB RAM is bad for You ?! Please tell me which STB currently on market have this specs ?!

We all bought the azbox premium and elite based on it's great hardware. On paper it looked amazing, in reality though it was flawed.

It takes much more than good hardware to make a good box.

16-05-2011, 06:26 PM
this area is " AzBox HD E2 Newbie Questions ".
why are we talking about the "me", please open a new section for "the great me".
and leave us with our tears and dreams for the azbox e2.

This area is: RTI Team and AZBox ME.
At least one of the members of RTI team is reading the thread and placed the same question like Carp95 above you.
If you can answer it please do so.
If you wanna talk about VU+ or how much opensat does respcect it's clients please do so at the propriate threads of the forum.

no the problem is that opensat gave us a box with the price of 2 dm clones
(bugati)that works like a seat

I bought my Elite 2 years ago at €225 that is the price of 1 chinese DM clone. In my mind I bought a seat that works like a seat (I happen to have a seat leon that kicks ass :respect-064:). Are we talking about clones here? Do you remember how many years took DM to present a decent firmware? I do because I still have the 7000 in my bedroom with it's crappy tuner to remind me. If things go well, that's where the mini-me will go...

the illuminati
16-05-2011, 06:54 PM
I bought my Elite 2 years ago at €225 that is the price of 1 chinese DM clone. In my mind I bought a seat that works like a seat (I happen to have a seat leon that kicks ass :respect-064:). Are we talking about clones here? Do you remember how many years took DM to present a decent firmware? I do because I still have the 7000 in my bedroom with it's crappy tuner to remind me. If things go well, that's where the mini-me will go...

maybe you are right but i bought my azy p+ for 380$ and bought a800 clone
165$ and working very good. but to be honest I've been using RC4 just for
TV and working fine hopefully the RTI team give us a fully working image :respect-064: as rc12 has a lot of probs but i think there will not be a new RC.. till July as the team are busy on other stuff for the ME and mini

16-05-2011, 07:01 PM
We all bought the azbox premium and elite based on it's great hardware. On paper it looked amazing, in reality though it was flawed.

It takes much more than good hardware to make a good box.

So why RTi Team is responsible for that ?!

Some users are spreading also wrong HW specs on this forum.

Me model have 512 MB RAM ( DRAM0 - 256 MB and DRAM1 - 256 MB )

Flash size is 512 MB, so it is enough for Android + Enigma2 + Neutrino at once, as all images can be compressed in yaffs2 ( jffs2 ).

In miniMe model there is 256 MB RAM ( DRAM0 - 128 MB and DRAM1 - 128 MB ) , flash size is 256 MB, which is enough for Enigma2 + Neutrino or Enigma2 multiple images....

As my colleague @telesat stated on other forums, new Enigma 2 Image for Elite/Premium/Premium+ and Ultra is comming ;)

CR support, New media player from Sigma which will solve playback of all files which are supported by Sigma SMP8634C CPU.

We already testing 1080p DTS .MKV and other files, and results are amazing, so dont worry about development of 8634.

16-05-2011, 07:11 PM
:bowing-036:new Enigma 2 Image for Elite/Premium/Premium+ and Ultra is comming ...
MickeySa when?

16-05-2011, 07:21 PM
This area is: RTI Team and AZBox ME.
At least one of the members of RTI team is reading the thread and placed the same question like Carp95 above you.
If you can answer it please do so.
If you wanna talk about VU+ or how much opensat does respcect it's clients please do so at the propriate threads of the forum.

this is a "Satpimps > AzBox HD Enigma 2 > AzBox HD E2 Newbie Questions"
and the thread of "RTI Team and AZBox ME" should be in Azbox ME, like there is a "Satpimps > AzBox > AzBox HD Newbie Questions".

and another thing nobody is blaming RTI team. just don't turn this thread into an advertisement to the azbox me. this is not the place because most users here are not satisfied with their current product from opensat.
its not only here, its same also in other forums throughout the middle-east and europe.

we didnt buy this product with the knowledge that RTI Team will try and build a new firmware. they did what they could to help, we very much appreciate them for it.

16-05-2011, 07:57 PM
this is a "Satpimps > AzBox HD Enigma 2 > AzBox HD E2 Newbie Questions"
and the thread of "RTI Team and AZBox ME" should be in Azbox ME, like there is a "Satpimps > AzBox > AzBox HD Newbie Questions".

Ohhh sorry, now i get it: The thread: RTI Team and AZBox ME is not about AZBox me but it is about dissapointed owners of AZBox HD. How stupid of me, thanks for guiding me to the light... :o16:
Now that I'm enlighted and after MickeySa's post (which is off-topic of course and I hope he is forgiven for that) I think I'll rest my case...

16-05-2011, 08:47 PM
I´ve read that the OS Android will be available in September .

But who can trust Opensat and their announces?

Nobody, as seen in last two years!

Another good hardware for Azbox Me without a chance to use it ?

Let´s wait and see and don´t buy it !!!

16-05-2011, 09:14 PM
If nobody buy the box, nobody could say, the box is top, or the box is crap.

16-05-2011, 09:14 PM
Well that should be clear enough

Take it easy m8. Opensat will get other compliant customers. I'm nearly not interested in this az-gizmo


16-05-2011, 09:55 PM
Hehehe, reading You is so funny.

You want to say that AzBox Me have bad HW ?!

667Mhz + 333 Mhz + 512 MB RAM is bad for You ?! Please tell me which STB currently on market have this specs ?!

Go on and read smartphone forums and there You will find a lot how powerfull and great is android ;) . Anyway OpenSat allowed on anga as seen on videos users to test the Android.
The AzBox Elite and Premium had nice specs too when they arrived, yet they can't handle twin tuners and they have terrible network speed.

16-05-2011, 11:16 PM
Hehehe, reading You is so funny.

You want to say that AzBox Me have bad HW ?!

667Mhz + 333 Mhz + 512 MB RAM is bad for You ?! Please tell me which STB currently on market have this specs ?!

Go on and read smartphone forums and there You will find a lot how powerfull and great is android ;) . Anyway OpenSat allowed on anga as seen on videos users to test the Android.Never seen AxBox ME, haven't seen the specs, never talked about that receiver. I was talking about azbox hd, the one with the beta firmware. Please tell me which STB has gone more than 2,5 years on beta firmware since its official release?

As for Android, i was only stating that Android is just another open source project, and open source has already entered the stb market a long time ago. Opensat has announced their cooperation with Android since 2009, however apart from the PR part where opensat is magnificent, the development part seems to be kind of slow, 2,5 years running on beta firmware is gonna enter the Guiness World Record Book!!

The AzBox Elite and Premium had nice specs too when they arrived, yet they can't handle twin tuners and they have terrible network speed.Maybe MickeySa can tell us what was wrong with the network speed and why other stbs have already solved network speed issues.

16-05-2011, 11:37 PM
Please name those "few" and I mean 1ghz proc and 512 ram, I would be supriced if you can name one ( Yes and I want the official datasheet, no hear says )

OK... Some may have answered it already, in this very thread - but OK...

Btw, I accept apologies gracefully.:respect-051:

I also gently close wide opened gobs, left like that in astonishment of a few years old story... :smash: :D :sifone: :respect-023:

ReelBox Avantgarde II


http://www.reel-multimedia.com/de/shop_reelbox_satellitenfernsehen_ technische_daten.php
CPU: AMD Mobile Sempron® 3700+ 2,00 GHz
DSP: Micronas DeCypher Multi-Format Decoder
2x DVB-S2-Single-Tuner für Satelliten-Empfang oder 2x DVB-C oder 2x DVB-T
3x Tuner-Steckplätze für Reel DVB-Karten "Plug & Play"
512 MB DDR2-667 (PC2-5300) Arbeitsspeicher + 1 freie Speicher Slot
320 GB SATA-Festplatte
DVD-DoubleLayer-Brenner, slimline & slot-in
Linux OS: OpenSource -> individuell erweiterbar
NetCeiver OS: uCLinux
Software-Aktualisierung: Netzwerk/Internet, USB oder DVD

