View Full Version : Latest patch 741P TM6800HD Super

28-05-2011, 11:22 AM
Thanks to Titus for posting the latest patch 741P:-

However on the 'Phantom site' it does state this is also for TM6900HD Super series as well as TM6800HD Super - anyone else tried it yet on the TM6900HD Super, as I'm about to try myself? :rolleyes:

28-05-2011, 11:34 AM
says invalid patch when i tried it, seems strange why i couldn't find a 6900 yet as i am looking for that too

28-05-2011, 11:37 AM
hi been looking for new patch for 6900hd
let us know how you find 6800 patch working on 6900hd super
abit hesitant myself trying it
thanks titus you cleard it up

28-05-2011, 12:27 PM
Yes I've just tried patch 741P on my TM6900HD Super and does state invalid patch - even though original Phantom patch clearly appears to state its for BOTH 6800 & 6900HD Supers!
Thanks for input guys, we all in same boat then without a new patch for TM6900HD Supers!!:respect-050:

(On reflection it seems that our friend Phantom may have wrongly posted a patch 111P for TM6902HD Super by mistake for the TM6900HD Super - within his post for the TM6800 - TM6900HD Supers post!)

28-05-2011, 01:31 PM
I'm looking for new patch for tm6900hd super too - looking around various forums - nothing yet but will let you know if find it.

28-05-2011, 03:32 PM
I'm looking for new patch for tm6900hd super too - looking around various forums - nothing yet but will let you know if find it.

Same here mate as stated above - but still think Phantom may have posted wrong patch (111P) with TM6800HD Super one on his site - so there MAY actually be one but I believe he accidentally posted one for TM6902HD instead!
So hope our friend Phantom sees this thread!:respect-051:

29-05-2011, 04:08 PM
Looking at the TM site - there is an official 741 (with no p) for the 6900 super - thus I would agree with Holmroad - I'm sure Phant0m will put the 741p up as soon as he realizes.

29-05-2011, 04:37 PM
All I'm now worried about is whether Phantoms stopped doing updates for the TM6900HD Super series in favour of the TM6902HD?:confused::confused:

29-05-2011, 06:30 PM
All I'm now worried about is whether Phantoms stopped doing updates for the TM6900HD Super series in favour of the TM6902HD?
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Yes - I'm getting worried now too. Would have thought it should have appeared by now. Wish we could at least get some information.

30-05-2011, 12:06 PM
So what does it do on the 6800HD Super...anyone know?

30-05-2011, 12:28 PM
does the tm6800 non super rec updates as well nowadays. was gonna pass it on as i aint used it for a while

30-05-2011, 02:39 PM
I found in another forum:

Phantompatch-TM6902HDT2_111p-27-05-2011.stb.zip (6.29 MB, 0 views)

Phantompatch-TM6800HDSuper_741p-27-05-2011.stb.zip (4.78 MB, 0 views)

but not for 6900!! End of support ?

30-05-2011, 03:04 PM
Thats exactly what I'd said above mate - just hoping we might be wrong - come on Phantom please!!!:iagree:

(Pity patch 111P for TM6902HD Super doesn't work on the TM6900HD Supers!!)

30-05-2011, 05:17 PM
Here's a reply I got from a mod on another forum:

"the 6902 patch WONT work on the 6900, if a 6800 patch is out, then the 6900 patch exists, as they are so similar, it looks to be an error when they were uploaded. I have emailed Phant0m about it, as well as about a few other things, but havent heard any reply yet"

So there is hope

30-05-2011, 10:05 PM
Hi guys,just tested the official TM fw 741 on my TM-6900 HD Combo Super and was amazed by its 7-days EPG on Greeks terrestial ch's and even on ZDF on Astra1.
I had only now and next option on these ch's program guide so far.
So the conclusion is that there's got to be a 741 phantom patch ready out there,but not released yet,let's just be a little more patient.

31-05-2011, 11:36 AM
About to try the new patch 741P for the TM6900HD Super as requested from Phantom - have to assume he posted the incorrect one by mistake originally as I'd questioned!
Thanks Phantom!!:respect-050:

PLTV on 10E still goes jerky after a couple of mins, but EPG is very good onm 28E, even though the 'next two' days don't seem to work properly for me - but comes in well on third day onwards!
Not sure about Biss TV channels or Can***** channels - is Canal Sat supposed to be on 19E, the C+ Ned remaining ones?

01-06-2011, 10:51 AM
Seems there may be an inherent weakness with HD channels with latest patch 741P as I've already reported PLTV on 10E still gets jerky after a couple of minutes (as it did on 740P) plus others have reported similar with Channel 4 HD on 28E?:confused: