View Full Version : can we have an E2 chat section pls? good site for satellites.xml

28-05-2011, 02:08 PM
first off;


pick and choose which sats u want in the menu to scan....

BRING ON the E2!!!!!

ps the xml file goes here:


28-05-2011, 03:01 PM
Good idea.

It would be nice to know and learn what E2 is and does, how to load it and what
advantages it has over the Icecrypt f/w.

Will it take the plugins and run Mcas etc with the w/card togerher with a 7 day EPG.

Idiot`s Guide please.

28-05-2011, 03:34 PM
well, for starters, it is a big improvement over the ori f/w in my opinion.

lots of emu, skins, plugins for all sorts of things. (inc editing\cutting recordings!)

there is a 7 day SLY UK epg, using CROSSEPG which d/l the info from the web.

web interface, and just an improvement over ori f/w, nice to be able to use cateyes channels list too.

or u can use that site i linked above to create whichever sats u want to see, and then do a scan, just much more support.

not sure if it will run mcas....

28-05-2011, 04:04 PM
How do you load it?

Will the original f/w need to be deleted or prepared in some way?

Can the original f/w be reinstated without problems?

Midnight R
28-05-2011, 04:32 PM
Cmon, ManikMike put together a guide for installing E2 or point to one!

Edit; found it in the stickies!

28-05-2011, 04:43 PM
tut lazyness!!! :)

all the info has been here for months:

if u want to run it off usb stick click here: (i used to, might be a good idea so u get used to it)


if u dont want to run it off USB stick, u can run if from the main internal HDD,

click here: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=799175#post79917 5

29-05-2011, 09:25 AM
Well... Iīve got the USB Stick!

After reading the various `how toīs it is clear that to a rank beginner there is a good
chance of bricking the stb.

What is really required is for one of the `whizz kidsīto put together all the software
bits and pieces into a simple plugin which will run the lot! (what a chance to become
a Legend!) seperately from the original f/w.

I don`t know what the demand for this would be. Perhaps those interested could click
the `thanksībutton which would give an idea.

31-05-2011, 12:26 PM
new section made for E2 discussions

thread moved into it

31-05-2011, 05:22 PM
Well... Iīve got the USB Stick!

After reading the various `how toīs it is clear that to a rank beginner there is a good
chance of bricking the stb.

What is really required is for one of the `whizz kidsīto put together all the software
bits and pieces into a simple plugin which will run the lot! (what a chance to become
a Legend!) seperately from the original f/w.

I don`t know what the demand for this would be. Perhaps those interested could click
the `thanksībutton which would give an idea.

only 2 thankyou's! hardly worth it then.