Blu-Ray Laufwerk "slimline" als Datenspeicher
Tuner-Karten: Dual DVB-S & DVB-S2, Single DVB-S/-C
Tuner-Karten: Plug & Play / steck- und mischbar
Wireless (WLAN) WPA/WPA2 per USB 2.0
Wireless (WLAN) WPA/WPA2 per Mini-PCI Express
Smartcard-Reader kann intern nachgerüstet werden
1x zusätzlicher Common Interface-Schacht (intern nachrüstbar)
Tauschbares Front-Display in den Farben: Blau, Schwarz, Weiß, OLED
Arbeitsspeichererweiterung bis max. 4GB (3GB nutzbar) DDR2 über zwei Slots
CPU-Aufrüstung bis max.: AMD mobile Turion 64 and 64 X2, Socket: S1
Festplattenkapazität leicht erweiterbar per eSATA oder intern

3x Tuner-Steckplätze für DVB-Karten - Alle Tuner Plug&Play - steck- und mischbar
2x Common Interface-Schächte
1x PCI-Express-Steckplatz (16x)
1x Mini-PCI-Express-Steckplatz (Für WLAN Modul bedingt zugänglich!)
1x PCI-Steckplatz (belegt durch HDE)
4x SATA (2x belegt durch HD, eSATA)

1x 10/100/1000 Mbit Netzwerk (RJ-45)
1x eSATA
4x USB 2.0 (+1 Front USB)
2x FireWire (+1 Front FW)
2x PS/2-Anschlüsse (f. Tastatur und Maus)

HDMI (HDCP on board, Aktivierung vorbehalten)
DVI- und VGA-Anschluss für PC-Modus (bei Ausgabe über eigenen Monitor)
DIN-Buchse: YUV, RGB, S-Video, Composite

2x S/P-DIF-Ausgänge (1x optisch, 1x koaxial)
1x S/P-DIF-Eingang (Front)
2x Cinch-Buchsen (Stereo)
3x Mini-Klinkenbuchsen (Analog-Surround) nur für PC-Modus

IR-Fernbedienung, programmierbare Tasten inkl. TV-Datenbank

17-05-2011, 05:53 AM
Maybe MickeySa can tell us what was wrong with the network speed and why other stbs have already solved network speed issues.
The Sigma chipset in Elite and Premium has no dedicated chip for the network.

17-05-2011, 07:33 AM
Reelbox avantgarde II

Haha and you blaim Opensat for bad custumer support

Reelbox1100pvr--->ReelboxLite then dropped dvb-s2 support

Usergroup is very( and I mean very ) limited and support is crapp

17-05-2011, 07:41 AM
The Sigma chipset in Elite and Premium has no dedicated chip for the network.So the cpu has to handle the burden instead of a dedicated controller? That doesn't sound like good hardware design to me! But on the other hand if you want to lower the cost you will have to somehow find a compromise. Inferior hardware, less developers and so on...

17-05-2011, 08:25 AM
Me model have 512 MB RAM ( DRAM0 - 256 MB and DRAM1 - 256 MB )

Do u think we can use 2 memory banks for system and user application ?
On opensat website specification azbox ME:
Working Memory DDR 256 MB
Video Memory DDR 256 MB

As I remember Azbox Premium also have 2 memory banks:

Working Memory DDR 128 MB
Video Memory DDR 128 MB
For system and user left something about 100MB free.
So I think in Me will be something about 200MB free for system and user correct ?
I want to buy Azbox ME but I want to know more technical detail.
Now I have Premium.
Sorry for my english.

