View Full Version : Upcoming RC13 preview

21-05-2011, 09:23 AM
Upcoming RC13 preview


Here is Video of upcoming RC13 version. Finally Audio problems are fully fixed.


Just to confirm from my side too, that audio as much as I tested channels that I haven't had audio on channel changing, now there is no more problem. We will continue to test ...


New image will include a new mediaplayer library. This will be used for movie playback.

because it's a whole new library not all functions will be supported yet, but performance will be much better. Similar functionality (and maybe more) as official firmware will be added in the next weeks

External srt subs will not yet be supported in initial release on sunday. I will try to add this options as high prio next week (but no promises). When added I hope compatibility of srt files will be the same as on official firmware



We hope all SAT audio problems are fixed,we are testing satellites we can get signal from.
If you are refering to media player we shell see.
Anyway pls wait till we release and then we can see.


21-05-2011, 11:24 AM

Really getting there now, the team continues to do a great job.

21-05-2011, 11:47 AM
At the beginning of the video the sound that is coming outta that is scary, I must say...

I suppose it was killed later and we weren't supposed to have heard it at all...

It matters not, if he says it's OK, I hope... ;)

All those were FTA? Card Reader working?

Anyone tested?

21-05-2011, 11:47 AM
Are the audio synch delays on media player fixed?

24-05-2011, 07:38 AM
It seems there's plenty to see... :D They keep looking and looking at it... :D

24-05-2011, 08:04 AM
Hmmm... Just read on some forum that RC13 will not be published, as it was somehow rather flawed... Moreover, that the entire RC program will be ditched...

Not sure what that means but this calls for a proper explanation by the author himself, it seems...

[Had a bad feeling about this... (Just don't start the whole "13" thing, please!!! :D :D :D)]

24-05-2011, 12:52 PM
If it were like you say,how come other forums know things that are not posted in the original team forum?
You should also ask yourself if authors should even pay attention to rumors you are reading somewhere else and posting here.
First things first : you must provide a proper explanation about what makes this posts you are reading elsewhere a true reflection of what is happening.
Also,what entitles you to demand an explanation from the authors over "something you heard",what makes the source credible,and explicitly why you spread a rumor that would be just solved in itself (by authors posting affirmations of what is being said),if true.

Don't you think is wiser for you to challenge those rumors where they are originating ,more than spreading a demand from authors to clarify them ? how could there be a need of clarification if rumors are unfounded?
Will you be the one attacking those that started the rumors if those were not true?
I bet you won't.

Let things be what they will be,true or not.Rumors only hurt people,and this might be exactly what is expected.

24-05-2011, 02:25 PM
You really dont have nothing else to do in your life then to spread false sh**s on forums.
Anyway image is out but only for users who has access on our BETA forum section.
We are still cleaning new code, sattomy is working hard to finish some last functions in media player, etc ...

24-05-2011, 03:49 PM
@ The Ripper wouldnt even waste time on people whinging and moaning about the work you and your team are doing.

Some people just love to complain

Everyone should be grateful or the time and effort been put in, and level of knowledge to even undertake such a challenge

24-05-2011, 04:33 PM
Come, come now... I am happy and relieved that is the case... :cool: And that's the truth! :)

However, if you read carefully what I really wrote, you will see that I haven't stated anything - but called for more info "from the inside".

I mean, how could I state anything for sure, since I haven't any contact with you?

So, I called for some clarification, from the only person who could clarify this...

I simply read something and asked a question. That's all. Maybe it was a joke, after all... :D

Btw, is anybody on the team superstitious, by any chance? :D Somebody might have wrongly connected the dots thanx to that, maybe? :D

[Easy now...]

24-05-2011, 05:06 PM
Kebien and others: there is another possibility you are not considering. A simple misunderstanding. Some cross-wiring happened and then we have such a situation in which rumours can spread.

There are other possibilities, too.

Like a mean, nasty rumour spreading, in order to hurt somebody. That was a consideration of mine, too. (I was rather careful, if you actually read what I wrote.)

Then, there is a possibility of a joker, kidding about somebody's superstitious nature, taking the proverbial Mickey. I also considered that...

And so on...

So, what does one do?!? What can stop/prevent all of those from spreading?

