View Full Version : 741p and Diablo 2 CAM

29-05-2011, 03:46 PM
After loading the new 741p patch on my TM6800HD Super, I noticed some strange behaviour from my Diablo 2 CAM. Every time I selected an encrypted channel, it cleared but this message briefly flashed on screen:

Ipnosys 0.33
Keys are expired!
Please, insert your card.

Bizzarely, the message even appeared on channels which were being decrypted by an official card in the TM's own card slot and it stayed on screen until I pressed OK. This kind of thing has never happened with previous patches.

Anyway, I think I have solved the problem by going to the configuration menu in Ipnosys 0.33 and changing the setting for the smartcard message from show normal to show never.

29-05-2011, 04:12 PM
Anyway, I think I have solved the problem by going to the configuration menu in Ipnosys 0.33 and changing the setting for the smartcard message from show normal to show never.

Thanks for the tip, will try this as the message pop up everytime you change channel on certain tv package...

29-05-2011, 07:05 PM
Simple fix goto config on Diablo change messages to not be shown:flowers-007:

30-05-2011, 04:11 PM
My first post reported some strange behaviour from my Diablo 2 CAM (Rev 3.9) with patch 741p. I also have a Diablo 2.3 updated to Diablo 2 (Rev 4.0) and that gives a different error message (saying that there is no card for this encryption) but only on channels being decrypted by the official card in the TM's card slot, not those decrypted by patch 741p or the Diablo 2 CAM itself.

Again, it was easy to remove in the configuration menu, but is this the first reported difference between Diablo 2 Rev 3.9 and Rev 4.0?