17-05-2011, 08:51 AM
Memory: 512 MB RAM + 1 GB On Board Storage Memory ( Storage )

Flash Memory: 128 MB

17-05-2011, 09:25 AM
Reelbox avantgarde II

Haha and you blaim Opensat for bad custumer support

Reelbox1100pvr--->ReelboxLite then dropped dvb-s2 support

Usergroup is very( and I mean very ) limited and support is crapp

You said there is NONE with specs like that. I gave you one better than ME!!! And you still blabber on!

Nothing was mentioned about user groups and support. You brought it up now so you don't have to acknowledge that you spoke by heart...

Do you even remember what you write?:smash: Old age, I guess... :rolleyes::rofl:

As for "bad customer support" - well, you said it now...

Both are bad. Never mind who's worse!

17-05-2011, 09:37 AM
You said there is NONE with specs like that. I gave you one better than ME!!! And you still blabber on!

Do you even remember what you write?:smash: Old age, I guess... :rolleyes::rofl:

Hmmm you probably forgot to put on your glasses:

Originally Posted by Carp95
Please name those "few" and I mean 1ghz proc and 512 ram, I would be supriced if you can name one ( Yes and I want the official datasheet, no hear says )

I don't see the word "NONE" anywhere, I knew the reelbox avantgardeII ( I even tested one)
Only ones who blabber in this topic are you guys you don't see me in other receiver topics posting why people should or shouldn't do/buy something.

Or digging up old corpses.

17-05-2011, 09:46 AM
why are all the V.I.P's here trying to sell us the new Azbox ME.
is it because the project for e2 has dropped, and if we buy the new Azbox ME, we might forget the e2 project?
maybe the ME will be a good product, maybe the ME will get the best customers support.
one thing is for sure, it takes time till any product from any company gets its name.
those that pay for a new product that comes in stock, takes their own risk, like we Azbox HD took. and I blaim myself for it.
if I would like to buy today a new reciever, I will buy a reciever that is at least one year on the market. and if I will want to buy in the future, then I will check the feedback of the product in the future.
I'm sure that in the future new products will also be in the market.
opensat censored our problems in their forum, they published only want they want their customers to see and I believe they will also continue this with the Azbox ME.

17-05-2011, 10:36 AM
Enigma2 new version is coming for elite/premium etc in next few days...

mediaplayer ok, card reader and fixes.

17-05-2011, 12:16 PM
why are all the V.I.P's here trying to sell us the new Azbox ME.
is it because the project for e2 has dropped, and if we buy the new Azbox ME, we might forget the e2 project
Good PR maybe? But now we have a new gimmick called Android, and from what opensat has shown us, they really know how to deliver BETA FIRMWARE. It is just a few of us who have no patience that are causing all this bad reputation...

I really wish they manage to port android or any other open source project to their stbs successfully, but I am afraid the hype building has already started.

the illuminati
17-05-2011, 12:26 PM
Enigma2 new version is coming for elite/premium etc in next few days...

mediaplayer ok, card reader and fixes.

can we have a date so i could send the kids away to test:D

17-05-2011, 02:49 PM
I realy hope you are not including me in tis bank, as i have been one of the few guys that have realy fight agaist Opensat when they droped Twin tuner support for the Elite and Premium.

I have been sloterd here and on Azbox forum and elsewhere from diferent ppl behind the Azbox, when i was raisong my voice at that time, so i realy do not need to sell you or any one anything.

Im VIP here becouse i have shown my self to the guys that needs to know who im and what i can do, i do not need to stay here and argue with you in smal talks, but i for sure do not accept to be told VIP becouse im selling you or any one else some product. I said it before i have pre-orderd mine and will like to give them a second chance, but i did not say you shall do the same :respect-023:

anyway im off to celebrate the indipended day, beter things to do in life then just sat stuff

why are all the V.I.P's here trying to sell us the new Azbox ME.