What I did!

One post that asks a question, asks for clarification. That's all it takes.

Think about it: my simple question, thanx to The_Ripper's clarification, killed all the rumours... I am sure The_Ripper wasn't really injured by posting a single post... He did that before, many times. it was a reasonable action on my part. Ask a simple question and be done with it all - the guessing, the joking, the mean, purposeful rumour spreading...

I mean, be fair: if you don't have a direct line of communication with them, there is no real info from the team for a while, the general deadline broadly given has passed, nothing is moving and hence the room for rumours is growing - what can you do? What I did. I asked a question. No harm done. In fact, it cleared it all up now...

You welcome, btw... ;)

26-05-2011, 12:27 PM
I believe you do not even understand what you wrote.
Not literally,nor conceptually.
You did exactly the WRONG thing,NOTHING to thank you for.
Even The ripper telling you to find something else to do is not a clear enough hint to you??

26-05-2011, 01:31 PM
I think you have either read my post completely WRONGLY or you have read somebody else's post. NOTHING to do with me.

I clearly wanted to know. And I know a great many people who share this with me. If you can't understand that, then there is nothing more to be said... What would be the point?

You obviously came here to talk at me [arrogance] and not to talk with me, in good faith. That speaks of your current state of mind but it has NOTHING to do with me. Let me know when you're ready to be a decent guy and talk to me...

26-05-2011, 01:42 PM
Btw, I have investigated as to where it came from. It appears there was the case of crossed wires, after all.

And that proves what I stated earlier, making you look really arrogant and rather foolish. Why? Well, I said that different possibilities were on the table and that that was the reason why I asked for clarification. Turns out that was the one. Or at least mostly the one...

Moreover, do I really need to spell it out for you: that post by The_Ripper, a single and simple post, actually killed the rumours.

Well, anyhow, now I will post a "rumour", as I heard it from multiple sources, double checked it, so it seems genuine...

It seems there will be no RC any more (see the connection and how "crossed wires" have happened, as I said might have been the case?).

It seems this turned out to be the point at which the team will publish it as version 1.0. Apparently, very stable, most things are working fine etc.

We'll see if this is the case in the coming days... I have no doubt it's coming soon, now...

26-05-2011, 02:42 PM
Rumors have never done anything good.

What really is happening only knows the RTi, and the rest is speculation.

They have also been rumors that the reader will never work and these things does not believe them.

The_Ripper has made it very clear that they are working on it.

And that's the only truth.

26-05-2011, 05:52 PM
I think you have either read my post completely WRONGLY or you have read somebody else's post. NOTHING to do with me.

I clearly wanted to know. And I know a great many people who share this with me. If you can't understand that, then there is nothing more to be said... What would be the point?

You obviously came here to talk at me [arrogance] and not to talk with me, in good faith. That speaks of your current state of mind but it has NOTHING to do with me. Let me know when you're ready to be a decent guy and talk to me...

You've read a rumour and called out the ripper to waste his time giving a full explanation to you.

The ripper owes you, me or anyone else nothing. The man has worked tirelessly to bring the azbox back to life.

If he wasted his time replying to every rumour that was posted somewhere on the net we wouldn't even be on RC1.

So, rather than expecting him to waste time answering to us it is much better to leave him and the team to work in peace.

When there is news, he will let us know, as he has been doing all along.

If one has no programming skill to help with the development, the best way to help is to be patient.

I'm sure you were trying to help, but spreading rumours is not the way to do so.

26-05-2011, 06:18 PM
You've read a rumour and called out the ripper to waste his time giving a full explanation to you.

Incorrect. I stated clearly I was pleased with the shortest possible post he wrote.

The ripper owes you, me or anyone else nothing. The man has worked tirelessly to bring the azbox back to life.

Indeed, he has and as you can see from my post I am greatfull. So, you're knocking on an opened door.

If he wasted his time replying to every rumour that was posted somewhere on the net we wouldn't even be on RC1.

But he didn't. And this time it was different: announcements here and there and everywhere and so on and then - silence. Please read my post carefully... It's all there.

So, rather than expecting him to waste time answering to us it is much better to leave him and the team to work in peace.

How long do you think it took him, to write that short a message? C'mon...