17-05-2011, 04:10 PM
Well I told nobody they have to buy the new box ( I will and I want both off them )

I'am quit happy with the older models ( It does what I want from a sat receiver, most movies I download just work without any hassle )

About the so called beta firmware;

Well Opensat already stated ( somewhere between 0.9.3xx and 0.9.4xx ) that 1.0 is just a number nothing more.
Certainly from 0.9.5xx I have a stable box I can watch and record without any hassle, shure browser isn't that much ( I didn't aspected it to be ) and picture viewer ( wich I wasn,t goone use anyway )

So I'am happy overall with the performance off Elite-Premium and Premium plus and original FW

17-05-2011, 04:59 PM
Hmmm you probably forgot to put on your glasses:

Really? Or maybe you forgot to switch your brain on?:smash:

Here is what has really been said by you:

Originally Posted by Carp95
Please name those "few" and I mean 1ghz proc and 512 ram, I would be supriced if you can name one ( Yes and I want the official datasheet, no hear says ) I named one with even better specs. But it seems to me you have a PhD in logics... :rolleyes: Suddenly you are not even "surprised".:smash: But your arrogance hasn't stopped you. You're embarrassing yourself freely, on and on...

I don't see the word "NONE" anywhere, I knew the reelbox avantgardeII ( I even tested one)

So, why have you said - if you knew it had better specs than ME - what you said? As I said, I suspect old age... [A hint: I'm giving you an easy way out here... Elegant, possible with a single smile... ;)]

OK, let me spell it out for those hard of comprehension [or die hard "Never give an inch" stiff-rigid lot, more like...:smash:]: if you say that you would be surprised if I find even one with specs like ME, it means you think there are no machines on the market with such specs. I did find one with specs better than ME! ACT SURPRISED!!! :D :D :D

No bull!!! Caught with your pants down. Now, do the honourable thing. If you know what that means... :rolleyes:

Let me be a gent and help you out here, as I strongly suspect you do not know - or don't remember :rolleyes: - what "honourable" is: apologise!:respect-051:


17-05-2011, 06:32 PM
Well first off all if someone wants respect, that person have to earn it.:respect-054:

Regarding your choice off words in your postings you can wait till your pants drop down ( and a while longer ):cheers2:

But this has seem to be a fight between us and that was not choosen by me and therefore i'am out.

Once more if you want respect!! earn it.:respect-023:

You don't see me asking for it

p.s You started name calling I didn't,
- you also know the box you brought up is a HTPC not a STB ( running VDR ) wich comes without a cardreader ( yes you can order one to put in but then you have to configure VDR all over again )

17-05-2011, 09:58 PM
Yes, one must earn it. And with this attitude, flying in the face of elementary logics and your own words, you never will!:smash:

And you did start it with inaccurate statements and therefore you asked for it!:respect-051:

Now, you're left sitting in your own do-do pretending it never happened.:bravo-009:

Very mature, worthy of respect, sure...:respect-039:

Btw., who started with "respect"?

Over and out!:sifone:

P.S. HTPC is NOT a [good] satellite receiver, too? And AZbug HD is not a [**** poor] PC, too? Well, I'll be damned... It's hard to keep track of all of the changes in the world... :rolleyes:

18-05-2011, 12:51 AM
can we have a date so i could send the kids away to test:D

sorry mate, nobody knows yet.
but really soon. from what i've been told, coders are hardworking finishing some code/tweaks.
from what i've been told:
Mediaplayer without any problems, lags or hicups.
Card reader working ok.
Bug fixes.

the illuminati
18-05-2011, 04:02 AM
sorry mate, nobody knows yet.
but really soon. from what i've been told, coders are hardworking finishing some code/tweaks.
from what i've been told:
Mediaplayer without any problems, lags or hicups.
Card reader working ok.
Bug fixes.

thanks friend i know that ,was just kidding trying to change the tense on the spec subject

but it seems as our friends here insiste on taking it to the next level and to court:302::302::302::302::D

18-05-2011, 07:18 AM
European Court of Elementary Logics, no less, if no justice is found here!!! :D

We have to kill this looooooooooooong wait for RC13, you see... :cool:

18-05-2011, 08:20 AM

You can have a box with the most powerful processor of the world and a big memory. If the software are craps, you do not go very far.
It's been over 2 years OPENSAT can not provide a firmware with basic functions that aren't bugged.

I prefer to have a box with modest processor and a stable firmware, than having a rocket with an effect of damp squib.

But some don't tell you the opposite, coz they don't bite the hand that feeds them.

Opensat are unprofessional trying to make as much money as possible in a very short period of time without worrying about what the end user.
When you ask a direct and critical question on there products by mail, you don't have a answer coz they don't speak english, they don't have the answer, the answer puts them in jeopardy for their image.

This is only my opinion.


18-05-2011, 10:08 AM
And mine...

the illuminati
18-05-2011, 08:11 PM
news from THE RIPPER

just to inform you that we got CR working so it will be included in next version

[ 2276.861000] sci: SMP8xxx driver loaded (rd_buffer_size = 256, wr_buffer_size = 256, freq = 3571200, interfaces = 1)
[ 2276.898000] sci0: card state change 0->1
[ 2276.902000] sci0: scard present detected.
[ 2276.906000] sci0: enabled smartcard interface.
[ 2280.936000] scard_open :: scard_priv[minor=0].b_mode = 0
[ 2280.942000] scard_ioctl :: cmd = 80247305
[ 2280.946000] ioctl IOCTL_GET_PARAMETERS: sci0
[ 2280.951000] scard_ioctl :: cmd = 80247304
[ 2280.956000] ioctl IOCTL_SET_PARAMETERS: sci0
[ 2280.961000] T=0 f=3571200 EGT=1 ETU=372
[ 2280.965000] scard_ioctl :: cmd = 80047308
[ 2280.970000] ioctl IOCTL_GET_IS_CARD_PRESENT: sci0 -> 1
[ 2280.976000] scard_ioctl :: cmd = 80047301
[ 2280.980000] clk = 28 | tangox_get_sysclock() = 200250000 | frequency = 3571200 | cold = 1
[ 2280.991000] sci0: scard activation starts ..
[ 2280.995000] sci0: Try 5V ..
[ 2281.004000] Sleep for 1000 jiffies.
[ 2281.014000] sci0: got data 0x23 (cnt: 1)
[ 2281.014000] sci0: error interrupt (status: 0x0000000c)
[ 2281.014000] sci0: SCARD_CTRL : 0x081577e0
[ 2282.004000] Wrong ts detected 0x23 (need to reverse the polarity and MSB)
[ 2282.011000] clk = 28 | tangox_get_sysclock() = 200250000 | frequency = 3571200 | cold = 0
[ 2282.022000] sci0: scard activation starts ..
[ 2282.026000] sci0: Try 5V ..
[ 2282.034000] Sleep for 1000 jiffies.
[ 2282.039000] sci0: got data 0x3b (cnt: 2)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0xf7 (cnt: 3)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x11 (cnt: 4)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x0 (cnt: 5)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x1 (cnt: 6)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x40 (cnt: 7)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x96 (cnt: 8)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x70 (cnt: 9)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x70 (cnt: 10)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0xa (cnt: 11)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0xe (cnt: 12)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x6c (cnt: 13)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0xb6 (cnt: 14)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0xd6 (cnt: 15)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x90 (cnt: 16)
[ 2282.265000] sci0: got data 0x0 (cnt: 17)
[ 2283.034000] Correct ts detected 0x3b
[ 2283.034000] sci0: got response from the scard --> switch to normal

02-08-2011, 05:28 PM
im gonna buy an ME.

WHEN they finally come out, but i want it for blind scanning.