When there is news, he will let us know, as he has been doing all along.

Indeed. So, he is used to it. One post here, another one there. No harm done to ask the question. And I repeat: ask the question, not anything else!

If one has no programming skill to help with the development, the best way to help is to be patient.

As if I have a choice but be patient. And as if I am not. All I asked was a denial or confirmation. Not a tough ride.

I'm sure you were trying to help, but spreading rumours is not the way to do so.

I did no such thing. Please, once again, read my posts above. carefully and fairly, as in "open-minded" reading...


28-05-2011, 11:35 AM
Incorrect. I stated clearly I was pleased with the shortest possible post he wrote.

Indeed, he has and as you can see from my post I am greatfull. So, you're knocking on an opened door.

But he didn't. And this time it was different: announcements here and there and everywhere and so on and then - silence. Please read my post carefully... It's all there.

How long do you think it took him, to write that short a message? C'mon...

Indeed. So, he is used to it. One post here, another one there. No harm done to ask the question. And I repeat: ask the question, not anything else!

As if I have a choice but be patient. And as if I am not. All I asked was a denial or confirmation. Not a tough ride.

I did no such thing. Please, once again, read my posts above. carefully and fairly, as in "open-minded" reading...


It looks like everyone already knows who's the "closed-minded" here.
STOP REPLYING to justify your wrong doings.
Bad enough you helped to spread a bad rumor (that is the basics of your fault) to still hear you lecture everyone about how easy it was to solve it (but this could have gone HORRIBLE WRONG,POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS if The Ripper makes not post at all,which is what you do not grasp),that make your case even worst : a stubborn,self-justified,self-praised and arrogant confused man justifying his actions.
I bet you copy and pasted The Ripper post to other forums to show yourself as the "savior" of RC13 doom.
Would be a typical move from a guy like you.
You should apologize tp the members here,rather to ask them for their thanks.

People in this forum DIDN'T NEED THE RIPPER POST TO KEEP THEIR FAITH ON THEIR DEVELOPMENT,even if the rumors become true : most everyone is already grateful it got to this stage.

28-05-2011, 01:49 PM
and this is why i almost stopped posting in this forum...too many cry babies and kids ...

28-05-2011, 02:57 PM
The Ripper, RTI Team - THANKX

28-05-2011, 09:38 PM
Kebien, but he did. Do you see the point now?

28-05-2011, 10:33 PM
The Ripper is TELLING YOU TO F@CK OFF,that's the only point I see.
You are not backing up,still.
How delusional are you?

29-05-2011, 08:48 AM
Kebien, why are you doing this? Have you asked yourself that simple question?

The matter has been closed, done, finished. What twisted pleasure do you get out of this baseless hounding of people? Policeman by any chance? Or a politician? WTF?!?

29-05-2011, 03:20 PM

29-05-2011, 04:11 PM
Kebien, why are you doing this? Have you asked yourself that simple question?

The matter has been closed, done, finished. What twisted pleasure do you get out of this baseless hounding of people? Policeman by any chance? Or a politician? WTF?!?

I know exactly why I do this,because is the right thing to do,and prevent others from doing the same thing.
This is not the rumor's section.
I enjoy this as much as you enjoy spreading rumors, is way less pathetic.
And keep other trolls from ever doing it again.

29-05-2011, 04:50 PM
You really have no shame, do you?!? I spread no rumours, I asked a question. I claimed nothing!!!

Moreover, as I said openly, I respect The_Ripper, his hard work and talent, so this ****e from you is utterly unwarranted!

Not only that but I explained that the rumour I wanted cleared up was based in crossed wires, so it was quite clear where it initiated.

It was also cleared up with 1 sentence from The_Ripper, a post many have waited for, since there was nothing happening, so no big deal - I think you know that 1 sentence doesn't take long to write.

But why do I bother with somebody who obviously has nothing but arrogance and bad attitude. Why would he have to listen to anybody. He is so superior, so...

Enough of this ****e, I'm outta here!

29-05-2011, 05:55 PM
@Telesat (RTI-Team) has published in another forum that the new FW E2 1.0 is comming tonight.
And we all hope this is true.:respect-063:

regards Olaf