02-08-2011, 10:21 PM
Manik, m8: why is that on the forum, please?

(You do seem a bit manic, hehe... :D)

03-08-2011, 05:09 PM
Manik, m8: why is that on the forum, please?

(You do seem a bit manic, hehe... :D)

Eh, i dont get it mate?

03-08-2011, 05:28 PM
Oh, there's a thread about ME and when are they gonna get "out", for instance...

Then, you haven't responded to my question, after me repeating it, here:

And besides, after all, this is a personal thing, which is neither here, nor there, really...

So, just wondering how you're operating, that's all... :D

03-08-2011, 06:41 PM
thanks friend

09-08-2011, 11:22 AM
New info from Smart Innovation. Smart Innovation is the distributor for belgium, netherland, german and austria.

They get the AZBox Me in the second week of september. So you can look for this box in the third week of september I think. Enduserprice should be under 250.- Euro included tax.

AZBox Me will be run under neutrino at delivery. But also E2 supports by RTI-team would be available at beginning. Android would be supports later.

09-08-2011, 11:48 AM
Oh, there's a thread about ME and when are they gonna get "out", for instance...

Then, you haven't responded to my question, after me repeating it, here:

And besides, after all, this is a personal thing, which is neither here, nor there, really...

So, just wondering how you're operating, that's all... :D

so offensive.

theres an old addage: "if you dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all."


09-08-2011, 12:55 PM
No, it's not. Light-hearted. ;) And descriptive only, up to a point. :D

They say people choose their nicks for a reason...

It was meant to be a bitta foon, 's all... :)

09-08-2011, 01:06 PM
No, it's not. Light-hearted. ;) And descriptive only, up to a point. :D

They say people choose their nicks for a reason...

It was meant to be a bitta foon, 's all... :)

i love you really mate!

09-08-2011, 02:26 PM
Hehe, see, you do have a sense of humour... :D

Oh, I was hoping you'll say something like "Who can keep tabs on all the threads I'm involved in" and I'd say something like "Tell me about it - in my case not even the almighty (Google) can help..." :D

Voila, that's it... Laughing at oneself is healthy, they say... :D

09-08-2011, 03:22 PM
Here I have a foto aof the motherboard from ME

09-08-2011, 05:03 PM
nice one mate....have you seen one in action.

09-08-2011, 05:46 PM
No, I haven't seen one in action. But I hope we can see one in a view days.

16-09-2011, 01:21 PM
any news on the ME?

17-10-2011, 01:46 PM

wont you be able to do blindscan out of the box?

22-11-2011, 06:52 PM
The blind scan function has to be implemented by the firmware and as of yet that has not happened.
So while the receiver supports the blind scan function it is currently inoperative due to the fact there is no firmware out yet to turn this feature on.

Reports are coming in that the receiver will not do 16/32 APSK signals as some had thought it would do but again those who stated it would were only throwing out hearsay opinions of those who never supplied the correct facts as Opensat never stated these receivers would do 16/32 APSK signals.

The ME is capable of loading in 1 of 3 different firmwares and this is going to make it very confusing in the future for anyone using these receivers as each firmware will be different and act different. Talk about chaos ! :biggrinjester:

Why some menus refer to satellites as "Service "is only going to add to more confusion. Plus the fact they geared this receiver only to the European market once again and have left out the satellites from the North American market.
(oh yeah, they forgot and that problem will be fixed in the next update!) :frown:

Maybe in 3 more years this receiver will be ready for the masses but at present it appears to be some mighty inept folks at the helm of this company right now.

I rate this receiver today with 4 thumbs down out of 6, and this comes from one who has been an Azbox user for some time now and I have been pleased with them even though there are some quirks but overall the Premium Plus and the Ultra receivers were not bad once you figured out some workarounds.

Coming out with this confusion not is only going to infuriate the masses I am afraid! :beatdeadhorse5:
